Ahhhhhhh... Just had to post this. Went to the beach yesterday and walked along the sea wall and then I walked again at the lake. I really enjoy walking. The beach was beautiful as usual and the surf was up.
Well... I picked up a few more things for my NY trip but I have been conservative because they probably will be huge on me in a month or so. I got a cute faux fur lined jean jacket. I bought some sweat sets to sleep in and a sweater. Skechers and some killer pumps. I also bought a another coach purse... I know I'm addicted to purses and shoes. Is this my transfer addiction... do transfer addictions count if you had them pre-op too... cause that's not technically transferring?!? Anyone? Bueller?
Yesterday was Barbara's birthday. Happy Birthday Hoke! She said she had a great day, went to the zoo and her parents came up with another van load. She's got a lot of stuff too. If I ever moved out I'd need a huge moving van...for my purses & shoes alone.
Highlights of the day:
Bull riding finals this weekend and next (I'll need to tape em next weekend... I so need TIVO)
Dinner of roast chicken and roasted butternut squash (very Fall)
Amazing Race tonight
Listening to: "Far Away" Nickleback