
Healthy Snacks: Frozen Faux "Cheesecake" Bites

In anticipation (more like dread) of an impeding triple digit heatwave we have headed our way I made a batch of these Frozen Faux "Cheesecake" Bites. They taste like a little bite of frozen cheesecake but are a much healthier choice. I store them in a zipper bag in the freezer and anytime I need to cool down during the week ahead these easy to make, protein-packed, delicious treats will be ready.

Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve Sugar Free Recipes Desserts

Shelly's Frozen Faux "Cheesecake" Bites  

1/2 cup Cottage Cheese
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt (any flavor, I used plain)
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Torani Syrup (any flavor)
1/2 a Banana

Optional Base: 1 Crumbled Protein Bar
Optional Toppings: Nuts, Sugar Free Chocolate Chips, Sugar Free Jam, More Crumbled Protein Bar, Sugar Free Ice Cream Toppings, Cereal

Pulverize a protein bar into crumbs (the wafer or crispy ones work best: Powercrunch, Celebrate Vitamins ENS 2 in 1, Premier Fiber, Quest Cereal Bars) I just stick it in a quart size bag and hit it a few times with a wooden meat mallet, pressing a pan on top works too. Spoon about a teaspoon or so into the bottom of a mini muffin.

Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve Sugar Free Recipes Desserts

Blend cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, SF syrup and 1/2 a banana in a blender. Spoon mixture on top of protein bar crumbs.

Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve Sugar Free Recipes Desserts

Top with whatever toppings you love. Freeze several hours or over night. When frozen pop out and store in zipper baggie in freezer.

Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve Sugar Free Recipes Desserts

Cooks Note: either silicon or metal muffin pans will work. Silicon is easiest for releasing as they bend. Metal just requires a little time defrosting or I just place it on a warm dish towel (wet towel slightly & nuke for 15 seconds) and they'll pop right out.

Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Gastric Bypass Vertical Sleeve Sugar Free Recipes Desserts

If you are wanting ice cream this is a GREAT alternative. Stay cool friends!

More Eggface Sweet and Savory Snacks
More Eggface Desserts

In Case of Emergency: Essentials for the Weight Loss Surgery Post-Op

Watching the Weather Channel and seeing impending Hurricane Harvey in the Gulf got me thinking of my friends in the path of the storm. I hope they are safe and prepared if they are sheltering in place or have the basic emergency essentials in a bag ready to toss in the car if they are told they need to evacuate.

We don't have hurricanes in Southern California, our threats are earthquakes and wildfires but really everyone needs to be prepared. Here's some of the items in mine designed with the weight loss surgery post-op in mind.

Disaster Preparedness Emergency Kit Food Safety Evacuation

List of Emergency Essentials: 

Plenty of Water & SF Drink Sticks
Ready-to-Drink Protein Shakes (shelf stable) or Protein Powder Travel Packets (easily mixed in a bottle of water or Blender Bottle Shaker)
Boxed Bone Broth or Soup
Tuna, Salmon, Crab Packets
Canned Beans or Veggies
Protein Bars & Snacks
Roasted Edamame
Beef, Turkey, Chicken Jerky
Peanut Butter
No Sugar Added Applesauce or Fruit Cups
Can Opener
Weather Radio
First Aid Supplies
A Guide to Basic First Aid and CPR (or better yet take a course)
Your Bariatric Vitamins & any Medications you are currently taking
Copies of your Important Information (emergency phone #'s, maps, addresses, important account #'s/passwords, medical info, insurance info, a portable flash drive with your import info & family photos)
Blankets, Sleeping Bags, Hot Hands
Basics like Toilet paper, Soap, Disposal Tooth Brushes, Tissues/Paper Towel, Trash Bags
Wrench or Pliers to turn off utilities (if needed)
Fire Extinguisher
Cellphone w/backup battery or solar charger
Socks and closed-toe Shoes

Remember the special needs of those in your home:
Pet Food & Supplies
Baby Food & Supplies
Extra Hearing-Aid Batteries, Glasses, Folding Cane, etc.
Kids: Comfort Item, Small Book/Crayons

Every few months set a calendar reminder to rotate food/water items in your kit. You wouldn't want the you-know-what to hit the fan only to find out your can of beans expired in 1998.

Great Resource for Checklists and Planning Info
Resources for Coping with Natural Disasters

Remember friends and family will be worried so when you can use Twitter or Facebook to share that you're OK. Stay safe everyone! Feel free to comment with any items you add to your kit.

