On my way to LA

I'm off to LA. I have waaaaay too much stuff. Besides my clothes and Halloween costume... I have blenders, ice cream makers, giveaway prizes and supplies. Like three tubs worth. The poor bellhop will surely get a hernia helping me to my room.

I'm bringing my laptop so I will try to post some pics from Friday night's Halloween Party sometime this weekend. If not look to be inundated with stories and crazy pictures next week.

The blog contest is still going on all weekend so be sure to enter if you haven't already. The winner will be announced sometime Monday when I get back. Good Luck!

If you are jonesing for food porn while I'm away be sure to scroll through the Eggface Archives over on the <--- left side of the screen or use the Search Feature under my before and after pics (type in a keywords like chicken, pizza, chocolate, zucchini and see what comes up)

Safe travels to all my pals coming from other states and all my local pals... see ya in a bit.

Strawberry Oatmeal & Big Scary Guns

Good Morning.

So my pal Jeremy came over last night and teased me about my current chocolate cake for breakfast obsession. I guess he's right I tend to obsess a bit and make 15 versions of something I love (remember my "Bites" phase.)

So this morning for breakfast I made a Strawberry version of my Best Breakfast Ever...

Shelly's Strawberry Walnut Oatmeal

1 cup Oatmeal (McCann's Steel Cut Quick Cook Irish Oatmeal accept no substitute)
2 1/3 cups Water
Pinch of Salt
1 cup Fresh Strawberries, chopped
1/3 cup Milk (I use vanilla soy milk)
1/2 teaspoon Butter

1 Tablespoon Walnuts, chopped
SF Maple Syrup
a few more Strawberries
a splash of Soy Milk

Combine the oatmeal, water and salt in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add the strawberries and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the milk and butter. Stir well and cook for 1 minute. Serve immediately with some more strawberries, chopped walnuts, a drizzle of SF maple syrup and little more milk. I use Cary's Sugar Free Maple Syrup.

Highlights of the day:

* Last night... a delivery of Starbuck's totally hit the spot. Thanks Jeremy. You rock!

* I'm thinking of taking shooting lessons. I have always wanted to learn and I'm seriously gonna do it. Sooooo I'm going to be packing heat ;)

* Not sure how many highlights I will have today I have so much to do and it doesn't seem like enough hours to do it. Here's a highlight... I am gonna stick a pedicure in my day somewhere because I need sexy toes.

Listening to: "Always be my baby" David Cook - the lyrics to this song are a little stalkery if you really think about it. Doesn't pack the same punch when Mariah sings it but a guy... "Girl don't you know you can't escape me..." Ummm scary. He is awfully cute though.

This weekend

Last Sunday I made a yummy salad and ate it under my electric stars. It was so nice we did a repeat performance this weekend. The mixed baby greens are amazing and a new favorite score at the Farmer's Market.

Last night's salad...

Shelly's Santa Fe Turkey Salad

1/4 of a Yellow Onion, diced
2 Mild Green Chili Peppers, diced
2 slices of Turkey Deli Meat, chopped
Diced Avocado
Lettuce (I used a mix of baby greens)
Monterey Jack, shredded (you could use Pepper Jack too)
a few twists of Black Pepper
Storebought Balsamic Vinaigrette

Saute onion till golden. Add turkey and peppers and saute a few minutes more. Top greens with remaining ingredients and turkey mixture (cooled slightly.)

and for dessert...

Shelly's 5 Minute Sugar Free Black Forest Cake

1 Egg, beaten
3 Tablespoons Milk (I used Vanilla Soy)
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Black Cherry)
2 Tablespoons Canola Oil
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix (I use this)
2 Tablespoons Cocoa
1 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder
Pinch salt
1 Measuring Cup or Microwave Safe Mug

In a measuring cup or microwave safe mug, Mix egg, milk, syrup and oil and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix pancake mix, cocoa, protein powder and salt. Tip dry into wet and stir till combined. Nuke in microwave for 2 minutes. Let it sit for three or so minutes (it pulls away from the sides) before tipping the cake onto a plate. Yields 4-5 slices.

