Good Morning

It is a gorgeous sunny Monday morning in my 'hood. I set myself up outside with breakfast & the little laptop. I'm working on a project for my pal. I figure if I have to work might as well enjoy the fresh air and Vitamin D too.

Filled my super cool bento box with mostly leftovers... leftover bacon from the BBQ Baked Beans I made for tonight and leftover Fruit Salsa from last night's snack/dessert.

Pink Box (top left): Shelly's Berry-Banana Yogurt
Green Box (top right): Shelly's Fruit Salsa
Blue Box (bottom left): Bacon
Orange Box (bottom right): Apple Cinnamon Soy Crisps

I made some Fruit Salsa last night to have during The Amazing Race. Disappointed my favorite team the Globetrotters were eliminated. The brothers are driving me batty with their bickering... if it's this bad in their 20's could you imagine when they were 12? Their poor Mom. Anyway... the salsa was yummy.

Shelly's Fruit Salsa

1/3 cup Frozen Blueberries, defrosted
1/3 cup Frozen Cherries, defrosted, chopped
1/3 cup Frozen Mango, defrosted, chopped
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla - on sale now)
dash of Cinnamon

Mix together till well combined. Refrigerate any unused portion. I had them with Apple Cinnamon Soy Crisps they'd also be yummy with Caramel Soy Crisps, on top of Greek Yogurt, Sweetened Ricotta Cheese, Sugar Free Pudding, Cottage Cheese, Protein Cake, Protein Ice Cream, Oatmeal.

Any combo of fruit would be delicious. You could add some nuts or unsweetened coconut too. A Tropical Fruit Salsa (Pineapple, Mango, Banana, Coconut), a New England Fruit Salsa (Apples, Pears, Cranberries, Blueberries, Walnuts), an All Berry Fruit Salsa (Raspberry, Blueberry, Strawberry)

Shelly's Berry-Banana Yogurt

3 oz. Fage Greek Yogurt (I use 2%)
1/2 Banana, mashed
1-2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used a combo of SF Strawberry & SF Raspberry - also on sale)

Mix together till well combined.

Weekend Wrap Up

Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. Friday was beautiful, 70's. I went on a hike & picnic (below). Packed up the super cool bento box and took off. Came home and as I was sitting outside BBQing dinner I watched the gray clouds roll in...

Saturday morning I woke up to sprinkles but I figured some of the sellers would brave it at the Farmer's Market so fought the urge to hit the snooze button, bundled up and went. Was so glad I did. I got great stuff... oodles of Apples and Pears (thinking it's time for Roasted Pears with Ricotta again), Cucumbers, Squash, Cauliflower, Onions and Peppers (which will be roasted today). It rained off & on all Saturday. I worked on computer project & took some breaks to watch the rain with a cup of Pear Rooibos Tea w/ a splash of SF Caramel Torani Syrup. Mmmm.

Today the sun has popped out finally and I'm thinking I'll head out soon and get some walking in. I'm also hoping to get the Christmas tree & indoor decorations up at some point today. The Plan: Tune in Direct TV's holiday music channel, make some SF Candy Cane Cocoa and turn this place into a winter wonderland.

Is your tree up yet?

Pink Box (top left): Shelly's Waldorf Salad
Green Box (top right): Sugar Snap Peas
Blue Box (bottom left): Babybel & Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Orange Box (bottom right): (in blue silicon container) Shelly's Holiday Nuts

Shelly's Waldorf Salad

1/2 cup cooked Chicken (I used Naked Nuggets, sliced, Rotisserie would be great)
1 Fuji Apple, diced
1 stalk Celery, sliced
1/4 cup Red Grapes, halved
2 Tablespoons Walnuts, chopped
2 Tablespoons Golden Raisins

Creamy Lemon Dressing
1 Tablespoon Lemon Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Fruity Vinegar (Orange, Lemon, Champagne. I used Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegar)
3 Tablespoons Fage Greek Yogurt
zest of 1/2 a Lemon
Kosher Salt to taste
a few twists of Black Pepper

Toss all ingredients together with creamy lemon dressing. Mix till coated.

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Desserts - 5 Minute Cranberry Protein Cake

This was my Thanksgiving dessert. It was soooo good I had it for breakfast this morning too...

Bariatric Surgery Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve Recipes RNY VSG WLS Low Carb Fitness Healthy Desserts
Shelly's 5 Minute Cranberry Protein Microwave Cake

1 Egg, beaten
3 Tablespoons Milk (any)
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Vanilla Torani Syrup
2 Tablespoons Cranberry Sauce
2 Tablespoons Canola Oil
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
2 Tablespoon Unsweetened Coconut (Almond Meal/Flour can be subbed)
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
Pinch salt
1 Measuring Cup or Microwave Safe Mug (I use a 2 cup measuring cup)

In a measuring cup or microwave safe mug, Mix egg, milk, syrup, cranberry and oil and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix pancake mix, coconut, protein powder, cinnamon and salt. Tip dry into wet and stir till combined. Nuke in microwave for 2 minutes*. Let it sit for 3 or so minutes (it pulls away from the sides) before tipping the cake onto a plate. Yields 4-5 slices.