Me, 5 years old looking bored with it all, day after Hurricane Belle, in front of the tree that fell across my road, Center Moriches, Long Island.

Protein Packed Snacks for the Solar Eclipse

Today all of North America will be treated to a total eclipse of the sun. Basically we're standing around with goofy glasses on waiting to get mooned ;) so I made some protein packed snacks (well more like Brunch for me as the excitement starts around 10:15) for the occasion.

Ancient eclipses were viewed as a sign that the Gods were angry and were taking away the sun as punishment. You can make these shrimp as angry as you like by adding more seasoning.

Shelly's Simple Spicy Sauteed Shrimp 

1 pound 21/25 Raw Shrimp, Peeled & Deveined 
1 teaspoon (or more depending on how angry you want the the make the Gods or your Guests) Cajun Seasoning
1 Tablespoon Butter

Place shrimp in a non-stick pan that has been sprayed with non-stick spray lightly. Cook on medium heat till shrimp are start to turn pink, about 2 minutes. Flip and add butter and seasoning. Toss till coated and fully cooked (just about a minute more.) 

Shelly's Solar Eclipse Mini Protein Muffins

1 Egg, beaten
3 Tablespoons Milk
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup (find in coffee aisle I used this)
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix, dry
2 Tablespoons Almond Flour 
1/4 cup Vanilla Protein Powder
Pinch salt

Mix egg, milk, syrup and oil (applesauce or cottage cheese can sub for oil but 1 T divided between 12 muffins is really not a lot) and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix pancake mix, almond flour, pudding mix, I used Premier Protein Vanilla 100% Whey Protein Powder and salt.

Tip dry into wet and stir till combined. Pour into a non stick mini muffin pan that has been sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Bake at 350 for 13-14 minutes. Edges will be golden, tops dry (toothpick test: stick a toothpick into the center of your muffin. If there is wet batter still on the toothpick, it needs more time in the oven. If it comes out clean, your muffins are done! )

For Chocolate version: Replace the Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding mix with SF Chocolate and the Vanilla Protein with Chocolate, everything else remains the same.

Something fun to do: slice them in half, smear some SF jam or nut butter on the bottom half of the muffin and top with a muffin top of the other flavor.

and because I could resist...

Eggface's Eggclipse Popsicles

Hard-cooked Eggs
Bagel Seasoning (Everything but the Bagel Seasoning at Trader Joe's or Bagel Spice)
Wooden Sticks or Plastic Forks

Well I'm all set... Goofy Glasses, Snacks, Tunes... and tonight I'm going to pop in my go-to movie for all celestial events. Happy Eclipse Everyone!

Your Weight Matters YWM2017 Wrap-Up - Day 3 and 4

The Your Weight Matters National Convention is one of the highlights of my year. It helps me both with my personal health goals and my commitment to using my voice to help others affected by obesity. Please join us next year... July 19-22, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. You will be so glad you did!

If you missed my Day 1 and 2 Wrap-Up


We started the morning with Internationally-acclaimed and super cool Veterinarian, Dr. Ernie Ward who shared his latest research on pet obesity and the connection to human obesity. We know our environment plays a role in obesity and it often effects multiple members of a family including our fur babies. Some interesting connections to human obesity in the marketing of food, ease of access, misconceptions about what is "healthy" and even shaming and stigma. Dr. Ward has a great YouTube channel if you are pet lover I highly recommend you check it out.

Then Dr. Jason Ong talked to us about the current research in how sleep and obesity are related. As a person who barely sleeps (never was a great sleeper pre-op: Sleep Apnea/GERD post-op: 4 hours is a good night) I learned so much and have a lot of work to do in this area.

Sleep and Obesity Connections

after a little break to visit exhibits and the photo booth...

YWM2017  Joe Nadglowski Michelle Shelly Vicari

We were back with Dawn Jackson-Blatner, you may recognize her name from ABC's show "My Diet is Better than Yours" and her book, "The Superfood Swap." Her energy is amazing and she always brings awesome insights. I love these slides from her presentation. Are you one of these Mean Girls (or Guys)?

This is something I follow personally. What to do when LIFE HAPPENS... Step one: Forgive because LIFE HAPPENS. Step two: Be Curious.... Why? What happened? What can I do next time?

I've said this a million times on the blog... if you make a not-so-great-choice learn from it and put a plan in place so when faced with a similar situation there will be a better outcome. Regret, self-hate, shame and guilt are useless energy and science even tells us harmful to our health. Use the screw-up worksheet, learn from it and MOVE ON.

