For new blog readers here's my standard disclaimer: always follow your medical posse's advice. These are things I eat. They are fine on my plan but may not be on yours. As for portion size... what I eat as a 3 1/2+ year post op will obviously be different then someone say 4 months out. I should note too that I'm not a member of the clean your plate club anymore so just because I put it in a bento or on a plate doesn't mean I ate it all. The local ducks at my park often share a few bites with me. Look to your nutritionist and/or weight loss surgeon for suggested portion sizes. I am not a weight loss surgery expert, nutritionist or bariatric surgeon... I'm just another post-op trying to fight the daily battles against obesity and come out a winner for life.
Yesterday. My post weight loss surgery eating day.
Breakfast: I made a yummy Muffinless McMuffin
You need:
Stainless Food Ring
Non-stick Pan
Pam non-stick cooking spray
1 Turkey Sausage Patty
1 Egg
Spray the inside of a food ring (you know the ones I use to make my Protein Ice Cream Cakes) and a pan with Pam. Place in pan. Place defrosted turkey sausage patty in center of ring and begin to heat.
Lunch: You guys know I don't do rice (by choice) so when I'm jonesing for sushi I make my California Roll salad.
Dinner: I picked up some shallots (4 for $1) last week at the Farmer's Market so I caramelized them. Which just means I cooked them low and slow till golden. The natural sugars in the onions (in this case shallots and green onions) "caramelize" and become Mmmm heavenly. I used them to make a killer Tortilla Pizza.
Snacks: Oodles of coffee, Roasted Chickpeas and I am addicted to this yummy frosty protein shake I've been making. It's been super soothing on my throat and I think the frosty aspect helps bring down my temperature.
Yep, I'm still not rid of this creeping crud. I currently feel like I've been trampled by a herd of really angry elephants. I actually had started to feel a bit better, ran some errands and as I was walking around Costco I felt like I was going to hit the cement. I think I tried to do too much too fast. I'm just really sick of being sick. It's getting me down and of course the list of crap I'm not doing but should be doing is getting longer and longer. Ughh. OK LOL pity party over. Thanks for all the get well wishes by the way they have brightened my day :)
8 oz. Vanilla Soy Milk
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Coconut Torani Syrup
Handful of Ice Cubes
Whiz in blender till frosty. Top with Homemade, No Sugar Added Whipped Cream and a sprinkling of unsweetened coconut, optional.