You guys know how I love CLICK Espresso Protein. 1 scoop of CLICK, 1 scoop of any flavor Protein, 1 Tablespoon any flavor Sugar Free Torani Syrup, Milk, Ice and my blender and I'm in CLICKacchino heaven. I love them in the summer. On hot summer nights I would have loved a frosty CLICKacchino as an after dinner drink but I really try to limit my caffeine after 6 PM.
No more... CLICK Decaf is here! Well it's not quite here... ALMOST. It begins shipping in a few weeks (June 1st-ish) but I was able to get a super secret sample and give it a try. Soooo good. You are gonna LOVE IT! I know I'm gonna love sitting under the stars ☾ ✩*¨* on those hot sultry summer nights sipping my frosty CLICKacchino and making wishes.
I'm especially excited for those of you who have not been able to have CLICK because your medical posse has a no caffeine rule (sadists LOL) you will be CLICK'n soon.
The Prize: 3 Winners will each receive a tub of NEW CLICK DECAF Espresso Protein Powder. The 3 winners will each score one of the first tubs of the new CLICK Decaf upon it's release on or about June 1st.
How to Enter: Like both CLICK Espresso Protein and The World According to Eggface on Facebook. Come back here and LEAVE A COMMENT (include a name and an email addy) on this blog posting. Scroll down to # of comments to leave yours.
Contest periods ends: Friday, May 4th, midnight (Pacific time)
Saturday, May 5th I'll draw 3 names using a random number generator and announce the winner here on the blog! I will also email the winner(s) at the address posted. You'll have one week (7 days) to respond to my email or another winner will be chosen. Remember winners MUST be a Facebook friend of both the pages above. One ENTRY per person. Blog comments are moderated so there may be a slight delay (up to a few hours) in seeing your comment/entry post. Giveaway is open to anyone in the United States (48 contiguous, Alaska & Hawaii.)
***Want extra chances to win?*** Do anything listed below and leave me a comment letting me know what you did! For up to four more entries per person!!
* Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway: Hey everyone enter the @Eggface & @drinkclick New CLICK Decaf Giveaway
* Post about the giveaway to your pals on Facebook or some other social networking or support forum you frequent.
If you are a blogger:
* Blog about this giveaway and include the link to the contest (send me the url so I can enjoy your post!)
You can CLICK in soooo many ways... hot, cold or blended into a CLICKacchino, 5 minute cakes, protein truffles, protein fudge, protein pancakes, granola, an unbelievable, to die for, toe-curling good protein ice cream, and in so many more CLICKtastic recipes and now you'll be able to CLICK in Decaf!
Have your CLICK and sleep too!
Friday Five
A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, ideas, news articles, random cool things...
1. The WLSFA Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America Meet & Greet is just 20 days away. Hope to meet some of you there. If you are going to be attending give me a shout in the comments or by email so we can be sure to say hey! If you want to learn more about the WLSFA's efforts or the Meet & Greet 411 (tickets are still available) CLICK HERE. If you are wondering why you should go? Here are 3 reasons:
To MAKE SUPPORTIVE FRIENDS: Support is absolutely key to success in my opinion. No one understands this crazy, awesome, scary, exhilarating, wonderful ride like others that have gone through it. No one understands the pain of obesity as well either. Events give you an opportunity to surround yourself with supportive people that understand you, help celebrate your successes and give you a kick in the toosh when needed. That is priceless. I have met the best people at WLS events...
For MOTIVATION: After attending one of these events, meeting everyone, hearing their awesome stories you really leave re-energized about your healthy lifestyle choices.
To LEARN and SCORE FREE STUFF: Most events offer some educational opportunities or speakers on topics related to issues we would be interested in. There are also tons of great companies sharing samples of weight loss surgery friendly products... want to try CLICK they will be there, wonder what Celebrate Vitamins taste like they will be there, want to see a Lauren's Hope Medical ID up close and personal they will be there. I always come back with a swag bag full of new stuff to try.
Oh and BONUS reason to go... I just heard the Billboard Music Awards are being held the same weekend we are there so hopefully we'll spot some celebs and musicians too. Ummm Adam Levine... call me ;)
2. I am absolutely addicted to making zucchini pasta. Last night's dinner: Zucchini pasta and clams. 4 small zucchini, 1/2 cup Progresso White Clam Sauce, 1 can chopped Clams, Fresh Basil, Oregano, S&P. Nuke 10 minutes. I sprinkled mine with Parmesan.
3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:
Many First-Graders Shun Overweight, Obese Kids - :(
Gut organisms could be clue in controlling obesity risk
Is Obesity the New Acceptable Discrimination?
Beating obesity - a GREAT story about my pal Barb Beck
and be sure to check out the University of California's great 7 part video series, "The Skinny on Obesity" (episode 1 & 2 available now)
4. See a pin and pick it up all the day you'll have good luck. Are you on Pinterest? I am. Let's be pals. Beware though... Pinterest is ADDICTING and 5 minutes can easily become 50 so proceed with caution. I love it, a sea of pretty images and inspiration galore. If you need an invite hit me up.
Other places to find me in cyberspace...
and The World According to Eggface has an Amazon store. Purchases made through the links on the left <-- or through the store front generate a small % that helps the blog continue doing it's thang. Thanks for your support.
