Here's our tidbit dinner...
Turkey & Swiss Roll-ups with Cranberry Cream Cheese - 1 teaspoon of Whipped Cream Cheese mixed with 1 teaspoon of Cranberry Apple Chutney (or NSA Cranberry Sauce) Layer cheese and turkey, smear cranberry cream cheese on turkey and roll up.
Goat Cheese (Chevre) rolled in Crushed Walnuts, Pine Nuts, and Unsweetened Dried Cranberries with celery (also great on Soy Crisps or smeared in the middle of pounded out Chicken Breasts, rolled and baked with tomato sauce.)
My Spinach and Feta Bites (crustless quiches) I used Sun Dried Tomato Pesto instead of chopped tomatoes.
Highlights of the Day:
* Lost another pound on my Protein Ice Cream "diet." Too funny. Seriously though it never fails I bump up the protein and the scale moves. Oooooh and I'm a double hitter now... the extra cylinder for my ice cream maker arrived.
* Speaking of protein... I tried Click Protein that Espresso Protein drink Beth aka Melting Mama reviewed on her blog. I heart it. TY Beth.
If you like strong espresso coffee drinks you will love this. It reminds me of a Cafe Americano. They suggest using 2 scoops and mixing with water but after trying it a few times now I prefer mixing in soy milk (more protein too) and drinking it iced.
Well you know me... I had to throw it through the ice cream maker too. It was a little soupier than regular protein but after firming up for an hour or so in the deep freeze it made a kick ass espresso flavored faux gelato. Wanna see?
If you want to buy some the company is offering a special introductory offer using the following code: Simply enter RnRCLICKOn in the promotional code field and the price is reduced from $19.99 for a 10 serving canister to $17.99. Plus, if you purchase 2 canisters receive FREE shipping. The email says and I quote "Pass it on as this promotion will not last long!"
So yesterday morning I took a scoop of the Click Espresso Ice Cream I made and turned into a frappuccino-like creation in the blender with some soy milk and a squirt of SF Whipped Cream. Oh yeah espresso and protein no wonder I lost a pound I was a little freaking energizer bunny rabbit.
* Jamming on tunes.
Listening to: "Good People" Jack Johnson