Weight bias and stigma seems to be the last socially acceptable form of discrimination. I'm hoping one day that will no longer be the case because...
A person’s weight provides no indication of an individual’s character, credentials, talents, leadership or contributions to society.
I'm assuming if you are reading my blog you or someone you love is affected by obesity. Please considering joining the OAC in this effort and beyond. The Obesity Action Coalition is a national non profit organization dedicated to giving a voice to those affected by obesity through education, support & advocacy. Individual memberships are only $20 a year and you'll be sure to receive automatic "Bias Busters" alerts along with your other membership benefits, Weighty Matters magazine, action alerts, a monthly newsletter, access to great resources and the best benefit... being a part of a GREAT organization fighting for us and those we ❤ CLICK HERE for all the 411 on joining the fight.
P.S. Here's the first CALL TO ACTION.