Breakfast: Needed a quick cleanup breakfast because I had places to go and people to see ;) Greek yogurt in the AM is a great start to getting in your protein for the day and this one is so good you may want to make it for dessert. It tastes just like an Almond Joy! Shelly's Almond Joy Protein Packed Yogurt: Greek Yogurt, plain, add Sugar Free Coconut Torani Syrup
More Grab and Go Breakfast Ideas
I was asked to speak at a somewhat local (45 miles or so north) Bariatric Surgery Support Group. It was a lovely morning making new friends and catching up with some old ones. Thank you Riverside Jarupa Valley Bariatric for inviting me. I shared some tips, a few stories and some info about Obesity Action Coalition, the upcoming Your Weight Matters National Convention. I shared some goodies from friends at Celebrate Vitamins, Big Train, Chike Nutrition and we had some fun giveaways.
Lunch: I was going to stop and get some lunch somewhere but there wasn't much in the area but fast food so I ended up just heading home after. It was a much better choice... I sat outside and had this delicious bento lunch.
Pink Box (top left): Wholly Guacamole Mini Cup (great for dipping tomatoes & roll-up)
Green Box (top right): Sliced Tomatoes
Blue Box (bottom left): Roast Beef and Swiss Cheese Cold Cut Roll-up
Orange Box (bottom right): a hunk of a Peanut Butter Creme Power Crunch Bar (wafer like similar to a Little Debbie Nutty Bar)
More Bento Box lunches, FAQ's and an Online Source for my box
My Bento Box Pinterest Page - Oodles of Bento Box Pictures and Lunch Ideas
Dinner: I tossed a couple of Tortilla Crusted Tilapia Filets in the oven. When they were done I broke them up a bit and made Lettuce Cup Fish Tacos, a little leftover Southwest corn, cheese, dollop of guacamole, dollop of Greek yogurt with a little Mexican Seasoning mixed in.
Snacks: Coffee and the other hunk of that Power Crunch Protein Bar from lunch. See what I mean about it being more like a wafer/nutty bar than a protein bar. They are really good out of the freezer too.
More Days in my pouch