1. My weight loss surgery friendly, Crock Pot Carnitas recipe is in the running for the 2011 America’s Next Pork Crock-Star. You can vote once a day in each category until October 31st.
2. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:
Weight Loss Surgery Benefits Entire Family
One School's Efforts in Reversing Obesity
Is Obesity a Disease? Verdict could affect what health insurance covers
and BE SURE TO CHECK OUT the OAC's Bias Busters Call to Action. I can not imagine how this Dr. has a license or worse how this magazine allowed this ignorant crap to be published.
3. Update on the cat that came to visit... it's still here. I think it's a girl but we have named it Charlie so if I'm wrong the name still fits. It's looking better, filling out, I'll snap a picture today, it's black with a white stripe down its belly. Very Halloweenie. Speaking of Halloween...
4. Are you looking for a healthy weight loss surgery friendly, high protein Halloween treat? I took my Espresso Protein Truffles and spooked them up.

Shelly's Espresso Protein Truffles (Bat Wings Edition)
2 Scoops Click Espresso Protein Powder (any flavor)
3 Scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
1/2 cup Almond Butter
1 Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
1/4 cup Chopped Nuts (I used a combo of Pecans, Walnuts, and Pistachios)
Toppings (optional): Unsweetened Toasted Coconut, Crushed Nuts, SF Pudding Mix, more Protein Powder, Unsweetened Cocoa, Crushed SF Candy Cane or for the bats I just left them plain.
Mix all ingredients till thoroughly combined. Roll into walnut size balls. Roll in unsweetened Toasted Coconut (or other topping choices.) Place in fridge to firm before serving. If your Almond Butter is very loose (brands vary - I used fresh ground) you can add up to a scoop of protein more, you want a soft play dough texture but remember it firms in the fridge. Keep leftovers refrigerated. You can also freeze them and defrost in the fridge as needed. Makes about 25.

5. If you are in the Southern California area and looking for something fun and fall-ish to do this Sunday (October 23rd), a group of us Weight Loss Surgery pals are meeting up at Tom's Farms in Corona, CA to walk around the shops, hang out, have lunch. Please join us! We're meeting in front of the Wine & Cheese Shop at 12 noon.