I love talking about online resources and I got to share some of my favorites today and a few new ones. I used my most recent Your Weight Matters magazine article contribution and blog post to start the conversation about all the ways technology can help us in our journey to better health. I also touched on something I shared in my Thursday session about the power of social media to share our story, advocate for issues we believe in. Did You Know? that as few as 30 tweets will get the attention of Congress about an issue. Our voices are powerful!

Presentations YWM2017

The afternoon again is full of decisions and being a food blogger I had to attend the big nutrition panel... with some of my favorite RD's. Happy to say they shared things I am doing... go me! but hearing that helps reinforce those ideas and I always love the practical tips and new resources they share.

I had a little time to answer some Wall of Insight questions (we changed out the questions several times during the day and the insights will be used in future programming) and spend time with new and old friends as I charged up my phone so I was ready for the evening event.

Mmmm Celebrate Vitamins Lemon Crunch Essential Protein 2 in 1 Bars are the bomb!

Oh get this fun thing... In the morning I tweeted about being the first in line for coffee at the hotel Starbucks and when I went up to my room to change I found this awesome gift from the hotel waiting (wasn't I just talking about the power of social media) so cool!

Saturday evening is our Award Ceremony, a chance to honor Obesity Action Coalition members who have helped in a major way throughout the year. The Nomination Committee keeps the winners close to the vest so I learned the winners as they were announced but looking back at the year they all have made such wonderful contributions to the OAC it's no wonder they were nominated. Some pictures from the evening...

Award Ceremony Annual Meeting Patient Event

I went out with a few pals and finally got some of my favorite Chargrilled Oysters (even if you hate oysters you have to try them this way) and stayed up waaaay too long (sorry Dr. Ong I should have been sleeping) in the lobby laughing and chatting. It wouldn't be New Orleans if there wasn't a funny drunk story. At one point in the evening I looked over and saw 2 wobbly, young men attempting to wheel/steal the life size fiberglass bull art installation in the lobby, they were approached by hotel security as they neared the elevator. I heard them ask the young men nicely to release the bull and sharing with them that it was $1500 to replace it if they broke it. They wisely set the bull down and the guards wheeled it back across the lobby. One of the young men stumbled over to our group and told us as if to warn us "that's an expensive cow" just in case we might have thought to try the same shenanigans ;) LOL Thanks. We asked security if that happens often and they laughed, shook their heads and said, "Never, that was a first!"

I finally got to bed at about 2 AM with my alarm set for 4:30 to pack my bags so I could check out right after our Sunday AM event. I am entirely too old to stay up this late.


Breakfast was a Premier Protein shake on ice (some people do mimosas I do protein shakes) while watching the sunrise for the last time in New Orleans (well at least on this trip, I love NOLA I'll be back.) I put on my official YWM2017 t-shirt and head down for our final event...

As a final send-off for attendees, the OAC hosted a special Sunday morning event: ENGAGE! Celebrating the OAC's Community. Amber and I shared our favorite memories, moments and lessons from the weekend and asked attendees to share theirs as well... lots of laughs and a few tears! We bonded one last time before leaving New Orleans. It was like the last morning of summer camp!! I wanted to see my Mum and kitties and sleep in my own bed but I wanted to put everyone in my carry-on bag and take them with me too!

Obesity Action Coalition YWM2017

YWM2017 Obesity Action Coalition

What an amazing weekend... and usually we have to wait a whole year before we get to see each other but since the date of #YWM2018 has moved up into July... we are T-minus 11 months till we are together in the real world again!! See you in Denver! Till then where to find me...

The World According to Eggface Blog

If you did not attend and want to keep up with the plans for next year's event be sure to sign up for Convention e-alerts and follow the Obesity Action Coalition on Facebook tell them Eggface sent you!

Official Storify Summary from Saturday and Sunday with more pictures and videos.

Your Weight Matters YWM2017 Wrap-Up - Day 1 and 2

I'm back from the Your Weight Matters National Convention. What an amazing weekend! If you ever get an opportunity to attend... do it! You will not regret it. It's 3+ days of awesome education, world renowned speakers and the best people you will ever meet. For me, attending makes me feel energized and recommitted to my personal health goals and my commitment to advocacy efforts in combating weight bias and increasing access to care and education about obesity.

So many great memories from the weekend. I left for New Orleans early Wednesday morning. This is me at the San Diego airport barely awake...