*Microwave wattage varies. Start with 2 minutes and add 20 second increments if needed till no liquid is seen, no moisture on top. My microwave is getting old and cakes now take 2 minute, 20 seconds in it.

I topped my slice with No Sugar Added Homemade Whipped Cream and a drizzle of more Cranberry Sauce thinned with a little SF Torani Vanilla Syrup. Cranberry not your thing...

Try the 30 (well not quite 30 but pretty darn close) other flavors of Eggface Protein Cakes.

More Eggface Fall & Thanksgiving Recipes and Ideas

Thanksgiving 2009

Hope everyone had a great day and didn't do too much damage. One thing great about cooking Thanksgiving dinner is the next day's meal is super easy. Leftovers. Yum.

We had a nice quiet day chatted with family & friends, watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and movies, played games, went for a walk around the lake near my house, oh yeah and ate...

On the menu at my house this year...

Roasted Turkey Breast (not on the table yet whoops)
Shelly's Thanksgiving Green Bean Casserole (added some sauteed onions & mushrooms to it this year)
Shelly's Sweet Potato & Apple Bake (added 2 Tablespoons of Kahlua)
Shelly's Crazy Corn Casserole
Cranberry Sauce (storebought Costco stuff)

Held off making a couple of typical Eggface T-giving dishes my Eggplant "Faux Stuffing" Casserole because the eggplants looked shady right now and Cauliflower was hellaciously expensive. There was PLENTY without those. I'll make up a batch of each next week or maybe for Christmas.

The dessert was yummy too. I'll post that manana.

I am thankful for...

You. Thank you to my family, cyber & real world pals for reading my ramblings and checking out what's cooking. You help me keep my head in the game and for that I am truly thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Hope your day is lovely... full of family, friends, fun and healthy eats.

Orange Shrimp Salad & Condiments

What is everyone eating Turkey Day Eve? Pizza delivery is apparently very popular tonight. No work I guess. I try and eat meals leading up to Thanksgiving that are as far from poultry as possible in preparation for the 3 days of turkey creations ahead... so tonight it's Chinese, Seafood, Italian anything but t-bird. This was last night's dinner. Super easy. Less than 10 minutes to prepare...

Shelly's Orange Shrimp Salad

24 Small Cooked Shrimp, tails removed
2 Tablespoons storebought bottled Orange Sauce (brands: Iron Chef, Panda Express, Roland)
Mixed Greens
Cucumber, sliced
4 Bean Salad (Deli Section)
Slivered Almonds

Lemon Vinaigrette: 1 part Lemon Olive Oil to 1 part Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegar (any fruity vinegar will do). I use this to whiz it up.

Heat Orange Sauce till bubbly. Drop shrimp in and toss till coated. Remove from heat. Arrange salad greens, cucumber and four bean salad. Add orange shrimp. Sprinkle with almonds. Drizzle with Lemon Vinaigrette.

A word on bottled sauces and condiments...

I use the real deal. I have tasted some sugar free and/or non-fat condiments and most taste like something stepped on in a field of cattle. If you like them... go for it. My theory: they operated on our guts not our taste buds... stuff still needs to taste good. So I use the real deal but sparingly. In this recipe 2 Tablespoons are spread out over all the shrimp (24 shrimp = enough for a couple of salads.) I get my favorite familiar taste but it's not slathered, not too many silly calories and not enough to create dumping issues. If you are highly sensitive choose another recipe. Remember to always follow your medical posse's advice.

In restaurants I ask for sauces and dressings on the side that way I can control the amount or whether to add them at all.

Two Thumbs Up Salad

Went to see "The Blindside" the Sandra Bullock movie then hit the park with my super cool bento box. Two thumbs up on the movie and two thumbs up on the eats...

Blue Box (top left): Roasted Veggies (Yellow & Red Peppers & Red Onion)
Green Box (top right): Cutie Clementine
Pink Box (bottom left): Shelly's Lemony Chickpea & Tuna Salad
Orange Box (bottom right): Shelly's Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Fudge & Pistachios

Shelly's Lemony Chickpea & Tuna Salad

2 cans Chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans or ceci) drained & rinsed
1 can Tuna Fillets, packed in Olive Oil, drained (I use Roland Ventresca Tuna Fillets)
1/4 cup Feta Cheese, diced
2 stick celery, sliced
zest of 1/2 a Lemon
1/2 Teaspoon Kosher salt
a few twists of Black Pepper to taste

Lemon Vinaigrette: 2 Tablespoons Lemon Olive Oil to 2 Tablespoons Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegar (any fruity vinegar will do). If you can't find Lemon Olive Oil (Regular Olive Oil with a few squirts of a fresh Lemon will do)

Combine all ingredients. Chill for at least two hours before serving. The dressing needs a chance to love on everything. Even better if you can make it the night before.