* I ran out of the pudding mix I have been putting in the other versions of this chocolate cake so I just left it out and bumped up the cocoa to 2 Tablespoons. I wanted to see what it would be like without it. It was great. I think I will be leaving the pudding mix out from now on. The taste was not compromised and it will be a few less calories. So hey can't beat that.

Highlights of the weekend:

* Wasn't quite the weekend I had planned ;) but it was awesome nonetheless. Great friends, family time, gorgeous weather, the beach, a scary movie, the Farmer's Market, crazy cooking experiments, meaningful conversations, LA preparations and oodles of coffee.

* Finally caught up on Amazing Race episodes. Are you watching this season? I love that show. It makes me long to travel. What I love is that I've never thought about going to some of the locations they visit until seeing them on the show.

* Got a hold of a microwave so there will be chocolate cake in LA. Are you going? There is still time. Can't wait to see everyone! Safe travels.

Listening to: "#41" Dave Matthews Band cause I have a gnarly headache and DMB always soothes me.

Another Chance to Win!

Melting Mama and I have more stuff to give away!

Theme: Ice-cream! Mmmmm

More groovy gift baskets and ice-cream makers! We will have 1 gift basket and an ice-cream maker with us at the LA event! All you have to do is be there, come and join us for some fun and at the end we will have a drawing for each item!

For those of you that can’t attend the event – we didn’t forget you – you’ll get a chance too, right here on our BLOGS! And for those of you that ARE coming - double the chance! For each event we’re also celebrating with our ObesityHelp online friends and our blog readers by doing a giveaway on our blogs.

Contents of the Goody Baskets:

Click Espresso Protein drink 1 lb container
Click Gym Bag (*note - in the OH Event Baskets only)
Chef Aerolatte Hand Blender
Ice Cream Scoop
4 Fluted Ice Cream Dishes
2 Bottles of Sugar Free Torani Syrup (Vanilla and Caramel)
2 Bags of Sugar Free Cookies (Lemon & Coconut Cookies)
1 Jar of Sugar Free Ice Cream Topping

and here's the 411 on the ice-cream maker...

It's a Cuisinart 1-1/2-Quart Automatic Ice Cream Maker (my personal fav)

*We want to thank Click Espresso Protein for contributing 4 cans of their awesome protein and 2 gym bags to our baskets! We also want to thank ObesityHelp for contributing 4 really amazing ice-cream makers to our giveaways.

Here's how you get a chance to win...

For the Basket of Goodies you must go to Melting Mama’s blog and follow her directions! (Good luck)

For the Ice Cream Maker, Here's what you need to do:

Just leave a comment (include your name and/or OH username if you have one) on this blog posting by Sunday, November 2nd midnight PST and Monday, November 3rd I'll draw a name using a random number generator and announce the winner.

Disclaimers: this contest is open to anyone in the 48 contiguous states ('cause I am too cheap to mail elsewhere)

One entry per person. Please note comments may take up to an hour to appear.

***Please be sure to check back next week to see if you are the winner. If I don't hear back from you (with a shipping address) by November 7th, I'll choose another winner.***

Good Luck! and for those of you coming to LA See you soon!

Life after Bariatric Surgery. I promise: Cake and Pizza.

You can still eat yummy food after weight loss surgery...


Shelly's Mushroom, Cheese, Bruschetta Tortilla Pizza - Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Fajita Size Tortilla topped with Bruschetta Sauce (fresh pasta section), a slice of Provolone, Sauteed Mushrooms, Asiago Cheese and Italian Seasoning.

