I went to the Farmer's Market today and got stocked up on fresh veggies. I love walking around the market. It always inspires me. The farmer's tell you about their products and cool ways to prepare them. I love the Garlic Guy, this long haired hippie dude who is seriously passionate about garlic. I mean seriously passionate. You can just see him glow when he talks about the different varieties and dishes he's made with them. You never see that kind of passion from the produce guy at the supermarket. That's the secret to life. Find something that makes you glow... and if you can get paid for it too that's all the better.
After the market I took Mum to breakfast. Well Starbuck's. I had one of those Egg, Feta, Spinach Whole Wheat Wraps and my usual Tall SF Cinnamon Dolce Soy Latte with no whippage. Then I went and got a pedicure and manicure. Soooooo needed. My feet looked like hell. I live in flip flops and my heels pay the price. So now my friends in New York don't have to be scared if I take of my shoes.
I finally got home. I put all the goodies from the FM away... fresh spinach, heirloom garlic, onions, brussel sprouts, persimmons, pears and a loaf of Cinnamon Raisin Nut bread for my Mom. I watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" again for like the 15th time. I heart that movie. Every time I turn on the TV lately it's either Moonstruck, Forrest Gump or that. I surfed the net for awhile and then went outside to make dinner. It was chilly out tonight. Ummm but not as chilly as it will be in NY. I looked at LI's 10 day forecast and one day it said Low 22 degrees OMG!?! I hope those Uggs I bought do the job.
Anyway I sat outside in the chilly 55 degrees, watched the sunset and BBQ'd Shrimp Scampi Skewers. Yum. I served them with TJ's Roasted Corn (frozen section) which I made elote style by adding a teaspoon of mayo and tons of crumbled Cotija Cheese. I know it sounds strange but trust me it is awesome. Try it.
Highlights of the day:
* My feet feel heavenly.
* Mmmm this yummy cup of coffee I am sipping on as I type this. When was I was at Starbuck's I stocked up on my favorite SF Cinnamon Dolce Syrup for home. They sell the syrups BTW you just have to ask at the counter.
* Dinner was tasty. Easy and tasty. What could be better?
Listening to: "Keep Holding On" Avril Lavigne