Can be served as is like a salad, in a lettuce, tortilla or lavash wrap, or in a half of an avocado or tomato.

I love this pattern. I collect vintage Pyrex dishes for those of you that don't know. This was my recent $4 Thrift Store find.

Shelly's Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Fudge

1 cup Chocolate Protein Powder
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
2 Tablespoons PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla - on sale now)
1/2 cup Unsweetened Coconut
1/4 cup Chopped Peanuts, divided use

Toppings (optional): Unsweetened Toasted Coconut, Crushed Nuts, Crushed SF Hard Candies

Mix all ingredients (hold back half the peanuts) till thoroughly combined. It is a dry mixture... it will come together after some mixing. Keep mixing the ricotta thins and it comes together. It's a stiff mixture. Spread evenly into a Pyrex dish or baking pan (I used a 6x8) that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. Sprinkle with optional toppings. I used the remaining 1/2 of the peanuts. Place in fridge to firm for at least 3 hours before serving. Cut into squares (I get 28 squares) Keep leftovers refrigerated. You can also freeze them (they are fab this way too) or defrost in the fridge.

Go see the movie. I took my Mum but there's enough football in it to keep the guys interested if you do a date night. The music was great too. I love that Five for Fighting song "Chances" and this band I hadn't heard of Red's song "Pieces." Good stuff. I've been listening to them all day on my Blip.FM station. Do you guys Blip? I love that thing.

Tortilla Pizza Time

Low Carb Protein Healthy Italian Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Surgery WLS

The Eggface Pizza Porn Gallery

How to make them: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. I put 1 drop literally of olive oil on the cookie sheet and spread it around. Place tortilla on cookie sheet. Spread the sauce on the tortilla (pesto, marinara, alfredo, bruschetta sauce, BBQ sauce, hummus, ricotta cheese, (peanut butter or ricotta for dessert pizzas ), whatever.) Put a slice of cheese on top of the sauce and then I add any combination of toppings or leftovers I can find bumping around the fridge. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan if desired. Pop in oven. 10 minutes exactly. Have the oven hot before you do the toppings **Do not let them sit. Pop them in the oven right away or the toppings will make the tortilla soggy versus the yummy crispy porn pictured above.


How much is a serving?

The answer is: serving size can vary. What I eat as an almost 3 1/2 year weight loss surgery post-op is a very different amount than a 3 month, 6 month, post-op.

For me if the toppings are protein dense like the Philly Cheese Steak Tortilla Pizza or Meatball or Chicken then I eat 2 wedges and call it a day. If they are lighter just cheeses, veggies or pepperoni. I can eat the whole pizza but remember these are 6" fajita size tortilla (not typical size tortillas) If it's lighter toppings and I'm having a scoop of bean salad or a green salad with it I eat 2 wedges.

My standard line when it comes to portion size is: go with what your medical posse recommends.

What's the nutritional value on (insert Eggface recipe)?

I don't put the nutritional info on my recipes because frankly that can vary so widely. I use full fat cheeses (the good stuff) others may use low fat or (horror) non fat, the % fat on beef, differences in packaged products, brands of protein, etc. will change the info dramatically.

I eat full fat (cheese, mayo, butter, olive oil, etc.) Fat = flavor. I eat it in moderation (thanks to my pouch) if I ate Reduced Fat or Fat Free (aka nuclear waste) I wouldn't be satisfied and in an hour I'd be thinking about my next meal. I eat yummy, lip smacking stuff so I never feel like I'm on a diet or suffering in my new life.

What I do when I need to find the nut info is go to a site like sparkpeople (Google: recipe calculator) type in each individual ingredient, add up those totals and divide by the # of servings I get from the dish. It's not exact but it's close enough for me.

Where do you get the Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Fajita Size Tortillas?

I get mine at Albertson's, Vons, Winco. If you don't have those stores near you contact the Mission Tortilla web site. Here's another "crust" option.

More Eggface Pizza Porn

Chicken Taco Bake & Stuff

Last night's dinner was so good. Early in the day I had thrown some chicken in the crock pot. Just chicken and a 1/2 cup of salsa and let it cook. When it was done I shredded it. I was going to make a salad and toss it on top but I was not in the mood for a cold salad. Here's what I came up with instead.

It was a super yummy dinner but because of its quiche-ish quality it would also be a perfect brunch dish on Christmas morning with it's colorful green & red specks.

Shelly's Chicken Taco Bake

1 cup cooked Chicken, shredded (great use for leftover rotisserie)
1/2 cup Colby-Jack Cheese, shredded
5 Eggs, beaten
1/2 cup Tomatoes, chopped
4 Green Onions, diced
1 Mild Green Chili, diced
2 Tablespoons Cilantro, chopped, fresh
1/2 teaspoon Southwest Seasoning
1/4 teaspoon Cumin
a few twists of Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt

Topping: Shelly's Spicy Yogurt Dip

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a Pyrex casserole dish or deep dish pie plate that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. Bake for 30 minutes at 350.

