
Bentos & Bimbos

Hit the Farmer's Market as usual this morning. Less than $15 later... Yellow, Red & Green Onions, Leeks, Garlic, Cauliflower, Apples, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries.

For more pics from my Farmer's Market and a link to how you can find a market in your area click here.

Stopped in Starbuck's for a Soy Latte. I grabbed a table and these two girls, 20-ish came in and sat down at the table next to mine. I was then treated to their ummm conversation...

Girl 1: I'm like loving this egg white sandwich. It's like so good. Joe told me about them and I was like I don't know if I'm gonna like it but I like totally did.

Girl 2: I really like Joe. He seems nice.

Girl 1: Yeah, he is nice but I can't marry him because he's gonna be like the ugliest old guy. His Dad is like totally bald.

I fear for the future of America.

I dropped my market goodies home and packed up my super cool bento box and walked to the park to have lunch...

Blue Box (top left): Turkey, Swiss Cheese and Shelly's Pesto Yogurt Dipping Sauce in the Little Blue Box
Orange Box (top right): Apricot & Walnut Cream Cheese stuffed Celery
Pink Box (bottom left): Shelly's Mini Berry Protein Donuts
Green Box (bottom right): Pickles

Shelly's Apricot & Walnut Cream Cheese

1/4 cup Cream Cheese
a few Walnuts
2-3 Dried Apricots
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Apricot Jam (I used Smucker's Simply Fruit)

Spoon 1/4 cup of cream cheese in a mini food processor. Toss a few walnuts, dried apricots and a Tablespoon of SF Jam. Whiz till combined. Fill celery or dip carrots or cucumber slices. Also great smeared on apple slices. Keeps in the fridge several days.

I got home, made a batch of Protein Ice Cream, did a little cleaning, got sucked into a Deadliest Catch marathon (love that show, RIP Captain Phil), gonna BBQ in a bit.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I had something cool happen to me this week but I can't talk about it till Monday. I want to spew but must wait. It's not a marriage proposal from a rich hot guy or a lottery win but its still pretty cool.