I needed something super quick & easy for lunch today because I am going to be back in the kitchen again tonight making yummy themed snacks for tonight's Glee Finale! Remember when I went up to Los Angeles in April... this is the episode Mum and I saw filmed and are potentially in. So for those of you that watch, no blinking or you may miss the nano-second my Mum and I are on-screen ;) FYI: We're in the balcony, first row of the Regionals performances. I even scored a Program!

Shelly's Artichoke Pesto Tuna Salad
1/2 can Artichoke Hearts (13.75 oz. can, water-packed, non-marinated type)
1 Tablespoon Storebought (or homemade) Pesto Sauce
1 can Tuna Fillets, packed in Olive Oil, drained (I use Roland Ventresca Tuna Fillets)
1 Cucumber, chopped
1 Tablespoon Fresh Basil, chopped
Kosher Salt to taste
a few twists of Black Pepper
Whiz artichoke hearts and pesto in a mini food processor till smooth like a paste. Add to remaining ingredients.