I ate it on it's own but it would be great with a mixed green side salad or refried beans or a bean salad. I'm thinking leftover Thanksgiving turkey would be great in this too.

Highlights of the Day:

* My tote bag project is almost done. It's coming out so cute. I'll post it this week. I don't know what it is about the Fall but when it gets darker earlier I just want to be home doing crafts, listening to music and roasting veggies. Not the best thing I suppose for a single girl probably should go hang out more but whatever.

* Went for a long walk this morning. It was gorgeous. Cold in the shade but nice and warm in the sun. Tons of hot air balloons in the sky. I took deep breaths of the crisp, fresh air... feeling thankful for my healthy new life. It was an awesome highlight till I turn back on my road & an asswipe driving too fast in a residential area almost made me road kill. A scary reminder: Life is short. Enjoy every moment.

* My super cool boss gave me a Starbuck's gift certificate for Thanksgiving. They have the cutest holiday stuff right now think I will treat myself to a couple of new mugs to drink my Candy Cane Cocoa out of this Christmas Eve.

Listening to: The Script "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" I love this band.

Bento Snacks

I was gone most the day today so I packed up a few weight loss surgery friendly snacks in my super cool bento box. I worked for my pal for a few hours. It was payday today. Great. So I paid bills. Yup. Broke again. Grrr. How do people save these days? Suze Orman can kiss my saggy arse.

Before I came home I hit Costco to pick up my Silk Vanilla Soy Milk (best price in my neighborhood.) The place was packed. Everyone was getting their Thanksgiving feast supplies. Carts filled to the brim. Costco needs an express lane. If anyone reading this is in with Costco head honchos will you pass that on ;) I was in line forever for 3 items. I do like to people watch though... I check out what everyone is buying. It's scary sometimes. I just want to scream, "No stop! You don't want that gigantic bag of Doritos. Step away from the industrial size box of HoHo's. Save yourself while you can. Learn from my mistake." Alas we know how that goes... until you want to save yourself it wouldn't matter what anyone said.

Pink Box (top left): Shelly's Sweet Zucchini Pancake w/ Peanut Butter & SF Strawberry Jam
Green Box (top right): (in blue silicon container) Shelly's Holiday Nuts
Blue Box (bottom left): Shelly's Antipasto Skewers (Roasted Onions & Peppers, Olives, Mozzarella)
Orange Box (bottom right): Shelly's Cafe Mocha Protein Fudge

Shelly's Cafe Mocha Protein Fudge

1 cup Chocolate Protein Powder
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
2 Tablespoons Click Espresso Protein Powder
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla - on sale now)
1/2 cup Unsweetened Coconut
1/4 cup Chopped Nuts (I used Walnuts)

Toppings (optional): Unsweetened Toasted Coconut, Crushed Nuts, Crushed SF Candy Cane or other SF Hard Candies (I used these)

Mix all ingredients till thoroughly combined. It is a dry mixture... it will come together after some mixing. You could add a drop more SF Torani if absolutely needed but not too much. Keep mixing the ricotta thins and it comes together. It's a stiff mixture. Spread evenly into a Pyrex dish or baking pan (I used a 6x8) that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. Sprinkle with optional toppings. I smashed 4 or 5 coffee hard candies. Place in fridge to firm for at least 3 hours before serving. Cut into squares (I get 28 - 1 1/2" squares). Keep leftovers refrigerated. You can also freeze them (they are fab this way too) or defrost in the fridge.

Oh we've been crafty at my house lately. I can't wait to show you guys the new tote bag my Mum & I have been working on. Should be done in a few days. Till then check out my cool new bento box napkins. I love this material. It looks like a picnic tablecloth with ants...

Holiday Tips, Nuts & Bento

It's the holiday season and it's easy to indulge in crap. Simple carb snack mixes, starchy sides and sugary sweets are EVERYWHERE we turn. A lot of us will say, "Oh well it's the holiday" and indulge but for many of us the holi"day" becomes more like a holi"month" and "I'll just have a bite" becomes a cycle that once started is hard to break.

Here's a few holiday tips that help me:

* Eat protein dense meals. I want to snack less when I've eaten a protein dense breakfast, lunch & dinner.

* Plan your meals including any holiday snacks. If it's not on the day's plan. It shouldn't go in your mouth.

* Have weight loss surgery friendly goodies available. Remember though even healthier goodies can be over indulged in so stick to your plan and proper portions.

* Bring weight loss surgery friendly dishes to holiday get-togethers so you are sure there will be something you can have. Most of my recipes are non-op approved and party goers will never know it is a wls friendly treat.