5. A slurp GREAT GIVEAWAY begins today! Check back in a bit I'm writing that post now.
1. The WLSFA Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America Meet & Greet is just 20 days away. Hope to meet some of you there. If you are going to be attending give me a shout in the comments or by email so we can be sure to say hey! If you want to learn more about the WLSFA's efforts or the Meet & Greet 411 (tickets are still available) CLICK HERE. If you are wondering why you should go? Here are 3 reasons:
To MAKE SUPPORTIVE FRIENDS: Support is absolutely key to success in my opinion. No one understands this crazy, awesome, scary, exhilarating, wonderful ride like others that have gone through it. No one understands the pain of obesity as well either. Events give you an opportunity to surround yourself with supportive people that understand you, help celebrate your successes and give you a kick in the toosh when needed. That is priceless. I have met the best people at WLS events...
For MOTIVATION: After attending one of these events, meeting everyone, hearing their awesome stories you really leave re-energized about your healthy lifestyle choices.
To LEARN and SCORE FREE STUFF: Most events offer some educational opportunities or speakers on topics related to issues we would be interested in. There are also tons of great companies sharing samples of weight loss surgery friendly products... want to try CLICK they will be there, wonder what Celebrate Vitamins taste like they will be there, want to see a Lauren's Hope Medical ID up close and personal they will be there. I always come back with a swag bag full of new stuff to try.
Oh and BONUS reason to go... I just heard the Billboard Music Awards are being held the same weekend we are there so hopefully we'll spot some celebs and musicians too. Ummm Adam Levine... call me ;)
2. I am absolutely addicted to making zucchini pasta. Last night's dinner: Zucchini pasta and clams. 4 small zucchini, 1/2 cup Progresso White Clam Sauce, 1 can chopped Clams, Fresh Basil, Oregano, S&P. Nuke 10 minutes. I sprinkled mine with Parmesan.
3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:
Many First-Graders Shun Overweight, Obese Kids - :(
Gut organisms could be clue in controlling obesity risk
Is Obesity the New Acceptable Discrimination?
Beating obesity - a GREAT story about my pal Barb Beck
and be sure to check out the University of California's great 7 part video series, "The Skinny on Obesity" (episode 1 & 2 available now)
4. See a pin and pick it up all the day you'll have good luck. Are you on Pinterest? I am. Let's be pals. Beware though... Pinterest is ADDICTING and 5 minutes can easily become 50 so proceed with caution. I love it, a sea of pretty images and inspiration galore. If you need an invite hit me up.
Other places to find me in cyberspace...
and The World According to Eggface has an Amazon store. Purchases made through the links on the left <-- or through the store front generate a small % that helps the blog continue doing it's thang. Thanks for your support.
5. A slurp GREAT GIVEAWAY begins today! Check back in a bit I'm writing that post now.
Ramblings: I'm worth the fight.
I used to blame a lot on my weight. If only I wasn't fat all the sh!t in my life would be gone with the pounds. I don't mean the health issues I was dealing with... GERD, Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure those sucked but I mean the dark stuff, that leads some of us to medicate with food.
With a little help from weight loss surgery, lots of changing how I eat and move, and freedom from the health issues that were taking their toll on my body and spirit... I lost the weight.
Guess what? When the weight was gone and some sh!t was still sh!tty, there was no more saying "if only I lost the weight XYZ would be better, awesome, PERFECT..."
A light starts glaring on that dark stuff, those issues in our life that contributed to our obesity. Call it a wake-up call, an epiphany, a realization but you start to see how the fat wasn't the cause, it was the effect.
Now what? You have some choices to make... hide from the issues (did a little of that), deny them (did a little of that), or face 'em and start chipping away at them one by one (it was time.)
I've said it before on the blog and it bears repeating...
You can't continue the same behavior and expect a different result.
I often say it when discussing my having to give up a few trigger foods I had no control over but it is also apropos to working on the issues that led us on this journey. The why's of why we gained weight. If the why's (and WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT WHY'S) are still around or pop up in your life from time to time, it's time to start chipping away at them because NOT DEALING with them... well, we all know where that got us.
The same way you chose weapons to help you fight obesity (surgery, exercise, healthy food, etc.) find a weapon to help you fight the dark stuff (family, friends, doctors, therapy, support groups, healthier outlets, etc.) It's scary, hard, and painful. I can tell you though with every chip I make at my dark stuff, at my why's, I gain a little more courage and strength to chip some more. Will I ever be done? Not sure, but I'm worth the fight.
Cyber hugs from one fellow fighter to another.
With a little help from weight loss surgery, lots of changing how I eat and move, and freedom from the health issues that were taking their toll on my body and spirit... I lost the weight.
Guess what? When the weight was gone and some sh!t was still sh!tty, there was no more saying "if only I lost the weight XYZ would be better, awesome, PERFECT..."
A light starts glaring on that dark stuff, those issues in our life that contributed to our obesity. Call it a wake-up call, an epiphany, a realization but you start to see how the fat wasn't the cause, it was the effect.
Now what? You have some choices to make... hide from the issues (did a little of that), deny them (did a little of that), or face 'em and start chipping away at them one by one (it was time.)
I've said it before on the blog and it bears repeating...
You can't continue the same behavior and expect a different result.
I often say it when discussing my having to give up a few trigger foods I had no control over but it is also apropos to working on the issues that led us on this journey. The why's of why we gained weight. If the why's (and WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT WHY'S) are still around or pop up in your life from time to time, it's time to start chipping away at them because NOT DEALING with them... well, we all know where that got us.
