I did realize I was soooo right to buy the DVD set versus go to a class as I am completely uncoordinated, on occasion the steps got away from me. I had a feeling if you videotaped me and played it back I probably looked like I was having some sort of seizure at times but you know... I was laughing and moving and SWEATING so bottom-line that is what matters. I think after a few rounds I will get the basic and intermediate sort of moves down but some of the hop, step, kick your foot out moves, yeah I almost ended up on my ass on those. In public, with someone next to me I fear for their safety. I might put someone's eye out. I need lots of practice.
So verdict: I had fun! I enjoyed it and that's the key to exercise, if you don't enjoy it, it probably won't happen consistently. It did feel more like dancing than exercising. It'll be perfect on a rainy day when I can't go walking or to change things up a bit from time to time, using a different muscle group helped to break stalls for me. Best part: on average, a 150 lb. person can expect to burn 536 calories during an hour of Zumba. Olé
My PSA on Exercise