
Costco Shopping List - Weight Loss Surgery Friendly?

You'd think there wouldn't be a whole lot at Costco for us after we have weight loss surgery. I mean everything is in such LARGE quantities but I've found a few things that are weight loss surgery friendly and have been very helpful on my journey. Click on the linked items to see usage ideas and recipes.

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Here's my Costco Shopping List:

Premier Protein Shakes (ready to drink kind, watch for sales every few months)
Ground Beef & Turkey (I portion out in 1/2 lb. sections & freeze)
Frozen Freeze Portions (Tilapia, Salmon)
Tortilla Crusted Tilapia
Silk Almond Milk 3 pk (best price),  Blue Diamond Shelf Stable Almond Milk
Foster Farms Turkey Meatballs
Cheeses (current favorites Wensleydale Cheddar with Cranberries & Fresh Asiago)
Quick'N Eat Fully Cooked Choice Angus Patties
Frozen Shrimp
Frozen Fruit (for Protein Shakes)
Tribe Single Serve Hummus
Dietz & Watson Cold Cuts (London Broil is great & can be frozen/defrosted for casseroles later)
Fresh Seafood (Shrimp, Scallops, Crab Legs, Clams, SALMON)
Rotisserie Chicken Best, biggest & cheapest!
String Cheese
Coach's Oats
Turkey Jerky
All Natural Fruit Crunchies and Almonds (purse snacks)
Canned Beans (great pantry staple)
Canned Crab Meat
Canned Chicken
Chicken Broth (sometimes Bone Broth too)
Frozen Boneless Skinless Chicken Tenderloins
Madras Lentils
Mini Peppers
Mushrooms (big ones to stuff)
Fresh Mango
Fuji, Pink Lady or Honeycrisp Apples
Driscoll's Raspberries
3 packs of Hothouse Cucumbers (my crackers)
If you use 0% Fage Greek Yogurt they carry a HUGE tub at a great price. I use 2% more.
Cello Cheese Whisps
Pro-Go Egg, Cheese, Nut Boxes
Kellogg's Special K Crustless Quiches
Crystal Light Drink Sticks Variety Tub

Photo printing for when you are dropping sizes
I've gotten a few cute outfits, underwear, socks
Lowest prices on prescriptions (P.S. You don't need a membership to get prescriptions, buy booze or get your eyes checked, little-known facts)

If I think of more I will add them but that's the main stuff. Well, there is always the "Costco Buffet" as I call it... a sample of cheese, a hunk of meat or two and I'm full. I'm a cheap lunch date.

My Weight Loss Surgery Pantry Essentials
My Trader Joe's Shopping List
My Liquid Stage Shopping List 
My Pureed Food Shopping List