The same way you chose weapons to help you fight obesity (surgery, exercise, healthy food, etc.) find a weapon to help you fight the dark stuff (family, friends, doctors, therapy, support groups, healthier outlets, etc.) It's scary, hard, and painful. I can tell you though with every chip I make at my dark stuff, at my why's, I gain a little more courage and strength to chip some more. Will I ever be done? Not sure, but I'm worth the fight.
Cyber hugs from one fellow fighter to another.
Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus: A day in my pouch
My post weight loss surgery yesterday in eating...
Breakfast: Shared this yummy breakfast with my Mum. Super sweet strawberries, sliced Gala apple and two different yogurt dips sweetened with Sugar Free Torani Syrup.
Shelly's Almond Orange Yogurt Dip
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Almond Torani Syrup
Sugar Free Orange Marmalade
Sliced Almonds
Mix yogurt and syrup together. Top with a plop of SF marmalade and a sprinkle of nuts.
Shelly's Strawberry Vanilla Yogurt Dip
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Strawberry Torani Syrup
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Vanilla Torani Syrup
Mix yogurt and syrup together.
Look out world: I bought a weed whacker. After breakfast, I was fully charged (the weed whacker and me) and ready to whack the world. Verdict: A weed whacker + an overgrown slope of weeds is a great way of getting out your aggressions. I whacked and whacked until I busted the line. Must now consult the manual for what to do in this instance. I hate manuals. These are the rare times I wish I wasn't single.
I also mowed the lawn, washed the patio and patio furniture, grilled a bunch of chicken to have on hand for salads and bentos, and set a batch of protein ice cream going. It was a busy, itchy (my sinuses are still hating me) morning.
Lunch: Some of the grilled chicken became this salad.
Shelly's Salsa Salad
1 Cucumber, chopped
1 Avocado, chopped
1 cup Pico de Gallo
1/4 cup Mild Salsa
1/4 cup Vegetable Juice
Salt to taste
Toss veggies together with salsa and juice. Top with grilled chicken. Also great with grilled fish, shrimp. Pico de Gallo is found in the produce section (or fresh salsa area) it's basically chopped tomatoes, white onion, cilantro, and a touch of chopped jalapeno. Sometimes I add a can of rinsed and drained black beans to this if you want to serve more people it's a great extender.
Dinner: Used this super cool gadget I just bought to make zucchini pasta. A GREAT alternative for weight loss surgery post-ops like me who have given up pasta, bread and all that.
Shelly's Zucchini Pasta
4 small-medium Zucchini, julienned
1 cup Marinara Sauce (I used jarred Rao's - my fav)
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
1 Tablespoon Fresh Basil, chopped
1 teaspoon Oregano
Salt to taste
a few twists of Black Pepper
Parmesan Cheese for top
Using this super cool gadget cut the zucchini into julienne strips.
Pour sauce and seasonings over and toss to coat. Microwave 8 minutes (or till tender) stirring once or twice during cooking. Mix in ricotta. Nuke for 2 more minutes. Serve with a sprinkle of Parmesan Cheese.
We're warming up in Southern California (80's) so I churned a batch of my Pistachio Protein Ice Cream. I think it is one of my favorite flavors.
Snacks: Too much coffee, 2 scoops of Protein Ice Cream sitting on my freshly cleaned patio furniture, star gazing and making wishes (no I can't tell.)
If you haven't tried protein ice cream making yet. Do it. Soooo good. Here's a few tips for best results.
Shelly's Pistachio Protein Ice Cream (at the Soft Serve Stage)

It was a delicious day. Hope yours was too.
More day in my pouch posts.
Breakfast: Shared this yummy breakfast with my Mum. Super sweet strawberries, sliced Gala apple and two different yogurt dips sweetened with Sugar Free Torani Syrup.
Shelly's Almond Orange Yogurt Dip
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Almond Torani Syrup
Sugar Free Orange Marmalade
Sliced Almonds
Mix yogurt and syrup together. Top with a plop of SF marmalade and a sprinkle of nuts.
Shelly's Strawberry Vanilla Yogurt Dip
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Strawberry Torani Syrup
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Vanilla Torani Syrup
Mix yogurt and syrup together.
Look out world: I bought a weed whacker. After breakfast, I was fully charged (the weed whacker and me) and ready to whack the world. Verdict: A weed whacker + an overgrown slope of weeds is a great way of getting out your aggressions. I whacked and whacked until I busted the line. Must now consult the manual for what to do in this instance. I hate manuals. These are the rare times I wish I wasn't single.
I also mowed the lawn, washed the patio and patio furniture, grilled a bunch of chicken to have on hand for salads and bentos, and set a batch of protein ice cream going. It was a busy, itchy (my sinuses are still hating me) morning.
Lunch: Some of the grilled chicken became this salad.
Shelly's Salsa Salad
1 Cucumber, chopped
1 Avocado, chopped
1 cup Pico de Gallo
1/4 cup Mild Salsa
1/4 cup Vegetable Juice
Salt to taste
Toss veggies together with salsa and juice. Top with grilled chicken. Also great with grilled fish, shrimp. Pico de Gallo is found in the produce section (or fresh salsa area) it's basically chopped tomatoes, white onion, cilantro, and a touch of chopped jalapeno. Sometimes I add a can of rinsed and drained black beans to this if you want to serve more people it's a great extender.
