
National Get Outdoors Day Bento

I found out that yesterday was National Get Outdoors Day, that's great because I actually spent most of it outside. I started my day at the Farmer's Market getting supplies for the week. This week's haul: strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, onions, yellow squash, zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower (Mmmm I'm going to make Cauliflower Pie this week) and some chili lemon almonds. We have a local almond grower that makes these yummy flavored almonds, a few I can't have because he adds sugar but the chili lemon, applewood smoked, wasabi and simply roasted are favorites.

Nothing I bought needed refrigerating quick so I took a nice long walk around Old Town. It's the touristy area in my town where the market is held each week. The other day in Trader Joe's I overheard a woman talking about a great consignment shop and I went searching it out. I found it. I bought a pretty summery blouse (originally $75 for $10.99, Woot!) you'll see me wearing in Phoenix if you are joining me at the Your Weight Matters Convention. I did stand in the store for a few minutes coveting a little green purse but I was good. No $$ for frivolous.

Speaking of walking and money... If have some extra coins jingle jangling in your pocket or under your couch cushions I'll take 'em! I'm walking in the Walk from Obesity because I can! I once couldn't say that. Thank you to some of my rock star readers and pals who have already donated: Deann Burch, Doris Fiallo, Mike Hodges, Lea Crosetti, Kris Harvey, Laura Jones, Lois Lothrop, Janice Lambright, Jean Haller, Eva Weber, Jessica McKean xo. Can't be there I will walk for both of us. Click on the link to head over to my donation page. Every penny counts and any donation is happily accepted.

I came home grilled some of the zucchini, made a few antipasto skewers, filled my bento box and head outside again to eat my lunch. I sat on the patio, tried not to look at the lawn (aka dead weeds) that need cutting and enjoyed the beautiful day.

Pink Box (top left): Little Antipasto Skewers (Cherry Tomatoes from my 2 plants, Basil, Fresh Mozzarella, Turkey Cubes, Spanish Olive)
Green Box (top right): Grilled Zucchini (swipe of Olive Oil, sprinkle of Greek Seasoning and BBQ'd)
Blue Box (bottom left): Yellow Pepper Strips
Orange Box (bottom right): Pesto Yogurt Dip (Greek Yogurt and a little Pesto Sauce mixed in)

More bento box lunches

Want a bento lunchbox like the one above. Here's a link. I've also seen these and these recently and thought they were a cool alternatives. As always thanks for purchasing through the links on the blog which helps the blog continue doing it's thing.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and spending at least some of it outdoors.

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