Talk like a Pirate Day (there's still time you scallywags, arrrr)
Plastic Surgery (mine and today my sister's)
My hair (does everyone's regrowth comeback crazy curly???)
Apples with Justin's Almond Butter
Mango Banana Protein Smoothies
Moo Cards
Werther's Sugar Free Candies (OMG!?! and now they have coffee caramel)
Going to NY
Finding a new coat
Resizing my jewelry
Instant espresso powder
Barbara's new kitten Rocky updates (you gotta love kitten pics)
Swaptree - what a cool idea!
Reading blogs especially crafty ones
Vintage aprons
The Farmer's Market
Squash, Zucchini, Tomatoes, and Eggplant
My favorite 5 sizes too big blue sweatshirt
IMing my pals
Jennifer's Oracle of Starbucks