How to make them: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. I put 1 drop literally of olive oil on the cookie sheet and spread it around. Place tortilla on cookie sheet. Spread the sauce on the tortilla (pesto, marinara, alfredo, bruschetta sauce, whatever.) Put a slice of cheese on top of that and then any combination of toppings or leftovers I can find bumping around the fridge. Sprinkle with parmesan if desired. Pop in oven. 10 minutes exactly. Have the oven hot before you do the toppings **Do not let them sit. Pop them in the oven right away or the toppings will make the tortilla soggy.

Shelly's 5 Minute Sugar-Free Almond Joy Cake

1 Egg, beaten
3 Tablespoons Milk
2 Tablespoons Sugar-Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Coconut)
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix (I use this)
2 Tablespoons Sugar-Free Chocolate Pudding Mix, dry
1 Tablespoon Cocoa
1 Tablespoon Unsweetened Coconut
1 scoop (1/4 cup) Chocolate Protein Powder
Pinch salt
1 Measuring Cup or Microwave Safe Mug

In a measuring cup or microwave safe mug, Mix egg, milk, syrup, and oil and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix pancake mix, pudding mix, cocoa, coconut, protein powder, and salt. Tip dry into wet and stir till combined.

Nuke in microwave for 2 minutes. Let it sit for three or so minutes (it pulls away from the sides) before tipping the cake onto a plate. Yields 4-5 slices.

I topped it with No Sugar Added Whipped Cream and a drizzle of Sugar Free Hot Fudge, a sprinkle of Coconut and of course an Almond. Sooooo good.

More Cakes
Original Chocolate version

Lemon Protein Cake in 5 minutes

The chocolate version of this is soooo awesome I wanted to try a version for the non-chocolate cake lovers. I prefer the chocolate version but this was a nice change after 3 days of Chocolate Cake experiments.

Shelly's 5 Minute Sugar-Free Lemon Cake

1 Egg, beaten
3 Tablespoons Milk (I used Vanilla Soy)
3 Tablespoons Sugar-Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
1 Tablespoons Canola Oil
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix (I use this)
3 Tablespoons Sugar-Free Lemon Pudding Mix, dry
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
Pinch salt
1 Measuring Cup or Microwave Safe Mug

In a measuring cup or microwave safe mug, Mix egg, milk, syrup and oil and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix pancake mix, pudding mix, protein powder and salt. Tip dry into wet and stir till combined.

Nuke in microwave for 2 minutes. Let it sit for three or so minutes (it pulls away from the sides) before tipping the cake onto a plate. Yields 4-5 slices.

I topped it with Sliced Strawberries and Homemade No Sugar Added Whipped Cream and a Drizzle of Sugar-Free Strawberry Topping. I also sampled some with a drizzle of Simply Fruit Orange Marmalade. Yum!

* We will be giving away oodles of cool swag at the LA Event. Want a sneak peek of the killer Click Gift Baskets?

Mini Meatloaf: All American Dinner

This is dinner tonight with a scoop of Grilled Corn & Black Bean Salad.

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Diabetic Friendly Low Carb Recipes

Shelly's Turkey Mushroom Mini Meatloaf

1 Yellow Onion, diced
3 Green Onions, diced
10 Mushrooms, chopped (button, crimini, shiitake or combination)
2 cloves Garlic, diced
3 oz. Baby Carrots, shredded
1 1/4 pounds Ground Turkey, the average weight of 1 package
1/4 cup Italian Style Dry Bread Crumbs (or Oatmeal)
1/4 cup Milk
1 Egg, beaten
1 teaspoon Poultry Seasoning
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Butter/Oil for sauteing

Saute onions and mushrooms till golden, Add garlic cook 1 minute. Set aside to cool.

Soak breadcrumbs in milk for 1 minute. Beat egg. Add egg and soaked breadcrumbs to ground turkey. Add cooled veggies, carrots, seasonings. Mix till combined.

Divide into 8 equal mounds. Form into mini meatloaves or if you have this super groovy pan like me use it.

Bake for 45 minutes in a 350 oven. These freeze well either cooked or uncooked.