Bariatric Surgery Social Media Health Weight Loss Journey

It was a long travel day. I was thankful I packed Mini Pecan Praline Protein Muffins they kept me going till I was able to grab some dinner... Caesar Salad with a Creole Crab Cake (minus croutons, dressing on the side) at the hotel when I arrived at about 8 PM.

Thursday... Woke up before the sun to give everyone a sneak peek of the Registration Area and get some much needed coffee.

We had an Obesity Action Coalition Board of Directors meeting. It was so nice to see everyone. We mostly communicate through phone meetings so it's always nice to have face to face time. We've got some great projects in the works and it was a chance to touch base on those and get some updates from all our committees. Oh and I was honored to be elected Vice Chair at the meeting...

YWM2017 Annual Event Board of Directors

We had a little break for lunch joined 2 friends in the French Quarter. I had a delicious Grilled Shrimp Salad (when in NOLA seafood is my jam) and then it was back to the hotel for our Advocacy Training Sessions. I was excited to share the reasons why sharing our personal stories is such a powerful tool  as well as how to use social media in our advocacy efforts. The slides of that session will be available soon and I'll be sure to add the link so check back.

We had a great Welcome Reception and the first opportunity to tour the exhibit hall. We all wore shirts from our home state... such a fun ice breaker.

Friends Support Health


Welcome Attendees

We started with a strong and empowering message out of the gate from Amber Huett-Garcia, Obesity Action Coalition Chair and Dr. Scott Kahan, OAC's Co-chair of the YWM2017 Program Committee about why it's important to challenge the unfair and harmful bias the world too often shows those affected by obesity, Dr. Kahan shared this...
"Weight bias can be the most unfair, inappropriate, and destructive part of living with obesity. But worse still is the harm that comes from believing that bias. We stigmatize ourselves and start internalizing the bias. This adds insult to the direct physical injury of obesity. We must come together as a community to support each other and fight all that bias." 
Dr Scott Kahan Amber Huett-Garcia Michelle Vicari

There is no doubt my obesity affected my health but while we fight to regain our health it is awful that we are faced with weight bias and stigma in so many areas of society... in the media, education, employment and unconscionably in the place we should feel the most safe in health care settings. We all know the narrative that the world has created for us... we eat too much and move too little, we are lazy, weak-willed and have poor self-discipline... I won't go on... now not only does the science NOT support that but this is far, far, far from the truth of any one I have ever met affected by obesity.

Let's do an experiment...

When you are next in a store like Costco or Sam's do this: pick up a 150 pound bag of something... rice or beans or dog food and try and run... but now think about doing it when you are ill and keep that bag with you for many years, at work, at school, try and fit in this world with it's airplane seats and tray tables, student desks, hospital gowns, blood pressure cuffs and turnstiles... oh and on occasion as you are carrying that weight have someone call you names, or treat you differently, or pass you over for a promotion, or assume and make judgments, make disgusted faces or jokes or ask questions like "have you ever tried dieting and exercise?"

Wow, really?! That never crossed my mind *eye-roll*

Having to deal with bias and stigma like the situations I shared is the current sad reality for many affected by obesity. It's wrong and unfair and as you can imagine takes it's toll. I have hope and am determined that one day much like those with depression were once told "just get over it" that as we gain a better understanding of obesity and it's causes those affected will face less stigma, shame and blame. Till then we call it out when we see or experience it and find understanding and support in each other through groups like the Obesity Action Coalition and events like the Your Weight Matters National Convention.

Final thought... I'm sure you know many people who have "normal BMI's" that live extremely unhealthy lives. The size of a person's body does not tell the whole story. I have a friend who started her on her health journey at 400+ pounds. Her BMI is currently in the "clinically obese" range but not only has she lost 200 pounds, she works out daily, eats super healthy, has done extensive work on her emotional health, has stellar labs but society looking at a snapshot of her now might wrongly assume she is unhealthy just based on her size. They would be WRONG! In fact, the only thing you can tell for sure by using a person's size to make assumptions about them are your own biases. Check yourself ;)

Busting bias is one of the reasons I continue to share my story and during the Thursday Training Session I shared the reasons why I hope many more will. I know it's hard to put yourself out there but there is so much to gain for ourselves and others. I will not accept the story that someone else has written for me because my weight tells you nothing about me.

Here are 2 slides from my Thursday presentation...