Dinner: Used this super cool gadget I just bought to make zucchini pasta. A GREAT alternative for weight loss surgery post-ops like me who have given up pasta, bread and all that.
Shelly's Zucchini Pasta
4 small-medium Zucchini, julienned
1 cup Marinara Sauce (I used jarred Rao's - my fav)
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
1 Tablespoon Fresh Basil, chopped
1 teaspoon Oregano
Salt to taste
a few twists of Black Pepper
Parmesan Cheese for top
Using this super cool gadget cut the zucchini into julienne strips.
Pour sauce and seasonings over and toss to coat. Microwave 8 minutes (or till tender) stirring once or twice during cooking. Mix in ricotta. Nuke for 2 more minutes. Serve with a sprinkle of Parmesan Cheese.
We're warming up in Southern California (80's) so I churned a batch of my Pistachio Protein Ice Cream. I think it is one of my favorite flavors.
Snacks: Too much coffee, 2 scoops of Protein Ice Cream sitting on my freshly cleaned patio furniture, star gazing and making wishes (no I can't tell.)
If you haven't tried protein ice cream making yet. Do it. Soooo good. Here's a few tips for best results.

It was a delicious day. Hope yours was too.
More day in my pouch posts.
All About Avocados: Recipes
Hope everyone had a nice weekend and the week is off to a good start. It was the annual Fallbrook Avocado Festival this past Sunday. Fallbrook is the next town over and according to all the signs and brochures it's "The Avocado Capital of the World." I love avocados. We go to the festival every year. It's a fun day. Lots of music and flea market type booths. Contests... Miss Avocado. Best Guacamole. Best Dressed Avocado. So cute...
I chatted with local growers and learned a lot about the different varieties. I've had a few (my favorites are Reed and Hass) but I seriously had no idea there are so many varieties of avocados (also known as alligator pears.) Alligator Pear Capital of the World, not as catchy I can see why they went with avocado ;)
It was a gorgeous day. After a few days of rain the sky was the bluest I have seen in awhile, everything was so fresh and clean. I got a lot of walking in. A good thing considering all the fat grams in avocados.
I actually did pretty good. A few bites of Guacamole (no chips of course) and this yummy creation for lunch. A ceviche filled avocado half...
I'm going to try and recreate it one of these days. It was yum.
Some of my favorite weight loss surgery friendly avocado dishes...
Shelly's Melted Roll-up
Shelly's California Roll Salad
Shelly's High Protein Avocado Dip
Shelly's Avocado Deviled Eggs
Shelly's Fiesta Shrimp Cocktail
Shelly's Crock Pot Carnitas
Shelly's Mexican Crab Cocktail
Shelly's Cannelini and Avocado Salad
Shelly's Guacamole Shrimp Cocktail
Shelly's Mexican Layered Salad
I chatted with local growers and learned a lot about the different varieties. I've had a few (my favorites are Reed and Hass) but I seriously had no idea there are so many varieties of avocados (also known as alligator pears.) Alligator Pear Capital of the World, not as catchy I can see why they went with avocado ;)
It was a gorgeous day. After a few days of rain the sky was the bluest I have seen in awhile, everything was so fresh and clean. I got a lot of walking in. A good thing considering all the fat grams in avocados.
I actually did pretty good. A few bites of Guacamole (no chips of course) and this yummy creation for lunch. A ceviche filled avocado half...
I'm going to try and recreate it one of these days. It was yum.
Some of my favorite weight loss surgery friendly avocado dishes...
Shelly's Melted Roll-up
Shelly's California Roll Salad
Shelly's High Protein Avocado Dip
Shelly's Avocado Deviled Eggs
Shelly's Fiesta Shrimp Cocktail
Shelly's Crock Pot Carnitas
Shelly's Mexican Crab Cocktail
Shelly's Cannelini and Avocado Salad
Shelly's Guacamole Shrimp Cocktail
Shelly's Mexican Layered Salad
Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus: A day in my pouch
My post weight loss surgery day in eating...
Breakfast: It was the Farmer's Market this morning. Today's haul: Zucchini (I've got yummy plans for dinner tomorrow), Apples, Strawberries, Onions, Garlic, Feta Cheese, and Olive Oil. Went for a walk after the market and when I came home I cut up all the strawberries for breakfasts, protein shakes and maybe a batch of protein ice cream this week (it's supposed to be in the 80's by Tuesday.)
Ate a few for breakfast with a dollop of sweetened ricotta and toasted almonds...
Shelly's Strawberries with Vanilla Bean Sweetened Ricotta
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (any flavor, I used SF Vanilla)
scrapings of 1/2 a Vanilla Bean
Strawberries, chopped
sprinkle of Toasted Almonds
Mix ricotta, syrup and vanilla bean seeds till well combined. Spoon over strawberries. Top with nuts.
Lunch: Yesterday was filled with workmen and writing checks ugghh so everything on yesterday's to do list moved to today (or fell off the list, hence no Friday Five post.) The work... last month (not sure if I blogged it) we had a roof leak in the garage that destroyed the water heater causing it to leak and flood part of the garage. Fun times. So yesterday the new water heater was being moved from the temporary position to the permanent position now that the roof repair has been tested by substantial rain.
I finished about half my to-do list, gave up and made lunch. Mmmm. Turkey Avocado and Cheese Roll-up (browned in the pan till all warm and gooey) and a simple Salad of Romaine, Tomato, and a store bought Vinaigrette. These melted cold-cut rollups are a go-to lunch for me. If you are jonesing for a grilled cheese try them...