Here's a few Eggface recipes perfect for parties:

Shelly's Bites
Shelly's Antipasto Skewers
Shelly's Bacon-wrapped Pesto Shrimp
Shelly's Crab Stuffed Mushrooms
Shelly's Strawberry Cannoli
Shelly's Tropical Shrimp Cocktail

* Get moving... take a neighborhood night walk to look at holiday lights, dance: do some rockin' around the Christmas tree, walk the mall window shopping (also great if $$ is tight: Play "If I had a million dollars I would buy you..."), make snow angels, ice skate, go sledding, collect pine cones.

* Don't be afraid of telling someone "no thank you" when offered non-wls friendly items. "Oh Aunt Suzy thank you those look soooo good but I'm saving room for some of that (insert food you can eat)." (ideas: delicious turkey, cheese, veggie...)

Try to reduce your holiday stress with these tips.

* Take the emphasis off eating and onto reconnecting with those you love. Maybe a touch football game in the snow, or women versus men Pictionary game. We hit the beach here in Southern California. You'd be surprised how busy it is... families bring friends & loved ones from out of state for photos, kids trying out new remote control thingamabobs. We walk on the beach, bring healthy snacks and listen to Christmas music. It's a blast.

* Have fun! If you dread the holidays you need to rethink them. They shouldn't put you into debt, make you feel awful or anxious, or be something you are forced to do out of obligation. You are free to do whatever you like. The beauty of being an adult.

Shelly's Holiday Nuts

1/2 cup Raw Almonds
1/2 cup Raw Cashews
1/2 teaspoon Olive Oil
1/2 teaspoon Sugar Free Maple Syrup
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon Ground Ginger
dash Kosher Salt

Toss all ingredients together till evenly coated. Spread evenly on a cookie sheet.

Bake for 9 minutes at 350. Let cool completely. Nuts will crisp as they cool. Store in an airtight container. These make great hostess gifts bagged in cello bags with cute holiday trim.

Gone for a day of hiking the other day I needed to pack my super cool bento box with lunch and snacks for the day. My leftover holiday nuts filled a section perfectly.

Pink Box (top left): (in green silicon container) Olives, Roasted Red Peppers, Feta Cheese & Artichoke Hearts and Sliced Cucumber
Green Box (top right): (in blue silicon container) Shelly's Holiday Nuts
Blue Box (bottom left): Turkey & Swiss Cold Cut Roll-up
Orange Box (bottom right): Shelly's Chocolate Mint Protein Fudge

Cool Product: Edamame and a Quick Lunch

Do you guys eat steamed edamame? I'm addicted to the little suckers. They are traditionally served in Japanese sushi restaurants before your meal so if you aren't a sushi (now sashimi - sushi without rice) fan you might not have come in contact with these much. They are young, immature soybeans picked before they've had a chance to harden.

I buy them frozen and microwave steam them in this gadget (with a couple of tablespoons of water in the base) for a few minutes. I sprinkle them with salt and go to town. You just sort or drag the pods across your teeth & press and the little beans pop out. They are super yummy and little nutritional powerhouses.

Nutritional stats for a 1/2 cup serving of shelled edamame (1-1/2 cups in pods):

120 calories
2.5 g. fat
11 g. protein
13 g. carbohydrate (but 9 g. fiber) so 4 net carbs

Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Iron, Calcium

I get them in most every supermarket now. Frozen section about $1.69 for a big bag. Which sure beats the $4.50 or so for a small dish you pay at most Sushi restaurants.

You can buy them out of the pod too but what fun is that?! Well... the shelled ones are great in salads but I prefer the unshelled for snacking. I often take them on hikes & picnics in my super cool bento box...

Top left: Shelly's Protein Cookies
Top right: Steamed Edamame
Bottom left: Shelly's Quick Teriyaki Chicken
Bottom right: Ants-on-a-log (celery w/ cream cheese, raisins, & dried cranberries)

Shelly's Quick Teriyaki Chicken

8 Naked Nuggets (or cooked chicken strips)
1/2 cup Pineapple Chunks in juice
1 Tablespoon storebought Teriyaki Sauce

Heat Naked Nuggets as directed. Add pineapple and sauce. Toss to combine. Cook till warmed through. Makes enough for 2.

Hope everyone is having a GREAT week. Glee tonight. Woot.

Fabulous Fudge

OMG these are un-freakin-believably good. I was needing a sweet fix and was in the mood to experiment. Result: A protein packed, weight loss surgery friendly treat that you could easily slip onto your holiday party table and NO ONE will be the wiser. I promise. It's just a to die for chocolate mint fudgy confection. Taste tested by 4 non-ops all of which could not believe it when I told them what it was.

They are super easy to make too... no melting chocolate, no candy thermometers. Just mix & chill.

Shelly's Chocolate Mint Protein Fudge

1 cup Chocolate Mint Max Protein Powder
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
2 Tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
1/2 cup Unsweetened Coconut
1/4 cup Chopped Nuts (I used Walnuts)

Toppings (optional): Unsweetened Toasted Coconut, Crushed Nuts, Crushed SF Candy Cane (I used these)

Mix all ingredients till thoroughly combined. Spread evenly into a Pyrex dish or baking pan that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. Sprinkle with optional toppings. Place in fridge to firm for at least 3 hours before serving. Cut into squares (I get 28 - 1 1/2" squares)

Keep leftovers refrigerated. You can also freeze them (they are fab this way too) or defrost in the fridge.

