Shelly's Pecan Pie Protein Shake
1 cup Vanilla Soy Milk (or Regular Milk)
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Vanilla Torani Syrup
1 Tablespoon Pecans
1 teaspoon Imitation Butter Extract (in the spices aisle)
2-3 cubes of Ice
Whiz in blender till smooth. Top with a squirt No Sugar Added, Homemade Whipped Cream and a few more chopped Pecans, optional.
This shake is a variation on my Butter Pecan Protein Ice Cream. So if you love that... you'll love this.
More Eggface Favorite Protein Shakes
It's only Tuesday and I already feel like I'm playing catch-up. I had so many things I needed to do yesterday all of which required the computer but at 10 AM everything I was working on the computer went black. Last week we got a postcard in the mail for a scheduled power outage to do some upgrading in my 'hood which I stuck on the fridge and never looked at it again. So of course yesterday morning when the screen went dark I had that "oh crap, that's today" moment. I grabbed the postcard and ughhh "outage could last from 9 to 4:30 PM." I hate being forced Amish. No computer, no music, no coffee?! Oh-heck-no. So I grabbed the laptop and set up the mobile office at Starbucks but you know how that goes, got sucked into people watching and didn't get as much done.
Hope your week is off to a GREAT start.