So my pal Jeremy came over last night and teased me about my current chocolate cake for breakfast obsession. I guess he's right I tend to obsess a bit and make 15 versions of something I love (remember my "Bites" phase.)
So this morning for breakfast I made a Strawberry version of my Best Breakfast Ever...
Shelly's Strawberry Walnut Oatmeal
1 cup Oatmeal (McCann's Steel Cut Quick Cook Irish Oatmeal accept no substitute)
2 1/3 cups Water
Pinch of Salt
1 cup Fresh Strawberries, chopped
1/3 cup Milk (I use vanilla soy milk)
1/2 teaspoon Butter
1 Tablespoon Walnuts, chopped
SF Maple Syrup
a few more Strawberries
a splash of Soy Milk
Combine the oatmeal, water and salt in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add the strawberries and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the milk and butter. Stir well and cook for 1 minute. Serve immediately with some more strawberries, chopped walnuts, a drizzle of SF maple syrup and little more milk. I use Cary's Sugar Free Maple Syrup.
Highlights of the day:
* Last night... a delivery of Starbuck's totally hit the spot. Thanks Jeremy. You rock!
* I'm thinking of taking shooting lessons. I have always wanted to learn and I'm seriously gonna do it. Sooooo I'm going to be packing heat ;)
* Not sure how many highlights I will have today I have so much to do and it doesn't seem like enough hours to do it. Here's a highlight... I am gonna stick a pedicure in my day somewhere because I need sexy toes.
Listening to: "Always be my baby" David Cook - the lyrics to this song are a little stalkery if you really think about it. Doesn't pack the same punch when Mariah sings it but a guy... "Girl don't you know you can't escape me..." Ummm scary. He is awfully cute though.