Patient Stories Advocacy  Why Tell Your Story  #YWM2017
Patient Stories Advocacy  Why Tell Your Story  #YWM2017

The remainder of Friday was equally as awesome. We learned about the science behind diets and exercise. I would love those "just eat less, move more" folks to sit in on those presentations because... umm no... sorry, it's not that simple. We humans are unique snowflakes, every one of us is different and we respond differently to diets and exercise. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a one-size-fits-all solution but there isn't... it's truly about finding what works for you and... then once you do FYI since obesity is a chronic disease. Chronic: long lasting, recurring, difficult to eradicate. It will require chronic, assessing (is what I am doing working?) and adjustment (what more or different can I do?) Life happens and we adjust the sails.

After the main sessions, I was honored to share in one our Coffee/Lunch with the Experts sessions the tips that have worked for me over the years for Staying on Track in Social Situations. You don't get the awesome sharing and conversation that took place but here's my handout from the session.

Tips and Tricks for Staying on Track in Social Situations Health Weight

We rocked it out a few times throughout the day to get the blood pumping! Loved these 10 minute exercise breaks between sessions.

Afternoons are full of hard choices as 2 sessions are going on at the same time. A standout for me was the session on: Looking at Your Nutritional Needs after Bariatric Surgery. I can't stress to you how important taking your vitamins and keeping up with your labs are. That's the commitment we made when we chose our treatment. If you aren't doing it... again... adjust the sails.

Speaking of vitamins... I love the handouts Celebrate Vitamins were giving out in the Exhibit Hall along with sample packs. You get so much awesome swag. I always tell people to save room in their luggage on the way home.

YWM2017 Your Weight Matters

In the late afternoon, we had a great session (ticketed, with all $$ going to the Your Weight Matters Scholarship fund) with nationally-acclaimed motivational speaker, psychotherapist and Convention favorite, Merrill Littleberry (you've heard me share about her before) who gave us some great tools for picking ourselves up after life's inevitable hits.

Then it was party time... we put on our masks and feathers, danced, took photos, enjoyed our new and old friends. We had even had a New Orleans traditional "Second Line" parade. So much fun!!

Friday Night Fun

Friday Night Fun

and we revealed the location & dates of next year's event...

Official Storify Summary from Thursday and Friday with more pictures and videos.

My Day 3 and 4 Summary.

Off to #YWM2017 Your Weight Matters National Convention

I'm heading to New Orleans this week for the Your Weight Matters National Convention #YWM2017 this week. I am proud to be part of the Convention Planning Committee. I can't wait for everyone to experience the wonderful speakers and education in the agenda this year. I am super jazzed about the diversity of topics... nutrition, sleep, stress, regrouping after setbacks, saboteurs to your health... we even have a topic on the connections between our pets and human obesity, really cool science and studies and practical tips and tools you can use come Monday morning.

And my main reason for attending every year...  the wonderful community, reconnecting with friends and making lots of new ones! I've heard from a few of you reading that you are coming!! Yay! Can't wait to meet you all!

Thursday at the ENGAGE! Discover the Power of Your Voice Training I will be presenting: Why You Should Tell Your Story! and How Social Media Can Help Your Advocacy Efforts.

Friday: I will be taking part in the Event Welcome: The Power of Coming Together: The Harm of Accepting Weight Bias and then in the evening find me dancing at the Costume Party... look for flying feathers from my homemade costume which may or may not hold up, fingers crossed.

Saturday: I'll be presenting some of the awards at the OAC Reception and Awards Ceremony.

I'm also hosting two coffee talks: Tips and Tricks for Staying on Track in Social Situations on Friday and Logged-on: Online Resources to Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals on Saturday.

Sunday: I'll be helping with the AM Send-Off.

Other than those... I am attending sessions, checking out all the awesome exhibitors and making new friends. If you are close... come! There's 3-day and single day on-site registration, health professionals can earn up to 18 CE hours too if you need added justification ;) Oh and locals can get a FREE Pass for the Community Outreach Day Event on Saturday. Lots of free samples and swag in the exhibit hall. See the link for more info and if you have a pal in the area tell them to come by.

If you are not headed to #YWM2017 this year, please consider attending the event next year. Psst... the 2018 location will be announced Friday night at the costume party. Watch my twitter feed for the breaking news!

Education Advocacy Support Event Pins

It really is an event not to be missed. For me... it's a way to renew my commitment to my health. It energizes me and the inspiration and motivation carries me throughout the year. Well worth the price of admission! I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Catch a glimpse of all the fun on social media: I will be tweeting, snapping pics, maybe even taking a few videos from inside the action (and behind the scenes) so if you want to follow along be sure to follow my social media accounts:

Twitter (where I will be the most active)

The official hashtag is #YWM2017 and be sure to follow the Obesity Action Coalition's (convention hosts) tweets too.

