
September is Self–Care Awareness Month

September is Self–Care Awareness Month, a month designated to remind us that taking care of ourselves, first and foremost, is essential. You can't be the best friend, mother, father, girlfriend, employee, boss, daughter, or son if you don't first start making sure your tank is full. I've said this before on the blog but it bears repeating like the flight attendant says, "put your oxygen mask on first before helping others."

For those of us that have had bariatric surgery, this is a reminder to...

  • Plan some healthy meals: head over to Pinterest create a board and save some recipes you want to try. Check out my Pinterest Page for some ideas.
  • Is it time to get your annual labs done? Make that appointment now. Be sure you requesting a bariatric panel (includes more than regular panel, things like iron, ferritin, and B12) 
  • Find time to do some things YOU love to do. Put "ME TIME" on the calendar. Seriously, make an appointment and treat it like an appointment with a VIP (Very Important Person) because that is what it is! 

and self-care doesn't have to be expensive. Here are a few ways I practice self-care:

  • Turn up the music and dance. 3-4 songs = 10 minutes. If you do this 3 times in a day you have a 30-minute workout. I love Spotify.
  • Catch a sunrise or a sunset (bonus if you can get both in a single day) or spend some time looking at the starry night sky (make some wishes.)
  • Research a place you hope to visit one day (or just learn more about.) 
  • Give yourself a DIY Spa Day. I'd love to do the real deal spa weekend but that's not in my budget $$$ so if it's not in yours try this alone or with someone you love.
  • Grab a box and fill it with stuff to donate. Free up some space, it's good for others and the environment too.


*** Now head over to my Instagram account to enter to win a super cool Self Care Kit: a few things to get you started taking care of and celebrating YOU!***

The Prize: For US Mailing Addresses Only

Some great items from Celebrate Vitamins (sponsored):
30 Stick Variety Pack  Celebrate Vitamins Essential Multi 3 in 1 (Multivitamin, Calcium Citrate, and Fiber) in Citrus Splash, Wild Cherry, and Raspberry-Lemonade flavors.
7-Single Serve Packets (a week of yum!) of Celebrate Vitamins Protein 20 (20 grams of whey protein isolate, 1-3 grams of sugar and only 90 -120 calories per serving) in Chocolate Mint, Peanut Butter Cookie, Iced Decaf Coffee, Cookies and Cream, Chocolate, Caramel Vanilla Swirl, and Wildberry.
Celebrate Vitamins Shaker Bottle
Celebrate Vitamins "Celebrate Life" Mug
and a few more goodies:
A super cool Bento Box (take your lunch outside)
Aloe Socks (after your DIY spa day put these on they will change your life)
Spotify Premium Service Gift Card (create a favorite songs list) and
Earbuds (take a walk with your new playlist)

To Enter: Head over to my Instagram for complete rules on how to enter this giveaway. Don't have Instagram it's free to start an account.