There is one consolation to this ongoing bout of insomnia I am having... I get to catch up on all the infomercials I miss when I'm asleep. By the way I know Jessica Simpson's Secret and I think I've watched Hip Hop Abs 12 times this week. If I hear "Just Tilt, Tuck, and Tighten" one more time I think I will scream. It does look hella fun though. If this keeps up I might have to buy that one.
So during normal waking hours yesterday I went looking for a new office chair. My chair is dented from my big bum days and now my bony bum hurts like a SOB sitting in the dent. I'm going back to Costco to get the one I saw there. My bum liked it. Brown Leather with Temper-pedic bum cushioning. Ooooh yeah. Ass nirvana.
I came home yesterday and made one of my favorite post-op recipes... one I haven't made in a bit. Crab Stuffed Mushrooms with a Cucumber & Tomato Salad with some of the last of this year's garden tomatoes. They are getting fewer and fewer now. All good things must come to an end.
Wanna see?
These mushrooms are seriously yummy and would be awesome during soft foods. This is one of the dishes that made me feel "normal" early on.
Highlights of the day:
* I'm in love with these cookies. These are perfect for Protein Ice Cream making... just to eat as cookies they are waaaay to hard and dry (well if you like hard and dry they are tasty) but in ice cream they are PERFECT and hold up several days. I use about 4 cookies each batch of ice cream so calorie wise it's pretty darn good.
* I found my Sugar Free Cherry Tic Tacs at Rite Aid. Wooo Hooo. I heart these little suckers.
* Looking forward to... VH1 Classic is devoting the entire Labor Day weekend to the 1980s with "80 Hours of the 80's Videos." The three day event kicks off Friday at 4 PM. I'm breaking out my wayfarers and my jean jacket which will be too big now woot. I was a XL and Size 13 in my teens (now Small and Size 4.) Look here's the obnoxious monster now...
I looked thrilled.
Listening to: "Million Miles Away" The Plimsouls.