Just take a slice of turkey, a slice of cheese, a slice or 2 of avocado. Roll it up. Spray a non-stick pan with Pam. Set the roll-up in seam side down, cook till golden flip till done.
When the garage flooded tubs of "stuff" were moved to the safety of my dining room. For the past few weeks my dining room could have been featured in one of those hoarders shows on the Discovery Channel. OK maybe it wasn't THAT bad but I will be so glad to not have to apologize for the mess and explain to everyone that comes over. I made a start at getting things back to normal this afternoon. It's going to take a few days.
Dinner: For dinner I made Cauliflower Pie. For my fellow non-pasta eating, low carb pals you'll love this. You really get the feel of eating an Italian pasta dish.
Shelly's Cauliflower Pie
1 head of Cauliflower, cooked and mashed
1 Yellow Onion, chopped
3 Eggs, beaten
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese, grated (divided use)
1 Tablespoon Oregano
1 Tablespoon Fresh Basil, chopped
1 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Marinara Sauce (I use jarred - Rao's is my fav)
Sliced Provolone
Break up cauliflower florets (my cauliflower was medium to large but the recipe is forgiving and slight size variations won't matter) and cook in salted water till fork tender. Drain. Mash. Saute onion till golden. Mix remaining ingredients together (hold back 1 Tablespoon of the Parmesan.) Pour into a 8 x 11.5 x 2 (2 qt) Pyrex casserole dish that has been sprayed with Pam non-stick cooking spray. Top with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes and place under the broiler for 5 more minutes to brown.
When done I cut the pie into squares (I get 8-10 squares from the pie.) You can eat it as is but I top each square with a Tablespoon of Marinara Sauce and a slice of Provolone and it goes back under the broiler for a few minutes until the cheese is golden and bubbly. Mmmm.
Snacks: Too much coffee and while I was trapped in the garage working I nibbled on a bag of Kay's Naturals Cookie Bites. Nom.
Now I'm having a cup of tea (my current fav), surfing the net (BTW I'm on Pinterest be my pal) and thinking about this week's menus. I swear by menu planning since weight loss surgery. It really helps me balance my day (protein, carbs, fats) and make the best use of pantry ingredients and leftovers with little waste. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
More day in my pouch posts.
Breakfast: It was the Farmer's Market this morning. Today's haul: Zucchini (I've got yummy plans for dinner tomorrow), Apples, Strawberries, Onions, Garlic, Feta Cheese, and Olive Oil. Went for a walk after the market and when I came home I cut up all the strawberries for breakfasts, protein shakes and maybe a batch of protein ice cream this week (it's supposed to be in the 80's by Tuesday.)
Ate a few for breakfast with a dollop of sweetened ricotta and toasted almonds...
Shelly's Strawberries with Vanilla Bean Sweetened Ricotta
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (any flavor, I used SF Vanilla)
scrapings of 1/2 a Vanilla Bean
Strawberries, chopped
sprinkle of Toasted Almonds
Mix ricotta, syrup and vanilla bean seeds till well combined. Spoon over strawberries. Top with nuts.
Lunch: Yesterday was filled with workmen and writing checks ugghh so everything on yesterday's to do list moved to today (or fell off the list, hence no Friday Five post.) The work... last month (not sure if I blogged it) we had a roof leak in the garage that destroyed the water heater causing it to leak and flood part of the garage. Fun times. So yesterday the new water heater was being moved from the temporary position to the permanent position now that the roof repair has been tested by substantial rain.
I finished about half my to-do list, gave up and made lunch. Mmmm. Turkey Avocado and Cheese Roll-up (browned in the pan till all warm and gooey) and a simple Salad of Romaine, Tomato, and a store bought Vinaigrette. These melted cold-cut rollups are a go-to lunch for me. If you are jonesing for a grilled cheese try them...
Just take a slice of turkey, a slice of cheese, a slice or 2 of avocado. Roll it up. Spray a non-stick pan with Pam. Set the roll-up in seam side down, cook till golden flip till done.
When the garage flooded tubs of "stuff" were moved to the safety of my dining room. For the past few weeks my dining room could have been featured in one of those hoarders shows on the Discovery Channel. OK maybe it wasn't THAT bad but I will be so glad to not have to apologize for the mess and explain to everyone that comes over. I made a start at getting things back to normal this afternoon. It's going to take a few days.
Dinner: For dinner I made Cauliflower Pie. For my fellow non-pasta eating, low carb pals you'll love this. You really get the feel of eating an Italian pasta dish.
Shelly's Cauliflower Pie
1 head of Cauliflower, cooked and mashed
1 Yellow Onion, chopped
3 Eggs, beaten
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese, grated (divided use)
1 Tablespoon Oregano
1 Tablespoon Fresh Basil, chopped
1 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Marinara Sauce (I use jarred - Rao's is my fav)
Sliced Provolone
Break up cauliflower florets (my cauliflower was medium to large but the recipe is forgiving and slight size variations won't matter) and cook in salted water till fork tender. Drain. Mash. Saute onion till golden. Mix remaining ingredients together (hold back 1 Tablespoon of the Parmesan.) Pour into a 8 x 11.5 x 2 (2 qt) Pyrex casserole dish that has been sprayed with Pam non-stick cooking spray. Top with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes and place under the broiler for 5 more minutes to brown.
