Shelly's Ham Fiesta Bites
1/2 Yellow Onion, diced
2 Green Onions, diced
2 cloves Garlic, diced
1/4 lb. (about 4 slices) Ham, diced
5 Eggs
1/4 cup Chopped Tomatoes, drained (I use S&W canned)
1/4 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1/4 cup Diced Green Chilies (I use Ortega canned)
1/2 teaspoon Oregano
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
a few twists of Black Pepper
Butter/Oil for sauteing
Preheat oven to 350 F. Saute onions till golden. Add garlic and ham saute 1 minute more. Set aside to cool. Mix all ingredients together. Be sure onion mixture has cooled slightly before adding eggs. Spoon (I use a small ice cream scoop) into a greased mini muffin tin. Bake for 30 minutes. Makes 24.
Something That Bites:
I have insomnia again.
I am up everyday at 1 AM (Day 4) yesterday I actually cried because I was so overly tired and frustrated.
I have no trouble falling asleep it's just staying asleep. Like clockwork I wake up and turn over only to see the glowing green alarm clock readout taunting me with 1:17 or 1:23 or some other ungodly hour. I run through some relaxation stuff... making my limbs limp, meditation, sniffing lavender, counting sheep, emu, freaking penguins, whatever... but nope. I am up.
So there I lay staring at the ceiling wide eyed until I give up and get up. I seem to go through this every few months. Remember the 3 AM Pancakes and Casserole week in March around the time I had my second round of plastic surgery.
It's getting me down.
So why is this happening??? I have no clue really. I have the same worries and crap as usual no more, no less. Like every single person in America... money, life, love (lack of), the future, the fact that we're all just hurling towards an apocalypse. Pleasant things like that.
I am trying to curb my coffee consumption after a certain hour so hopefully that will help. I am a coffee addict and I know that doesn't help matters. I'm getting plenty of exercise. Ya'll know I eat well. I go to sleep at around the same time each night, cool room, no TV, etc. I quickly drift off and then BAM.
Well if this keeps up expect some really killer casseroles to come out of it.
Highlights of the Day:
* It's started already... I made one of my favorites: Pastaless Chicken Carbonara Casserole. Wanna See?
* I've got the afternoon free so I'm going to try and take a nap and catch up a little of what I'm missing before I fall down.
* I downloaded some new music. I needed some new walking tunes.
Listening to: All Time Low "Poppin' Champagne" I heart little Blink wannabees.