I used Max Protein Chocolate Mint flavor. Soooo good. It tastes and smells like an Andes after dinner mint. You could use any Chocolate Mint Protein Powder but... treat yourself to a tub of Max. You won't be sorry. SEI Pharmaceuticals makers of Max gave me discount code to pass along to Eggface blog readers (proof I buy A LOT of Max.) Get 20% off - online purchase only. Details here.

Other Chocolate Mint Weight Loss Surgery friendly goodies:

Shelly's Chocolate Mint Protein Ice Cream Cake
Shelly's Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Ice Cream
Shelly's Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Ice Cream Bon Bons
Shelly's 5 Minute Chocolate Peppermint Protein Cake
Shelly's Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Smoothie
Shelly's Sugar Free Peppermint Bark Popcorn
Shelly's Candy Cane Cocoa

Eggnog Latte

Went on a hike and picnic today. I'm soooo tired but tired in a good way. Weather was great. Sunny but crisp perfect for hiking and I kept up with the group thanks to weight loss surgery! Came home and am now chatting with WLS Twibe pals and sipping this. Mmmm...

Shelly's Eggnog Latte

About 6 oz. of Strong Brewed Coffee or Espresso (I used this)
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla - on sale now)
1/2 cup Soy Nog
dash of Nutmeg

Brew coffee (I used a short K-cup draw) and add SF Syrup. Meanwhile place Soy Nog in a 2 cup measure (it expands when it's heated so a 2 cup measure will avoid spill over.) Microwave for 30 seconds. Fluff with this to create foam. Nuke 30 seconds more. Pour Soy Nog into coffee and top with Nog foam. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Wine Country Chicken Casserole

My Friday ritual is to clean out the veggie bin in preparation for the Saturday morning Farmer's Market finds. Had few zucchini and a bell pepper to use up. The result was a super yummy casserole perfect for a chilly evening. Very Chicken Marsala-ish if you have tried my version of that. I served it with a little mixed green salad.

Shelly's Wine Country Chicken Casserole

2 skinless, boneless Chicken Breasts, cut in 1" pieces
1 Yellow Onion, diced
3 Green Onions, diced
1 Yellow Bell Pepper, diced
3-4 small Zucchini, chopped (Yellow Squash would be great too)
2 cloves Garlic, crushed
1 (10.5 oz.) can Cream of Chicken Soup, unconstituted
1/4 cup Marsala Wine (alcohol will cook off - don't omit)
1/2 teaspoon Marjoram
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Olive Oil for sauteing

2 Tablespoons Parmesan Cheese, grated
1/2 cup Soy Crisps, crushed

Saute chicken till golden. Remove from pan and set aside. Saute onions and peppers till golden. Add zucchini and cook for 5 minutes with lid on, stirring occasionally. Add garlic cook 1 minute more. Add remaining ingredients (except topping) and the chicken back to the pan and mix till well combined. Pour into Pyrex casserole dish.

Crush the soy crisps and Parmesan together in a Ziploc baggie. Sprinkle evenly over casserole. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

More Eggface 'cause that's how I roll Casseroles:
Shelly's Philly Cheese Steak Casserole
Shelly's Chicken Carbonara Casserole
Shelly's Zucchini Roll-ups (aka Pasta-less Manicotti)
Shelly's Grilled Veggie Lasagna
Shelly's Basil Primavera Casserole
Shelly's Mediterranean Baked Shrimp
Shelly's Double Dip Chicken Casserole
Shelly's Chicken Dijon Casserole
Shelly's Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
Shelly's Italian Chicken Casserole
Shelly's Mexican Beef & Bean Bake

Want more... just type casserole in the Eggface Search Engine <-- under my Before & After pictures.

Healthy Snacks: Healthier Oatmeal Cookies

So my experimental baking went well yesterday. I heart these. They make a great grab and go breakfast or snack. No added sugar, lower in cals and fats than most protein bars and bonus... the kitchen smells yummy when you bake 'em. Going to try a chocolate protein powder version today. Will let you know how those come out.

Low Carb Diet Weight Loss Bariatric Surgery Food Recipes
Shelly's Healthier Oatmeal Cookies

3/4 cup Spelt Flour
1/2 cup Rolled Oats
1/2 cup Unsweetened Coconut
1/2 cup Vanilla Protein Powder
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/4 cup Sugar-Free Torani Syrup (any flavor)
1 Egg, beaten
1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda
dash of Salt
1/4 cup Nuts, chopped (I used Walnuts)
1/4 cup Dried Fruit (I used Raisins and Dried Juice Sweetened Cranberries)

Preheat oven to 325. Mix all ingredients together till well combined.

