Breakfast: I made a CLICK Banana Protein Frappe. Who needs Starbucks?!

1 cup Soy Milk (any milk will do)
2 scoops CLICK Espresso Protein Powder (your favorite flavor)
2 Tablespoons Torani Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup
1/2 a Banana
a few Ice Cubes
Whiz in blender till smooth. Top with optional squirt of Homemade No Sugar Added Whipped Cream and a slice of banana.
Lunch: Filled my super cool bento box and ate outside. It is AMAZING what a 1/2 hour of fresh air will do to your mood and well a yummy lunch like this helps too...

Green Box (top right): 1/2 a Wild Berry Quest Protein Bar
Blue Box (bottom left): a variety of sliced Cheese
Orange Box (bottom right): Sliced Cucumbers (my crackers)
Dinner: My Faux "Spaghetti" and Meatballs. I had some beautiful sweet Maui Onions, sliced them and cooked them low and slow till they were soft and just beginning to caramelized. Served them with Turkey Meatballs, Marinara Sauce and a sprinkle of Parmesan Cheese on top. Generally I don't like pasta replacements. I don't do wheat or tofu noodles (there's Sicilian law against using those, not really but should be) but I love to use veggies as a pasta replacement like these "Spaghetti" Onions or my Zucchini Manicotti. I actually prefer them and would choose them over pasta any day. Seriously, I would.

It was a tasty day.