The other day I was picking up a few things at Trader Joe's and I spotted these Chile Lime Chicken Burgers in the frozen food section. I checked out the nutritional info and decided to throw them in the cart. Tonight for dinner we gave them a whirl. I defrosted them in the fridge for a few hours per package directions and threw a couple on the BBQ grill.
I was worried when I looked at them that they would end up being leathery when done but I was pleasantly surprised. They were really moist and had great flavor. They are not spicy though I was expecting spicy from the title. The "chile" is actually sweet red bell pepper.
Verdict: tasty not quite what I expected by the name on the box but I would definitely have them again. They make a nice alternative to a "burger" I had mine topped with melted jalapeno jack cheese and sliced avocado with a heirloom tomato salad on the side. It was a yummy, quick & easy dinner.
Serving Size 1 burger 4 oz. Calories 110, 3 g. fat, 4 g. carbs, 15 g. protein. ($3.50/box of 4 - 1/4 lb. patties)