It was a beautiful Saturday. Hit the
Farmer's Market as usual. Scored some gorgeous super sweet strawberries, three kinds of onions, garlic, leeks, cauliflower, avocados, cucumbers, and some apples. Stopped at Starbucks for a Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce Soy Latte with an extra shot of espresso. That 2AM earthquake wake-up call was starting to take its toll and I was dragging my toosh. Espresso to the rescue. This was too beautiful a day to miss especially since I hear next week we're going to get some rain again. I dropped my market haul home and took a nice long walk around the neighborhood. Back home again... a little cleaning, gardening and packed up a picnic dinner to take to the park. Fed the ducks, watched the peddle boats, a wedding photo shoot (the bride was beautiful), walked around the lake a few times and ate the yummies packed in my
super cool bento box...
Pink Box (top left): Shelly's California Roll Salad (aka Rice-less Sushi)
Orange Box (top right): Steamed EdamameBlue Box (bottom left): Red, Ripe California Strawberries
Green Box (bottom right): Shelly's Sugar Free Coconut Nest

Now: getting ready to crash on the couch and watch the BBC version of
Emma again. Hope everyone is having a BEAUTIFUL weekend too.
Thanks for your votes today & tomorrow. Final 2 days.