When done I cut the pie into squares (I get 8-10 squares from the pie.) You can eat it as is but I top each square with a Tablespoon of Marinara Sauce and a slice of Provolone and it goes back under the broiler for a few minutes until the cheese is golden and bubbly. Mmmm.
Snacks: Too much coffee and while I was trapped in the garage working I nibbled on a bag of Kay's Naturals Cookie Bites. Nom.
Now I'm having a cup of tea (my current fav), surfing the net (BTW I'm on Pinterest be my pal) and thinking about this week's menus. I swear by menu planning since weight loss surgery. It really helps me balance my day (protein, carbs, fats) and make the best use of pantry ingredients and leftovers with little waste. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
More day in my pouch posts.
Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus: A day in my pouch
My post weight loss surgery day in eating. The Easter Sunday edition.
I took an early morning walk. The weather was awesome. I had thought about doing a traditional Ham dinner but I really wasn't looking forward to having several days of ham leftovers and being trapped in the house cooking and then cleaning up. I'm so glad I decided against buying one. We did a picnic lunch instead and later a simple dinner. It was a blast. It might be a new tradition.
Breakfast: These are delicious and the cereal gives them a yummy nutty crunch...
Shelly's Butterscotch Crunch Ricotta Pancakes
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
1 Tablespoon Sugar-Free Butterscotch Instant Pudding Mix, dry
1 Egg
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (any flavor SF Vanilla, Caramel, etc.)
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix
1/4 cup Grape Nuts Cereal
Whiz all ingredients (except cereal) in mini food processor. I use whole milk ricotta, if you use part skim, drain first. Spray pan with non-stick spray. Cook on low till golden, top with a sprinkle of Grape Nuts, flip, pat flat, cook till done. Serve each pancake with a drizzle of warm Sugar Free Maple Syrup, SF Jam or Marmalade or Fruit. Makes 4 small pancakes or 8 silver dollar size.
These can be frozen between slices of wax paper or kept in the fridge a day or 2 and reheated (nuke 25 seconds) for breakfast during the week. Surprising good cold too. Leftovers usually get some SF jam, almond or peanut butter smeared on them, wrapped in foil and they become a great breakfast-on-the-go.
More pancakes
Lunch: Took my super cool bento to the park. I made the same bento for Mum but she also had a little bakery treat in her mystery bag.
Our yummy lunch...
Pink Box (top left): Shrimp Cocktail - Cooked Shrimp, Lemon (in the little blue container) Cocktail Sauce
Green Box (top right): Sliced Cucumber "Crackers" for my cheese
Blue Box (bottom left): Shelly's Strawberry Cannoli
Orange Box (bottom right): Provolone Cheese
More Bento lunches
The park was hopping... tons of families on the peddle boats, walking in pretty dresses and Easter bonnets, a Hawaiian dance troupe was practicing hula dances and the male warriors did chants. Very cool, unexpected, free entertainment... made me want some Kona coffee, macadamias and maybe a hot cabana boy to bring them to me ;)
Went home. Watched movies. Made dinner...
Dinner: Crab Cake (Costco) on a bed of Mixed Salad Greens with Feta topped Broiled Tomatoes and a storebought Vinaigrette.
Shelly's Feta topped Broiled Tomatoes
Salt and Pepper
Optional: Pesto Sauce
Slice tomatoes and place on a foil lined baking sheet. Top with crumbled feta (goat cheese is great too) a dash of oregano, salt and pepper.
Sometimes I drizzle them with pesto sauce. Broil in oven till Feta is lightly golden.
Snacks: A Sugar-Free Vanilla Soy Latte, no whip from Bux and one of my Sugar Free Coconut Nests (an Easter tradition at my house) and the head off a SF Peep.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
I took an early morning walk. The weather was awesome. I had thought about doing a traditional Ham dinner but I really wasn't looking forward to having several days of ham leftovers and being trapped in the house cooking and then cleaning up. I'm so glad I decided against buying one. We did a picnic lunch instead and later a simple dinner. It was a blast. It might be a new tradition.
Breakfast: These are delicious and the cereal gives them a yummy nutty crunch...
Shelly's Butterscotch Crunch Ricotta Pancakes
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
1 Tablespoon Sugar-Free Butterscotch Instant Pudding Mix, dry
1 Egg
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (any flavor SF Vanilla, Caramel, etc.)
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix
1/4 cup Grape Nuts Cereal
Whiz all ingredients (except cereal) in mini food processor. I use whole milk ricotta, if you use part skim, drain first. Spray pan with non-stick spray. Cook on low till golden, top with a sprinkle of Grape Nuts, flip, pat flat, cook till done. Serve each pancake with a drizzle of warm Sugar Free Maple Syrup, SF Jam or Marmalade or Fruit. Makes 4 small pancakes or 8 silver dollar size.
These can be frozen between slices of wax paper or kept in the fridge a day or 2 and reheated (nuke 25 seconds) for breakfast during the week. Surprising good cold too. Leftovers usually get some SF jam, almond or peanut butter smeared on them, wrapped in foil and they become a great breakfast-on-the-go.
More pancakes
Lunch: Took my super cool bento to the park. I made the same bento for Mum but she also had a little bakery treat in her mystery bag.
Our yummy lunch...
