1. Motivational thought for the week:
2. Are you aware of these 2 useful features on Celebrate Vitamins web site?
Celebrate's Supplement Life-Path - Designed to guide you step by step through your vitamin and mineral needs as a bariatric surgery patient specific to your weight loss surgery type. Now individual plans may vary from patient to patient based on personal needs but this will give you a great idea as to what supplements you should be asking your Dr about taking. Celebrate's Daily Path - Provides you a daily snapshot of when and how your Celebrate supplements should be taken. There is even a groovy feature where you can create your own daily path that downloads onto your computer.
3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:
Stop Blaming Lack of Willpower for Our Obesity Crisis
New Study Identifies Patients Most Likely to Achieve Remission of Type 2 Diabetes After Bariatric Surgery
Weight-Loss Surgery Cuts Heart Risk 7 Years Later
Former Rockette Creates a Musical to Fight Obesity
Spartanburg restaurants working to help solve obesity problem
Can gastric bypass fuel alcoholism? (video segment on Dr. Drew) - my thoughts on drinking alcohol post weight loss surgery
4. I'm creating a Blog Roll. I'm always looking for good reads and the list will potentially be added to my Links and Resources page in some shape or form. So if you are a Weight Loss Surgery Blogger please feel free to add your info to my list.
5. Thank you for all the birthday wishes for my Mum yesterday. She had a nice day. We hit a used bookstore and I stocked her up on all her favorite authors. I grilled some fish and made a Caprese salad. I also per Mum's request made Crustless Sweet Potato Pie topped with CLICK Crumbs and Homemade, No Sugar Added Caramel Whipped Cream. Yum.