
Lunch: Protein On-the-Go Product Finds and Bento Box Ideas

I was chatting with a reader the other day about all the quick protein-on-the-go options that we've spotted lately. We disagreed on a few we liked or didn't care for but agreed, that it's nice to have more choices. Now some are definitely healthier (watch those sodium, nitrates/nitrites, portion sizes, etc.) and some are tastier than others so when in doubt snap a picture of the item and run it by your bariatric team or dietitian for their thumbs up.

These are some of the protein on-the-go product finds I've seen on my local supermarket (Albertson's, Winco) and big box store (Target, Walmart, Costco) shelves.

Convenience can have a price. One of the options above I enjoyed is around $3.50 and I can literally make a week's worth at home for the same price which is why I still prefer to make my own but you know... life happens... some weeks are busier than others and if tossing one of these in the lunch bag stops you from making a poor choice out of "hangry" desperation I'd say the cost was worth it.

Want to make your own protein packed portable snacks & lunches... the blog has tons of bento box ideas and I have a whole Pinterest page dedicated to my bentos lunch box creations. I hope they give you some inspiration and some new ideas...

FAQ's about my Bento Boxes
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