1. If you are like me you toss a protein bar into your purse or carry-on "just in case" and it gets bashed around for a few days (or err ummm weeks) and then when you really need it, it's not the most appealing option. This is the solution:
A hard eyeglass case. How cool is that?! They hold two typical size bars nicely. My current stash: the new Banana Bread Quest Protein Bar and Double Chocolate Vanilla Crunch Pure Protein Bar and when I go to eat them now they won't be a bashed up, hot mess.
2. Update on the Obesity Action Coalition "Your Weight Matters" Convention - a little bird told me we are getting close to the first 150 registrants. The first 150 get entered into a drawing for 3 nights at the hotel free. Be sure to get in on that. If you have questions about the convention I am part of the Welcoming Committee and happy to answer them...
or chat with any of the other members of the committee: Pam, Amber, Tammy, or Jacqueline.
If you think someone in your circle will benefit from attending please share the video invitation with them. Also if you are member of an online forum or in-person support group please pass on the info. The more the merrier.
3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:
Obesity on the menu’ for kids, group says - from the article the worst offender: Applebee’s grilled cheese sandwich on sourdough bread with fries and 2% chocolate milk kid's meal = 1,200 calories and 21 grams of saturated fat.
Cafeterias become learning laboratories
Menus labels may sway those who need them most
Major weight loss tied to microbe excretions (ewww excretions but at least they are researching)
Hosting Walking Meetings - If you have a staff or office this is a GREAT idea!
and this must read awesome article from a Dr. who is also a weight loss surgery patient. I meant to post on the blog awhile back but looks like I only posted on Facebook & Twitter. I don't want anyone to miss it: Why am I struggling with my weight? I am doing everything right! by Walter Medlin, MD, FACS
4. A few products I've found, used or spotted this week:
In May, I will be attended the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America Meet & Greet in Las Vegas and one of the event supporters is EatSmart Products. I wanted to give them a shout-out for helping to support our community events and share with you a few of my favorite EatSmart products. The EatSmart Precision Plus Bathroom Scale is a great product. The weight capacity is 440 lbs. which is one of the highest on the market and it has a nice wide foot space. It has a quick response display, just step onto the scale and in seconds you'll have an accurate readout to the nearest .2 lbs. I'd show a picture of myself on the scale but this is a family friendly blog and I usually weigh myself stark naked. 'Cause hello?! My PJ's are flannel, flannel is heavy. Another awesome product they make is their EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale, it's stylish so you can leave it out on the counter and measure all your ingredients before adding them to your recipes (or my recipes.) There is even a feature to deduct the weight of the bowl or plate you are using. Proper portion sizes are so important. A kitchen scale is a must have in my book. If you are in the market for a bathroom scale or kitchen scale I highly recommend checking out an EatSmart scale.
Oh and the cute logo on their products is a subtle daily reminder of what we should all be doing... Eating Smart!
I am super excited about this gadget. As some of you know my Mum fell a while back and as part of her therapy she bought this Footsmart Pedal Exerciser. Well she can only do a few minutes a day guess who has been loving it the rest of the day. Me. I put it under my desk and bike as I type. I'm doing it right now. It's got a groovy display with calories burned and speed and all that good stuff. It's an easy way to get in a little extra movement a day and it really fun. If you don't have much room for exercise equipment this is for you.
and some food finds... FlapJacked Protein Pancake Mix. I scored a few samples of these mixes to try out, fortified with Whey Protein Isolate. They come in three flavors: Cinnamon Apple (yum), Banana Hazelnut or traditional Buttermilk pancakes. They are great as pancakes (just mix with water) or you can use them in recipes like my ricotta pancakes for even more protein bang for your buck.
MiO Blueberry Lemonade - MiO has been around for awhile but this is apparently a fairly new flavor. I had tried MiO in the past and it was OK but I never bought it again. This one is really good. It's found in the same area you find crystal light, Costco carries a 3-pack of a few flavors not this Blueberry Lemonade one unfortunately, or online. It's perfect to toss in my carry-on bag (it's under 3 oz. so meets TSA standards) to save me from becoming a shriveled up dehydrated prune or worse on trips. I do a lot of conventions and conferences and most to them have coffee but usually only have half and half which in any larger quantity than a sip or two will cause me discomfort (liquid milk and I post surgery don't get along) and I'm not a lover of plain water (bad I know) so this is great for me.
Check out EatSmart Products, Footsmart, Flapjacked and Mio on Facebook and tell 'em Eggface sent you.
5. Be sure to stop back by the blog this weekend... something fun is in the works!