After dinner I worked for a bit and then went out and caught the local fireworks display. We have a great view from our backyard. This is the second house I've lived in with an awesome view of fireworks. It's nice not battling crowds. When we came inside Rose my cat was spooked from the snap, crackle, popping and so I spent some time calming her down. Pets don't like the 4th of July. She's still weirded out today and carrying around her "baby" everywhere (a stuffed gray cat).
Today is my Mom's birthday. We did nothing. By choice. We were going to go get our favorite crab legs but lunch turned into dinner and dinner turned into Sunday. We are into doing nothing today and sometimes those days are the best. Happy Birthday Mom!
Highlights of the day:
* Watching the "Pops goes the 4th" Boston Pops show (it's tradition)
* Baron's has yummy filet mignons. Reminder get those again well worth the $$
* My 2 hour conversation with Barb and talk of my next trip to NY. Barb and I need to hangout one last time at her house before her parents sell it :( and I need to deal with some "unfinished business" I have there.
Listening to: "Stone in Love" Journey