Pink Box (top left): Shrimp Cocktail - Cooked Shrimp, Lemon (in the little blue container) Cocktail Sauce
Green Box (top right): Sliced Cucumber "Crackers" for my cheese
Blue Box (bottom left): Shelly's Strawberry Cannoli
Orange Box (bottom right): Provolone Cheese
More Bento lunches
The park was hopping... tons of families on the peddle boats, walking in pretty dresses and Easter bonnets, a Hawaiian dance troupe was practicing hula dances and the male warriors did chants. Very cool, unexpected, free entertainment... made me want some Kona coffee, macadamias and maybe a hot cabana boy to bring them to me ;)
Went home. Watched movies. Made dinner...
Dinner: Crab Cake (Costco) on a bed of Mixed Salad Greens with Feta topped Broiled Tomatoes and a storebought Vinaigrette.
Shelly's Feta topped Broiled Tomatoes
Salt and Pepper
Optional: Pesto Sauce
Slice tomatoes and place on a foil lined baking sheet. Top with crumbled feta (goat cheese is great too) a dash of oregano, salt and pepper.
Sometimes I drizzle them with pesto sauce. Broil in oven till Feta is lightly golden.
Snacks: A Sugar-Free Vanilla Soy Latte, no whip from Bux and one of my Sugar Free Coconut Nests (an Easter tradition at my house) and the head off a SF Peep.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Drum roll...
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Easter Eggstravaganza
Here's some of my favorite ways to use those all those hard cooked eggs you'll have on hand come Monday:
Shelly's Crab Egg Salad
Shelly's Deviled Chickpea Eggs
Shelly's Deviled Eggface Footballs
Shelly's Bacon & Egg Salad
Shelly's Pesto Deviled Eggs
Shelly's Confetti Egg Salad
Shelly's Deviled Egg Spiders
Shelly's Avocado Deviled Eggs
and for those of you who don't like eggs here's one for you...
Shelly's Faux Fried Egg
Shelly's Crab Egg Salad
Shelly's Deviled Chickpea Eggs
Shelly's Deviled Eggface Footballs
Shelly's Bacon & Egg Salad
Shelly's Pesto Deviled Eggs
Shelly's Confetti Egg Salad
Shelly's Deviled Egg Spiders
Shelly's Avocado Deviled Eggs
and for those of you who don't like eggs here's one for you...
Shelly's Faux Fried Egg
Friday Five
A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, ideas, news articles, random cool things...
1. Starting to think about my Easter menu. Waiting to see what the Farmer's Market has tomorrow before finalizing everything. It's going to be a quiet day. Dinner and a movie. I just bought "We Bought A Zoo." I hadn't seen it but I practically grew up at a zoo (my Pop worked at one) so I thought I'd like it and umm yum Matt Damon what's not to like?! I could watch him read the phone book for 2 hours and I'd give it two thumbs up!
If you are looking for a high protein side that would be great with ham. Give this a try...
Shelly's Edamame Mash
12 oz bag Frozen, Shelled Edamame
1/4 cup Ricotta Cheese
1/4 cup Greek Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Roasted Garlic
a few sprigs of Fresh Basil
1 Teaspoon Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Boil the edamame for 5 minutes in water. Drain and place in a mini food processor with all other ingredients and whiz till smooth-ish. Great with as a side with meats, fish or on it's own like a hummus type dip using my crackers.
2. April Fool's Day came and went this week and I think out of all the April Fool's jokes and posts I saw online this one was the ABSOLUTE BEST!
3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:
Can We Please Stop with the Fat Shaming Already?
Is it OK to discriminate against obese people?
Bariatric surgery linked to increased fracture risk - Read this then immediately chomped my Celebrate Vitamins Calcium Plus 500 Orange Burst.
More on Carnie: Carnie Wilson on Second Weight Loss Surgery: I've Learned to Take Care of My Health
Size matters for obese cancer patients' drug dose, doctors say
Though Uncommon, Some Gastric Bypass Patients Under 21
Take the Slimpressions Positive Self-Talk Challenge because we should NEVER be an enemy to our self.
and you HAVE to check this out...
The Faces of Obesity: Illustrated BMI Categories - an eye-opening set on Flickr
4. The other day was National Walking Day. Before weight loss surgery walking physically hurt and required multiple stops. Post weight loss surgery I love to walk. I take a long one every day. It's my main form of exercise. Thankfully my town has some wonderful walking trails and pretty decent weather year round (props to The City of Temecula.) I spotted this neat feature on The American Heart Association website where you can type in your zip code and find walking paths in your neighborhood.
5. Sunday is the last day to enter the Celebrate Spring Giveaway! Click here to add your name in the hat for a chance to win this awesome basket of goodies...
Good Luck!
1. Starting to think about my Easter menu. Waiting to see what the Farmer's Market has tomorrow before finalizing everything. It's going to be a quiet day. Dinner and a movie. I just bought "We Bought A Zoo." I hadn't seen it but I practically grew up at a zoo (my Pop worked at one) so I thought I'd like it and umm yum Matt Damon what's not to like?! I could watch him read the phone book for 2 hours and I'd give it two thumbs up!
If you are looking for a high protein side that would be great with ham. Give this a try...
Shelly's Edamame Mash
12 oz bag Frozen, Shelled Edamame
1/4 cup Ricotta Cheese
1/4 cup Greek Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Roasted Garlic
a few sprigs of Fresh Basil
1 Teaspoon Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Boil the edamame for 5 minutes in water. Drain and place in a mini food processor with all other ingredients and whiz till smooth-ish. Great with as a side with meats, fish or on it's own like a hummus type dip using my crackers.