Other Eggface Meatloaf Recipes:

Shelly's Greek Mini Meatloaf
Shelly's Mexican Mini Meatloaf

Ooooh I made another SF 5 Minute Chocolate Cake today but instead of chocolate protein powder I used... a scoop of CLICK. You know that espresso protein powder. So it was a Chocolate Espresso Cake.

Unbelievably good.

I topped it with sliced bananas, a squirt of Sugar Free Whipped Cream and a drizzle of Sugar Free Caramel Sauce. To Die For. Wanna see?

This would be an awesome finish to this mini meatloaf dinner... very American.

Italian Roast Beef Salad

Mmmm dinner tonight under my electric stars...

Shelly's Italian Roast Beef Salad

1/4 Yellow Onion, diced
1/2 Green Pepper, diced
a few twists of Black Pepper
2 slices of Roast Beef, chopped
6 Olives, sliced
Tomato, chopped
Lettuce (I used a mix of baby greens)
Provolone, sliced
Storebought Balsamic Vinaigrette

Saute onion and pepper till golden. Add roast beef. Saute for 2 minutes more. Season with black pepper. Top greens with remaining ingredients and beef & veggie mixture (cooled slightly.)

Highlights of the day:

* Family good stuff. Talked to my bro today. My nephew just scored a coveted internship with the US Attorney General's office. He's in his 2nd year of law school (2nd in his class.) Always good to have an attorney in the family. It offers you the freedom to wig out at a discounted rate. LOL ;)

* Spent most of the day outside which is always nice. In my garden... chillin' with my gnomies. Perfect weather.

* Now. Yummy coffee. Surfing the net. IMing with pals. Listening to tunes...

Listening to: All American Rejects "Gives you hell"

Sad shoe day

When I went through my closet looking for a pair of shoes for Philly I realized practically ever pair of shoes I own is way too big now. Crazy huh?! You even lose weight on your feet.

I have gone from a size 9 shoe to an 8.

You know as a pre-op shoes and purses were my thing. I was still a "normal" size in those so when I went shopping with a group of girlfriends and they were trying on cute little outfits I couldn't dream of getting one leg in I could still shop for shoes and purses in any store we went into. As a result I ended up with A LOT of shoes and purses.

These 19 old friends went to the Goodwill today:

It was a sad shoe day at the Eggface household. Sooooo of course (as therapy) I had to hit Macy's and buy myself a new pair but this time I also got myself a cute little outfit too ;)

Highlights of the day:

* Farmer's Market this morning. It was closed last Saturday because of the Car Show and I missed the Saturday before while in Philly. Today's haul... corn (gonna BBQ it and make that yummy Grilled Corn & Black Bean Salad), yams, apples (I'm thinking Apple Crumb maybe), killer heirloom tomatoes, micro greens, cucumbers, strawberries, onions, garlic and my Mum's bread.

* Made another 5 Minute Sugar Free Chocolate Cake this morning this time with SF English Toffee Torani Syrup. I'm thinking next one I use SF Coconut Syrup and get an Almond Joy thing going on. Mmmmmm.

* So you remember last year when I won the very weight loss surgery unfriendly Canadian Canola Oil Cooking Contest? Wanna see the promo pic of my winning recipe that goes in cookbooks and things?

Listening to: Wyclef Jean "Sweetest Girl"

Chocolate Cake & Deep-Seated Childhood Issues

The buzz over the Internet is a sugar/white flour version of this type of microwave mug cake so you know I just had to mess around and make a weight loss surgery friendly version.

Insomnia at 3 AM, 3 attempts and voila...

Shelly's 5 Minute Sugar Free Chocolate Cake

1 Egg, beaten
3 Tablespoons Milk (I used Vanilla Soy)
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Torani Syrup 
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding Mix, dry
1 Tablespoon Cocoa
1 scoop Chocolate Protein Powder
Pinch salt
1 Measuring Cup or Microwave Safe Mug

In a measuring cup or microwave safe mug, Mix egg, milk, syrup and oil and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix pancake mix, pudding mix, cocoa, protein powder and salt. Tip dry into wet and stir till combined.