Scoop with a small ice cream scoop onto a non-stick cookie sheet. Pat down slightly. They don't spread.

Bake at 325 for 9 minutes exactly. Remove from tray and cool on a wire rack. Makes 24.

I love to take these on the plane. They are studier cookies, so they don't bust up into bits in your carry-on bag.

Bento Lunch

I spent most of yesterday outside. I'm glad I did because it's flippin' chilly today. I just threw on a thicker sweater and made myself a cup of Pear Rooibos Tea with a splash of SF Caramel Torani to warm myself up.

Yesterday it was lovely and warm. I packed my super cool bento box with leftovers and ate my lunch outside...

Pink Box (top left): Shelly's Coconut Shrimp & (in little blue container) Apricot-Ginger Dipping Sauce
Orange Box (top right): Steamed Edamame
Blue Box (bottom left): Shelly's Apple Pie Innards
Green Box (bottom right): Shelly's 5 Minute Cookies & Cream Coffee Protein Cake flowers

Shelly's 5 Minute Cookies & Cream Coffee Protein Cake

1 Egg, beaten
3 Tablespoons Milk (I used Vanilla Soy)
2 Tablespoons Sugar-Free Torani Syrup
2 Tablespoons Canola Oil
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix (I use this)
2 Tablespoons Almond Meal/Flour
1 Instant Coffee Stick (Nescafe, Starbuck's VIA, etc.)
1 scoop Cookies & Cream Protein Powder
Pinch salt
1 Measuring Cup or Microwave Safe Mug

In a measuring cup or microwave safe mug, Mix egg, milk, syrup, and oil and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix pancake mix, coffee, almond meal, protein powder, and salt. Tip dry into wet and stir till combined. Nuke on high for 2 minutes (my microwave is getting old and needs 20 seconds added now.) Let it sit for three or so minutes (it pulls away from the sides) before tipping the cake onto a plate. Yields 4-5 slices.

Other Eggface Protein Cakes

Thinking of doing some experimental baking today. That should warm things up in here. Soooo... watch for the results of the experiment manana. If you see nothing. It failed ;)

Healthy Coconut Shrimp & Kindness

Last night's dinner was a healthier version of a restaurant favorite: Coconut Shrimp. Shrimp is packed with protein (23 grams in 4 oz.) and with a few modifications Coconut Shrimp can be made weight loss surgery friendly... ax the heavy batter, no deep frying, use unsweetened coconut. A few changes and still super yummy! It was a great dinner with a green salad on the side.

These would also make a great appetizer at a holiday party. Our family does all seafood Christmas Eve (Feast of the Seven Fishes) so this dish may show up on our table this December 24th.

Appetizers Shellfish Seafood Recipes
Shelly's Coconut Shrimp

14 Large Raw Shrimp, peeled, deveined, tails left on
2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Southwest Seasoning (any blend you love)
2 Egg Whites
1/2 cup Unsweetened Coconut

Pat shrimp dry with paper towels. In a shallow dish combine the cornstarch with seasonings and stir to combine. Beat egg whites until frothy (about 2 minutes).

Dredge the shrimp first in the cornstarch mixture, then in egg whites and then into shredded coconut.

Party Food Weight Loss Protein FitnessPlace shrimp on a foil lined cookie sheet that has been generously coated with non stick cooking spray. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes, turn once halfway through cooking time.

Shelly's Apricot-Ginger Dipping Sauce

2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Apricot Jam (I use Smucker's Simply Fruit)
1 teaspoon Ginger, crushed
1 teaspoon Garlic, crushed
1 Tablespoon Cider Vinegar

Mix well. Use as a dip for cooked Coconut Shrimp or Bacon Wrapped Apricot-Ginger Shrimp Skewers. Leftover sauce can be refrigerated for up to 3 days.

Weight Loss Surgery Recipes MealsThe salad I served on the side was mixed greens, shredded carrot, crumbled cotija cheese, slivered almonds with a lemon vinaigrette: 1 part lemon olive oil to 1 part orange muscat champagne vinegar (any fruity vinegar will do). Soooo good. Perfect combo with the shrimp.

After dinner I was off to help out my pal/boss for a few hours. We finished at 10 PM but ended up staying till almost midnight talking about the state of the world... all the random violence and killing of innocents. Stress + lack of coping mechanisms + easy access to guns (not getting political) + people not picking up their refills (kidding sort of) = a bunch of sadness. Ended a sad conversation on a high note though... we decided that though we are single drops of water in a huge ocean, we can make an extra effort to be kind to our fellow humans and hopefully the kindness will spread like ripples on the sea.

"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change." ~Michael Jackson, lyrics "Man In The Mirror."

Speaking of being kind...

✮ ★ ☆ A huge thank you to all the vets this Veterans' Day for your kindness and sacrifice ✮ ★ ☆

Cool Product Alert: Vanilla Chai Latte

If you are a Chai Latte lover you must try this stuff. Big Train No Sugar Added Vanilla Chai Mix. Mmmm tea, vanilla, cardamon, ginger, clove. Yum it was soooo good. It's a 99% caffeine-free drink for those of you who can't have the "leaded" stuff and can be served hot or cold...

