1) Smell: Our strongest sense and memory trigger.
Your Grandfather's pipe (they leave :( us too quickly)
Mom's perfume
Children just bathed and ready for bed (nothing like a freshly bathed baby)
Burning scented candles (loving these right now)
The smell of a pile of leaves
Pine wreaths
The air after a rain
Vick's Vapor Rub (totally triggers childhood memories for me)

2) Hear:
Voices of loved ones
Listening to the howling wind or rain
The crunch of leaves under your feet
Children's excited voices
Trick or treaters calling, football cheers, carolers
The Salvation Army bell ringers
Your family "nagging" each other (Instead of getting agitated learn to enjoy this)

Halloween 1982
3.) Feel:
Hugs of loved ones
Flannel sheets and warm blankets
Fuzzy hats and scarves
Crisp morning air
A scented lotion (my favorite is the Pear one)
Warmth of a fire in the fireplace (Any of my NY pals remember the Yule Log on TV?)

4) See:
Trees changing color and losing their leaves
Clear starry skies
Cool cloud formations after a storm
Smiling faces
Glowing candles
Your breath on a cold day (Doesn't happen that much in So Cal I love it when it does)

5) Taste:
Healthy foods in sensible portions
Fresh fall veggies
Cooking with herbs
Sweet apples (smeared with Justin's Maple Almond Butter)
Warm tea
Lip balm (if I was on Survivor this would be my luxury item)