Nuke in microwave for 2 minutes. Let it sit for three or so minutes (it pulls away from the sides) before tipping the cake onto a plate. Yields 4-5 slices.

Serve with Sugar Free Whipped Cream, Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup, Raspberries, Strawberries, Cherries, Sugar Free Caramel Syrup, Sliced Bananas, Melted Peanut Butter, a scoop of Protein Ice Cream or Sugar Free Warm Vanilla Custard.

It's yummy hot but I think it gets even better as it cools, more chocolaty. It totally reminded me of those Easy Bake Oven cake mixes.

Speaking of Easy Bake Ovens....

The other day I was talking to a friend of mine and she said, "You must have worn out your Easy Bake Oven when you were a kid making stuff since you love to cook so much."

I said, "Actually my Mum would never buy me one. She was afraid I'd burn the house down."

I always wanted one too. I asked every birthday and Christmas for many years. Every Christmas morning I'd excitedly scan the boxes under the tree to see if I could spot an Easy Bake Oven sized box but nope Santa Claus never brought one because my Mum feared the 60-watt light bulb would kill us all.

Hmmmm could it be that my lack of childhood gratification is the current catalyst for my cooking obsession???

Who needs therapy?
I have it all figured out.
My time is up. That'll be $95.

Highlights of the day:

* It won't win any awards for being pretty but Hello!?! FREAKING chocolate cake in 5 minutes. Oh yeah, baby. That's a highlight! Sooooo making this for my birthday next year.

* Tonight: that unbelievably cool new show "Life on Mars" watch it.

Listening to: "The World I Know" Collective Soul. Whatever happened to them?

Crab & Shrimp Bake

Dinner last night. This was soooo good.

Shelly's Crab & Shrimp Bake

1 Yellow Onion, diced
3-4 Green Onions, diced
6 Mushrooms, quartered
2 cloves Garlic
14 medium size Raw Shrimp, peeled and deveined, halved
1 - 6 oz. can Crab Meat (you can use fresh)
1 - 14.5 oz. can diced Tomatoes, drained
1 - 13.75 oz. can Artichoke Hearts (non marinated type), drained and chopped
1 can Cream of Celery Soup, unconstituted
1/2 cup Fage Greek Yogurt (or Sour Cream)
2 Tablespoons Storebought Pesto Sauce
a few twists of Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
1/4 cup Italian Blend Cheese, shredded
Butter/oil for sauteing

Saute onions and mushrooms till golden. Add garlic and shrimp and cook, stirring constantly, until the shrimp just start to turn pink. Do not overcook. They will finish cooking in the oven. Mix remaining ingredients together (except cheese.)

Sprinkle cheese evenly on top. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until browned and bubbly.

Highlights of the day:

* I was up at 3 AM last night. You are thinking OK Michelle how is that a highlight?! Well I got up because it was just pointless lying there and thinking (it's never good for me to think too much.) I went in the kitchen and messed around for hours. It was like a freaking science lab. You'll see tomorrow what the result was. Hilarious. Don't get too excited but it was fun. Very Alton Brown... Mmmm Alton Brown? Is he single?

* OK now you know I'm a crazy coffee addict. Starbuck's just sent me a Gold Card (some new frequent visitor program.) I get free stuff and 10% off all purchases.

* Unexpectedly went to the beach. My favorite place in the world. It was a gorgeous day. Wanna see?

Listening to: Kanye West "Stronger"

Blogging buddies

Tom, Beth, & me @ the Philly Airport

Breakfast: Banana Caramel Nut Protein Souffle

Here's another version of those little protein souffles I've been making. I love these for breakfast. I make them the night before, pop them in the fridge and then pull one out in the AM. The first one usually has a big bite out of it because they are also yummy warm and I can never help myself. Don't let the souffle word scare you away. They are super easy to make.

