Breakfast: The strawberries are super sweet right now. At the Farmer's Market last weekend I bought 1/4 of a flat and that same day I washed, trimmed and froze about 1/2 of them for smoothies like my Triple Strawberry Protein Smoothie. It's called triple strawberry because I use Sugar Free Strawberry Torani Syrup, a scoop of my Strawberry Max Protein, and the yummy frozen berries.

Snacks: As usual much too much coffee and a couple of slices of this Strawberry Banana Peanut Butter creation...
Shelly's Peanut Butter, Strawberry, Banana Flat Out Pizza
1 Flat-out Wrap (I used the "Kidz" size in Cinnamon Burst flavor)
Peanut Butter
Sugar Free Strawberry Topping (Smuckers) or SF Strawberry Jam
Banana Slices
Unsweetened Coconut
Bake for 10 minutes exactly in a 375 oven on a lightly oiled cookie sheet till crispy and Mmmm.
I just wanted to say thanks again for all the votes. My Mum and I chatted at length last night about the trip. It's going to be lots of fun. I will snap pics of the ENTIRE experience. LOL I can just see the blog entry now... this is the hotel bathroom, here's the mini shampoos, the contents of the mini bar, the inside of the elevator. You'll be wanting to call Progresso and rescind your votes ;)
Oh FYI for fellow coffee addicts: If you bring a reusable mug to any Starbucks (today only) you can get free brewed coffee. I utilize the free wifi at my local Starbucks some days to do my computer work so I will be taking advantage.
Hope everyone has a great day!