I'm in cherry heaven. 88¢ a pound. Now is when I buy them up... pit them (yeah not so fun) and freeze them for making smoothies,
Black Cherry Protein Ice Cream,
Cherry Nut Protein Muffins before they get $$$ again. I love cherries.
This was breakfast...
Shelly's Cherry Berry Cottage Smoothie
1 cup Vanilla Soy Milk (you can use any milk)
1/2 cup Frozen Pitted Cherries
2-3 Frozen Strawberries
1/4 cup Cottage Cheese
1 Tablespoon Sugar-Free Black Cherry Torani Syrup
Whiz in
blender till smooth. Top with
No Sugar Added Homemade Whipped Cream, optional.

You can add
Vanilla or Chocolate Protein Powder to this I often do but I was having it with a
Banana Nut Protein Muffin so I didn't add it this time. I had plenty of protein with the milk & cottage cheese and the muffin. Try this shake... even if you are not a cottage cheese fan. I promise you this is yum!
More Protein Shake Recipes