1. Happy March! Wait, wasn't it just Christmas?! March is one of my favorite months. New leaves on trees, bulb flowers bloom, unpredictable weather makes for some interesting skies, daylight savings begins so more Vit. D and later walks. When I was a whippersnapper one of the reasons I loved March was because Mickey D's Shamrock Shake returned. If you were a Shamrock Shake lover too be sure to check out my healthified alternative.

2. Speaking of GREEN... today marks the 108th birthday of Dr. Seuss! In his honor this is my "Green Eggs and Ham" lunch...

4 Hardboiled Eggs
2 Tablespoons Greek Yogurt
1/2 an Avocado
dash of Greek Seasoning (blend found in spice aisle)
1 Green Onion, diced
dash of Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Hard cook eggs. Cool. Cut in half. Remove yolks and mash with above ingredients till smooth-ish. Spoon back. Top with diced Green Onion.
How I hard cook eggs: Place eggs in pot. Fill pot with cold water till 1" over eggs. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes. Pour off hot water and cover eggs with very cold water. This is an extremely important step which prevents the greenish ring you sometimes see on yolks. When eggs are cool enough to handle. Crack & peel away shell. Chill.
Oh and here's the ham component in the "Green Eggs and Ham" lunch.
Two of my favorite Dr. Seuss quotes: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." and "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."
3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:
Alcohol Metabolism after Bariatric Surgery - MUST READ
Obesity map of the world
Obesity epidemic affecting autopsies
Baking with whole grains: Spelt Flour - Ya'll know how I love Spelt.
and a heads up on a new show you'll want to check out... my pal Sarah is in it and an awesome plastic surgery that is very active in our weight loss surgery community Dr. Timothy Katzen. It's on TLC and it's called, "The Real Skinny"
From TLC's website: "Sarah and Chris are living with a terrible secret. Despite both having successful gastric bypass surgery, they continue to live life under a cloud of personal shame because of an unexpected side effect of the weight loss: Excess Skin."
I know the feeling.
The show airs: March 12, 9:00 pm and March 13, 12:00 am. I'll be watching!
4. The blog is nominated for a Homie for Best Healthy Cooking Blog. Voting ends today March 2nd, 2012 at 11:59PM EST.

Thanks in advance.
*UPDATE* Thank you for voting www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com one of the Top 10 Healthy Cooking Blogs of 2012 in the Homies. We didn't make the finals but Top 10 (9 actually) is darn GREAT in my book.
5. Sunday is the last day to enter the final "I ♥" giveaway. Click here to add your name in the hat to win a HUGE 10 lb. supply of one of my favorite protein powders.