In honor of my trip here are some favorite bariatric surgery-friendly, low carb, protein packed New Orleans inspired recipes:

Shelly's Award Winning Jazzy New Orleans Muffaletta Salad

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Surgery Healthy Recipes Fitness Weight

Shelly's Banana Fosters Protein Pudding Jars

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Surgery Healthy Recipes Fitness Weight

Shelly's Cheesy Crab Imperial

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Surgery Healthy Recipes Fitness Weight

Shelly's Muffaletta Soup

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Surgery Healthy Recipes Fitness Weight

Shelly's Pecan Praline Mini Protein Muffins

Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric Surgery Healthy Recipes Fitness Weight

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon... and if you are not joining us this year... make these recipes, follow the tweets and make plans to come next year! You will be glad you did!

Pecan Praline Mini Protein Muffins featuring Premier Protein

This post is sponsored by Premier Protein®. I'm excited to share this new recipe featuring Premier Protein 100% Whey Protein Powder with you.

Flying this week to New Orleans for the Your Weight Matters National Convention. It's not a long flight but I have a layover without switching planes so I'll need little something more protein packed and sturdier than a packet of peanuts. I plan on drinking a Premier Protein Shake on the shuttle to the airport so BOOM with 30 grams of protein in each shake right there I already have a great start to my day and then in my carry-on bag I'll have a couple of these delicious Pecan Praline Mini Protein Muffins.

What's in my carry-on bag?

Travel Healthy Snacks Weight Loss Journey

Folder with all my #YWM2017 handouts for my presentations
Ipad, cellphone and charger
My famous Coin Purse (starting to fade a bit over the years)
Chill Pill Essential Oil
Business Cards with all my social media contact info (saves time swapping info with new pals at the #YWM2017 convention)
Sugar Free Drink Sticks
Chocolate Strawberry Protein Granola
and a couple of these Pecan Praline Mini Protein Muffins

Pecan Pralines or "praw-leen" as the locals call them are a traditional confection full of sugar, butter, cream and pecans. In New Orleans, it used to be a tradition for young ladies to make pralines before going to a ball and then enjoy them with their beaux (escort) at their homes afterward. These protein packed muffins have the same nutty caramel flavors of those yummy Pecan Pralines without the sugar shock. I hope you give them a try.

Protein Powder Recipes Weight Loss Fitness Workout Bariatric Surgery

Shelly's Pecan Praline Mini Protein Muffins

1 Egg, beaten
3 Tablespoons Milk
2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Caramel Syrup (find in coffee aisle I used this)
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil
3 Tablespoons Multigrain Pancake Mix, dry
2 Tablespoons Almond Flour
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Butterscotch Pudding Mix, dry
1/4 cup Premier Protein Vanilla 100% Whey Protein Powder
Pinch salt
Chopped Pecans for top

Mix egg, milk, syrup and oil (applesauce or cottage cheese can sub for oil but 1 T divided between 12 muffins is really not a lot) and combine thoroughly. In a separate bowl, mix pancake mix, almond flour, pudding mix, Premier Protein Vanilla 100% Whey Protein Powder and salt.

Protein Powder Recipes Weight Loss Fitness Workout Bariatric Surgery

Tip dry into wet and stir till combined.

Protein Powder Recipes Weight Loss Fitness Workout Bariatric Surgery

Pour into a non stick mini muffin pan that has been sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Top each with a few chopped pecans.

Protein Powder Recipes Weight Loss Fitness Workout Bariatric Surgery

Bake at 350 for 13-14 minutes. Edges will be golden, tops dry (toothpick test: stick a toothpick into the center of your muffin. If there is wet batter still on the toothpick, it needs more time in the oven. If it comes out clean, your muffins are done! )

Protein Powder Recipes Weight Loss Fitness Workout Bariatric Surgery

It's important to eat protein when you are traveling, these muffins and the granola will keep me energized and full throughout my travel day and make me less likely to call up room service when I get to the hotel. Safe & healthy travels everyone!

Protein Powder Recipes Weight Loss Fitness Workout Bariatric Surgery

This post is sponsored by Premier Protein® #TheDayIsYours For the purposes of this post Premier Protein provided me with products used. Want to learn more about Premier Protein products LIKE their Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram and tell them The World According to Eggface told you to stop by. Hope to see you at #YWM2017