
Your Weight Matters YWM2017 Wrap-Up - Day 3 and 4

The Your Weight Matters National Convention is one of the highlights of my year. It helps me both with my personal health goals and my commitment to using my voice to help others affected by obesity. Please join us next year... July 19-22, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. You will be so glad you did!

If you missed my Day 1 and 2 Wrap-Up


We started the morning with Internationally-acclaimed and super cool Veterinarian, Dr. Ernie Ward who shared his latest research on pet obesity and the connection to human obesity. We know our environment plays a role in obesity and it often effects multiple members of a family including our fur babies. Some interesting connections to human obesity in the marketing of food, ease of access, misconceptions about what is "healthy" and even shaming and stigma. Dr. Ward has a great YouTube channel if you are pet lover I highly recommend you check it out.

Then Dr. Jason Ong talked to us about the current research in how sleep and obesity are related. As a person who barely sleeps (never was a great sleeper pre-op: Sleep Apnea/GERD post-op: 4 hours is a good night) I learned so much and have a lot of work to do in this area.

Sleep and Obesity Connections

after a little break to visit exhibits and the photo booth...

YWM2017  Joe Nadglowski Michelle Shelly Vicari

We were back with Dawn Jackson-Blatner, you may recognize her name from ABC's show "My Diet is Better than Yours" and her book, "The Superfood Swap." Her energy is amazing and she always brings awesome insights. I love these slides from her presentation. Are you one of these Mean Girls (or Guys)?

This is something I follow personally. What to do when LIFE HAPPENS... Step one: Forgive because LIFE HAPPENS. Step two: Be Curious.... Why? What happened? What can I do next time?

I've said this a million times on the blog... if you make a not-so-great-choice learn from it and put a plan in place so when faced with a similar situation there will be a better outcome. Regret, self-hate, shame and guilt are useless energy and science even tells us harmful to our health. Use the screw-up worksheet, learn from it and MOVE ON.

I love talking about online resources and I got to share some of my favorites today and a few new ones. I used my most recent Your Weight Matters magazine article contribution and blog post to start the conversation about all the ways technology can help us in our journey to better health. I also touched on something I shared in my Thursday session about the power of social media to share our story, advocate for issues we believe in. Did You Know? that as few as 30 tweets will get the attention of Congress about an issue. Our voices are powerful!

Presentations YWM2017

The afternoon again is full of decisions and being a food blogger I had to attend the big nutrition panel... with some of my favorite RD's. Happy to say they shared things I am doing... go me! but hearing that helps reinforce those ideas and I always love the practical tips and new resources they share.

I had a little time to answer some Wall of Insight questions (we changed out the questions several times during the day and the insights will be used in future programming) and spend time with new and old friends as I charged up my phone so I was ready for the evening event.

Mmmm Celebrate Vitamins Lemon Crunch Essential Protein 2 in 1 Bars are the bomb!

Oh get this fun thing... In the morning I tweeted about being the first in line for coffee at the hotel Starbucks and when I went up to my room to change I found this awesome gift from the hotel waiting (wasn't I just talking about the power of social media) so cool!

Saturday evening is our Award Ceremony, a chance to honor Obesity Action Coalition members who have helped in a major way throughout the year. The Nomination Committee keeps the winners close to the vest so I learned the winners as they were announced but looking back at the year they all have made such wonderful contributions to the OAC it's no wonder they were nominated. Some pictures from the evening...

Award Ceremony Annual Meeting Patient Event

I went out with a few pals and finally got some of my favorite Chargrilled Oysters (even if you hate oysters you have to try them this way) and stayed up waaaay too long (sorry Dr. Ong I should have been sleeping) in the lobby laughing and chatting. It wouldn't be New Orleans if there wasn't a funny drunk story. At one point in the evening I looked over and saw 2 wobbly, young men attempting to wheel/steal the life size fiberglass bull art installation in the lobby, they were approached by hotel security as they neared the elevator. I heard them ask the young men nicely to release the bull and sharing with them that it was $1500 to replace it if they broke it. They wisely set the bull down and the guards wheeled it back across the lobby. One of the young men stumbled over to our group and told us as if to warn us "that's an expensive cow" just in case we might have thought to try the same shenanigans ;) LOL Thanks. We asked security if that happens often and they laughed, shook their heads and said, "Never, that was a first!"

I finally got to bed at about 2 AM with my alarm set for 4:30 to pack my bags so I could check out right after our Sunday AM event. I am entirely too old to stay up this late.


Breakfast was a Premier Protein shake on ice (some people do mimosas I do protein shakes) while watching the sunrise for the last time in New Orleans (well at least on this trip, I love NOLA I'll be back.) I put on my official YWM2017 t-shirt and head down for our final event...

As a final send-off for attendees, the OAC hosted a special Sunday morning event: ENGAGE! Celebrating the OAC's Community. Amber and I shared our favorite memories, moments and lessons from the weekend and asked attendees to share theirs as well... lots of laughs and a few tears! We bonded one last time before leaving New Orleans. It was like the last morning of summer camp!! I wanted to see my Mum and kitties and sleep in my own bed but I wanted to put everyone in my carry-on bag and take them with me too!

Obesity Action Coalition YWM2017

YWM2017 Obesity Action Coalition

What an amazing weekend... and usually we have to wait a whole year before we get to see each other but since the date of #YWM2018 has moved up into July... we are T-minus 11 months till we are together in the real world again!! See you in Denver! Till then where to find me...

The World According to Eggface Blog

If you did not attend and want to keep up with the plans for next year's event be sure to sign up for Convention e-alerts and follow the Obesity Action Coalition on Facebook tell them Eggface sent you!

Official Storify Summary from Saturday and Sunday with more pictures and videos.