Breakfast: I started my day with a protein shake that tasted just like a Root Beer Float.
Shelly's Root Beer Float Protein Shake
1 cup Milk (any kind you use)
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
1/3 of a packet of A&W Root Beer Sugar-Free Drink Mix Singles to Go!
A few cubes of Ice
Whiz on high in blender.
I used Celebrate Vitamins Vanilla Bean Protein Meal Replacement. I found the A&W drink packets at my 99 cent store but here's an online source not much more expensive if you don't have them in yours. 1/3 of a packet is perfect for me, the perfect amount of root beer flavor.
More Eggface Protein Shake Recipes
Lunch: A lettuce-wrapped 1/2 a Burger Patty topped with Bacon, Cheese, Grilled Onions and Persian Cucumber Spear "Fries" with a Greek Yogurt Onion Dip.
If you have a Trader Joe's pick up some of this Onion Salt, the name is really deceiving though it's not salty at all the ingredients are granulated onion, granulated garlic, minced onion, kosher salt, green onion, and dried chives.
Trust me, get some. It's sooo great to add to Greek yogurt to make protein packed savory dips for veggies or meat, or sprinkle it on egg salad or tuna salad, scrambled eggs.
More Eggface Take-Out Inspired Meals
Dinner: Leftover rotisserie chicken. Thank goodness for Costco this summer when the temperature was too hot to turn on the oven. I picked up a Rotisserie Chicken and turned it into a couple of meals. Today I had a webinar for work so I made up my bento box and sat outside with my webinar on mute so they didn't hear any birds, planes or chewing.
Pink Box (top left): Rotisserie Chicken
Orange Box (top right): Greek Yogurt Onion Dip (see recipe above, I made more at dinner)
Blue Box (bottom left): Tomatoes and Cucumbers (with a sprinkle of the Onion Salt)
Green Box (bottom right): Mini Mozzarella
More Bento Box lunches, FAQ's and an Online Source for them
My Bento Pinterest Page (Tons of Lunch Ideas)
Snacks: Coffee and I made another batch of those Frozen Faux "Cheesecake" Bites so a couple are on-deck tonight when I sign-off and go watch TV.
I saw on my Amazon Prime account I can watch old episodes of Amazing Race and my Mum who loves the show never saw the first season so we are watching that and LOL I C.R.S. (Can't Remember Shit) so it's new to me too. If you have an Amazon Prime account you should check out all the awesome shows and movies included each month (or Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial
More Days in my Pouch
P.S. Check back I have a post going up with a few other fun, new (or at least new to me and hopefully some of you too) product finds. Oh, and it might be time for a giveaway this weekend. and and most importantly, sending prayers for safety to my many friends and family in the path of Hurricane Irma this weekend and those in Texas still feeling the results of Harvey. 2017 has been a hard one... we deserve some good things now. Sending wishes for them to all. xo Shelly