For a Hot Chai Latte: Empty entire contents of bag into 6 ounces of hot water, stir and serve. It was so good hot. Perfect drink on Christmas morning. It smells and tastes like Christmas.

For an Iced Chai: Add entire contents of bag into 2 ounces of hot water, stir rapidly. Pour over 8 oz. of ice, then add 2 oz. of cold water or milk. I topped mine with Sugar Free Land o Lakes Whipped Cream and a dusting of the dry Chai Mix.

If you want to be really good toss the bag in your blender bottle with a scoop of your favorite protein powder for a Chai Protein Smoothie. Mmmm I'm thinking it would be killer in Protein Ice Cream or Pudding. It's on my list to try.

Nutritional Facts:
110 cals per serving (so equivalent to Starbuck's Lattes but much lower in sugars Bux Chai Latte has 40+ grams)
Sugars 2 g. (sweetener is Sucralose, there's also a little non dairy creamer in the mix so that has some sugars.)
Fats 2 g.
Protein 2 g.

Verdict: Yum! A definite keeper in the pantry. Hot is my favorite.

Apple Pie Taquitos

I love apples. I can't help myself every store or Farmer's Market I visit I pick up at least two. It's amazing how many yummy varieties of a single fruit there are. I mostly eat them with nut butters smeared on them for a snack or dessert but I was wanting something warm...

Shelly's Apple Pie Taquitos

1 batch of Shelly's Apple Pie Innards
6 Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Fajita Size Tortillas
dash of Apple Pie Spice
Non-stick spray
Optional: SF Caramel Sauce (Smucker's)

Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick spray. Place tortillas on cookie sheet. Place a few spoons of apple pie innards down the center of each tortilla and roll. Place seam side down.

Sprinkle lightly with apple pie spice. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes, flip at the halfway mark. Cut each tortilla in half. Serve with Shelly's Gingersnap Pudding for dipping. I drizzled a little SF Caramel Sauce on each.

A great dessert after a Mexican dinner like Shelly's Fish Taco Salad, Beef & Bean Taco Salad or Crockpot Carnitas.

Shelly's Apple Pie Innards

2 Apples, sliced
1/4 cup chopped Nuts (I used combo of walnuts & pecans)
1/4 teaspoon Apple Pie Spice
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Caramel Torani Syrup

Heat on low, stirring occasionally for 5 minutes or until apples are tender but still whole.

Great on top of sweetened ricotta or Fage Greek yogurt, oatmeal, pudding, ricottage cheese pancakes, protein ice cream or cakes or on it's own.

40 Second Breakfast

In a rush? No time for a hot breakfast? Think again...

Shelly's 40 Second Egg Cups

1 Egg, beaten
dash salt
1 teaspoon Parmesan Cheese, grated
Optional: any herbs you like (Mmmm Basil or Dill)
4 slices Genoa Salami, sliced thin
4 Silicon Baking Cups

Beat egg, salt, Parmesan and any herbs together. Place salami in silicon baking cups (forming a cup in a cup) and divide egg mixture equally into each salami cup. Nuke on high 40 seconds. Makes 4.

Popped a couple and a few other breakfast goodies in my super cool Bento Box and head outside on the patio to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine...

Pink Box (top left): Aged & Smokey Cheddar Cheese
Green Box (top right): Watermelon Chunks
Blue Box (bottom left): Shelly's 40 Second Egg Cups
Orange Box (bottom right): Sliced Pineapple
Along side: Peach Green Tea Drink Stick (I swear I'd never drink water if it wasn't for these things)

Scalloped Scallops

Spotted a cool new product at Trader Joe's the other day. Saucy Scallops with Mushrooms. $4.99 for each 16 ounce bag found in the frozen section. It's basically scallops in a creamy mushroom and cheese sauce.

You can just heat & eat. The bag suggests tossing them on some rice or pasta but since that was out for me (don't do either by choice) here's what I came up with. It's super yummy, scallops have oodles of protein (4 oz. = 23 grams), add that it's super fast to put together and you have a keeper...

Shelly's Scallop Casserole

1 Cauliflower, broken into florets
1 Yellow Onion, diced
1 (16 oz.) package Trader Joe's Saucy Scallops with Mushrooms
1/2 cup frozen Peas
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
1/2 cup crushed Soy Crisps
2 Tablespoons Parmesan Cheese, grated
1 teaspoon Butter, melted
Olive Oil for sauteing

Boil cauliflower till fork tender. Drain. Set aside. Saute onion till golden.

Add scallops mixture, peas, seasonings and cook on low for 5 minutes. Add cauliflower and mix to combine.

Pour into Pyrex casserole dish. Mix butter, crushed soy crisps and cheese. Sprinkle on top of casserole. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes till golden.

I served it with a simple green salad.