Every Sunday there will be a different prize. All will be something I love and have found an absolute "a must have" on my weight loss surgery journey.
Today's I Heart Giveaway Prize: A Super Cool CLICK Goodie Bag

An extra special, top secret, not released to the public yet, sample of CLICK's new super yummy Vanilla Latte Flavor!
How to enter: Just leave a comment (include your name and an email addy) on this blog posting by Friday, March 5th, midnight (Pacific time) and sometime Saturday the 6th. I'll draw a name using a random number generator and announce the winner here on the blog! I will also email the winner at the addy posted. You'll have one week (7 days) to respond to my email or another winner will be chosen.
One COMMENT ENTRY per person. Remember blog comments are moderated so there may be a slight delay (up to a few hours) in seeing your comment/entry post. Giveaway is open to anyone in the United States (48 contiguous, Alaska & Hawaii.)
***Want extra chances to win?*** Do anything listed below and leave me a comment letting me know what you did! For up to four more entries per person!!
* Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway: Hey everyone enter the I heart @Eggface giveaway! http://tinyurl.com/a78ors
* Post about the giveaway on Facebook, MySpace or some other social networking/support forum you frequent
If you are a blogger:
* Blog about this giveaway (send me the url so I can enjoy your post!)
* Place the following link in your blog:
Can't wait to try CLICK for yourself and want the 411? Here's the link for Mocha CLICK and here's the link for the new Vanilla flavor.