Helpful tips for those considering body contouring after massive weight loss (American Society of Plastic Surgeons):
* Maintain a stable weight for three consecutive months. If you are still losing weight it can negatively impact your healing and recovery.
Well, errr... I am still losing a few pounds a month but it has slowed.
* Be as close to your goal weight as possible. Being at your ideal weight will give you more surgical options, is safer, and will provide a better result.
:) I'm -7 below goal.
* Have a surgery plan with your plastic surgeon. You may need multiple surgeries to achieve your desired result. In fact, for some, your entire body may need to undergo contouring. You should work with your plastic surgeon to decide what order to have your body contouring procedures, which procedures you should have, and when to have them.
Check. I got a plan Stan. It's going to take a few rounds to get this body to full Franken Barbie status.
* Ensure nutrition intake is adequate. Many patients are unable to digest well or do not enjoy eating protein after bariatric surgery. Protein is essential as it helps to reduce blood clots and promote healing. Weight-loss surgery may also alter the body’s absorption of certain fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin K. It may be necessary for you to take certain dietary supplements to maintain proper nutrition.
* Have a good diet and exercise routine. There is no substitute for the healthy lifestyle you need to adopt to maintain your outcome after plastic surgery.
Well you guys know I've got these two covered.
* Have realistic expectations. It is difficult to achieve perfect symmetry during body contouring in complex cases. Your age, the extent of loss of skin elasticity, and areas of the body affected are factors that have an impact on the outcome. Be sure to get a clear explanation of what your procedure(s) will entail and be prepared for the possibility of necessary revision surgeries.
Heck anything is better than batwings, pancake boobs, and sharpei belly.
TY for those who have inquired about my sis's PS. They kept her a 1/2 day longer (oxygen levels and a reaction to one of the medicines) but she's home now with a flat belly and perky boobs.