2. April Fool's Day came and went this week and I think out of all the April Fool's jokes and posts I saw online this one was the ABSOLUTE BEST!
3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:
Can We Please Stop with the Fat Shaming Already?
Is it OK to discriminate against obese people?
Bariatric surgery linked to increased fracture risk - Read this then immediately chomped my Celebrate Vitamins Calcium Plus 500 Orange Burst.
More on Carnie: Carnie Wilson on Second Weight Loss Surgery: I've Learned to Take Care of My Health
Size matters for obese cancer patients' drug dose, doctors say
Though Uncommon, Some Gastric Bypass Patients Under 21
Take the Slimpressions Positive Self-Talk Challenge because we should NEVER be an enemy to our self.
and you HAVE to check this out...
The Faces of Obesity: Illustrated BMI Categories - an eye-opening set on Flickr
4. The other day was National Walking Day. Before weight loss surgery walking physically hurt and required multiple stops. Post weight loss surgery I love to walk. I take a long one every day. It's my main form of exercise. Thankfully my town has some wonderful walking trails and pretty decent weather year round (props to The City of Temecula.) I spotted this neat feature on The American Heart Association website where you can type in your zip code and find walking paths in your neighborhood.
5. Sunday is the last day to enter the Celebrate Spring Giveaway! Click here to add your name in the hat for a chance to win this awesome basket of goodies...
Good Luck!
Post Weight Loss Surgery Menus: A day in my pouch
My yesterday in post weight loss surgery eating...
Breakfast: Started my day with Strawberries topped with a dollop of Ricotta Cheese, a drizzle of SF Maple Syrup and a sprinkle of Toasted Almonds. Simple but delicious.
Lunch: Leftovers and more strawberries, I'm on a kick.
Pink Box (top left): Leftover Grilled Zucchini
Orange Box (top right): Shelly's Greek Yogurt Dip for dipping steak (Greek yogurt with a dash of Greek Seasoning, Salt & Pepper)
Blue Box (bottom left): Leftover Tri Tip
Green Box (bottom right): Strawberries
More Eggface Bentos - lots of lunch ideas.
Dinner: Easiest dinner known to man. Easy to prepare and best of all easy to clean-up... Fish Foil Packets.
Shelly's Citrus Tilapia and Squash
1 fillet of Tilapia (any firmer white fish will do: Cod, Halibut, Tilapia, Orange Roughy)
1 Green Onion, chopped
1/2 a small Zucchini, thinly sliced (I used Mexican Squash)
1 Tablespoon Ponzu Sauce (Citrus-seasoned soy sauce found near soy sauce)
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Aluminum foil
Ingredients listed are for one packet multiply it for how many packets you are making. Place all ingredients in center of a piece of heavy duty foil (if you are using the $1 store stuff double it) Fold the foil over and seal each packet.
If you can't find Ponzu Sauce (it's near soy sauce) a squirt of lime and soy sauce will work. Look for it though. It's yummy. I like a little extra sprinkle of Ponzu on the fish after it's cooked too and it makes a yummy salad dressing.
BBQ 15 minutes in covered grill or place packets on a baking sheet and bake at 400 for 20 minutes. Open packets carefully steam burns are not fun.
Snacks: Too much coffee, a packet of Cruncha Ma-Me Edamame Veggie Snack, and a few Frozen Yogurt Protein Drops while watching New Girl.
More day in my pouch posts
Breakfast: Started my day with Strawberries topped with a dollop of Ricotta Cheese, a drizzle of SF Maple Syrup and a sprinkle of Toasted Almonds. Simple but delicious.
Lunch: Leftovers and more strawberries, I'm on a kick.
Pink Box (top left): Leftover Grilled Zucchini
Orange Box (top right): Shelly's Greek Yogurt Dip for dipping steak (Greek yogurt with a dash of Greek Seasoning, Salt & Pepper)
Blue Box (bottom left): Leftover Tri Tip
Green Box (bottom right): Strawberries
More Eggface Bentos - lots of lunch ideas.
Dinner: Easiest dinner known to man. Easy to prepare and best of all easy to clean-up... Fish Foil Packets.
Shelly's Citrus Tilapia and Squash
1 fillet of Tilapia (any firmer white fish will do: Cod, Halibut, Tilapia, Orange Roughy)
1 Green Onion, chopped
1/2 a small Zucchini, thinly sliced (I used Mexican Squash)
1 Tablespoon Ponzu Sauce (Citrus-seasoned soy sauce found near soy sauce)
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Aluminum foil
Ingredients listed are for one packet multiply it for how many packets you are making. Place all ingredients in center of a piece of heavy duty foil (if you are using the $1 store stuff double it) Fold the foil over and seal each packet.
If you can't find Ponzu Sauce (it's near soy sauce) a squirt of lime and soy sauce will work. Look for it though. It's yummy. I like a little extra sprinkle of Ponzu on the fish after it's cooked too and it makes a yummy salad dressing.
BBQ 15 minutes in covered grill or place packets on a baking sheet and bake at 400 for 20 minutes. Open packets carefully steam burns are not fun.
Snacks: Too much coffee, a packet of Cruncha Ma-Me Edamame Veggie Snack, and a few Frozen Yogurt Protein Drops while watching New Girl.
More day in my pouch posts
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