In this version I eliminated the toasted coconut (I was all out) that I normally add and added a few more chopped nuts. If you love banana bread make this...

Bariatric Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Recipes Food Menus Cooking
Shelly's Banana Caramel Nut Protein Souffle

4 Tablespoons Pecans, chopped
2 eggs
1 Banana
1 cup Vanilla Soy Milk
3 Tablespoons Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Caramel)
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Caramel Topping (I used Smucker's)
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix, dry
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
dash Nutmeg (for top too)

Topping: No Sugar Added Homemade Whipped Cream and Sugar Free Maple Syrup

Bariatric Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Recipes Food Menus Cooking
Sprinkle nuts into bottom of each ramekin. Mix all remaining ingredients in a blender till smooth. Pour mixture into 4/4-oz ramekins or custard cups. Here's what I use.

Bariatric Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Recipes Food Menus Cooking
If you don't have a groovy set up like this. Just place the ramekins in a large roasting pan. Place pan on oven rack and pour enough very hot water to come halfway up sides of ramekins. Sprinkle top of each souffle with additional nutmeg. Bake at 350 for 50 minutes or until set, knife inserted comes out clean. You can serve them warm but I prefer them cold from the fridge.

Bariatric Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Recipes Food Menus Cooking

Bariatric Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Recipes Food Menus Cooking
You can also top them with warm Sugar Free Vanilla Custard. Here's how you make the custard and here's some food porn of the Chocolate Protein Souffles topped with it. Yum!

Bariatric Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve RNY VSG WLS Recipes Food Menus Cooking

Highlights of the day:

* Spent the Sunday with my pal Jeremy. We went to the Italian Festa. It's basically a crowded carb fest with crap for sale but I loved the street chalk drawings and we watched a fun stick ball game. We hit the beach for dinner... yummy salad, ocean air, crashing waves. Can't beat it. Then we head to home ground and went to the movies... Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist which had some cute parts but isn't going to win any awards. The boy from Juno is in it. Such a little cutie.

Here's some of the chalk drawings:

Comfort Food & Classic Cars

Dinner last night...

Shelly's Beef Pie less Pot

1/2 pound Ground Beef
1 Yellow Onion, diced
4-5 Green Onions, diced
1 cup Mushrooms, quartered
2 cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 cup Frozen Peas
3 oz. Baby Carrots, shredded
1 can Cream of Celery Soup, unconstituted
1/2 cup Fage Greek Yogurt (or Sour Cream)
1 Teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce (I can never say this)
1 Teaspoon Thyme
a few twists of Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
1/4 cup Italian Blend Cheese, shredded
Oil/Butter for sauteing

Brown ground beef and drain any fats. Set aside. Saute onions and mushrooms till golden. Add garlic saute 1 minute more.

Add beef and remaining ingredients (except cheese). Mix to combine. Pour into Pyrex casserole dish. Top with cheese.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until golden.

Highlights of the Day:

* So it was Saturday yesterday and you guys know my drill... head to the Farmer's Market. Well as we were approaching I start seeing detour signs and police cruisers and realize that this weekend is Rod Run weekend. Twice a year my town has this huge classic car show and since I was in Philly last weekend I didn't get the heads up. Usually I avoid it like the plague but we decided since we were up we'd go. OMG it was so cool.

Oh and BONUS:

Farmer's Market = Tons of woman and vegetables
Classic Car Show = Tons of men and hot cars

HELLO?! Why didn't I ever go to this thing before??? LOL ;) no wonder I'm single. I'm a clueless goober.

* Get this... I actually slept through the night last night. Went to bed at midnight or so and woke up at 6:30. I had hideous dreams (not a highlight) but I wasn't staring at the ceiling at 3 AM or making pancakes.

* The raffle prizes for the LA OH Event are getting cooler and cooler. Are you going?

Listening to: Evanescence "Bring Me To Life"