
Friday Five

A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, ideas, news articles, random cool things from the weight, health, nutrition, food, fitness, weight loss surgery world...

1. You can still take part in the fun of the Your Weight Matters National Convention brought to you by the Obesity Action Coalition #YWM2014 During the 2014 Your Weight Matters National Convention being held next week, attendees (and those that want to take part but couldn't make the event) will be marching to Washington, DC – virtually and symbolically. The Virtual Advocacy March takes place throughout the weekend. All you need to do to join the OAC’s Virtual Advocacy March to Washington, DC is track your steps beginning Thursday, September 25 – Sunday, September 28 using any tracking device (if you need one Steps is a great App and it's free) At the end of each day, text the number of steps you took to (813) 708-5728. We will announce our progress via social media every day.

I will be live tweeting throughout the event. So you'll get snapshots (literally) of what an OAC event is all about... the awesome, science-based education, world renowned speakers, supportive friendships and lots of fun!

Follow the official event hashtag #YWM2014
Follow me on Twitter: @Eggface
Follow the OAC on Twitter: @ObesityAction

Friday night during the dress like your favorite decade costume party: watch for the announcement of the date and location of next year's convention.

2. There is nothing like attending a Your Weight Matters Convention but if you'd like a little taste of what the attendees will be hearing and hopefully encourage you to make plans to attend next year. 2 of the speaker sessions will be livestreamed on the OAC's YouTube Channel Merrill Littleberry is awesome, her presentation in Dallas was a life changer for me and I am super interested in Dr. Levine's NEAT research. I heard him on a radio interview once and I was sucked in. Tune in...

If you are joining me at the event. I will be speaking on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Thursday: Advocacy for Beginners Training
Friday: Welcome Ceremony and Lunch Session: Linking with Others Finding your Support System & Tools Online
Saturday Lunch Session: In it for the Long Haul: Tips for Success in Your Bariatric Surgery Journey

Also if you are an early riser come join me and my pal Rob Portinga (who blogs about weight loss surgery from a male perspective) on the morning organized walks, Friday and Saturday morning, we'll be gathering at the Pool Terrace and starting to walk at 7:00 AM.

3. A few articles that crossed my radar this week that are worth a read...

How Overeating Starts: Body Fat And Unhealthy Eating Habits Change The Brain
Who Can Really Afford to Eat Healthy in the U.S.?
Link Between Poverty and Obesity is More Evident in Women
U.S. diet shows modest improvement but overall remains poor
Don't Feed High-Dose Saccharin to Your Mice
Social Networking Sites Can Help People Affected by Obesity Lose Weight: Study

4. Celebrate Vitamins just released a new flavor in their protein/meal replacement line: Cinnamon Roll, 27 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber, 3 grams sugar, 160 calories per serving, I scored a couple of packets, so the other night when it was too hot to sleep I did a couple of taste tests.

I first mixed it per packet directions with water, just shook it up in my blender bottle shaker. It mixes great, no lumps, very good but then I tested a combo of 1/2 water and 1/2 vanilla soy milk. Mmm the vanilla soy milk added a wonderful creaminess, a few extra calories but my recommended way for sure. If you love cinnamon this is a must try. I may have to try baking with this one. I could totally see making my homemade Protein Squares with it. This sweet, rich Cinnamon Roll flavor joins the other Celebrate meal replacement flavors: Vanilla Bean, Deep Chocolate, and savory flavors: Tomato Soup and Chicken Soup. Available in tubs and single serve packets. If you are traveling drop a packet and one of those yummy new Celebrate ENS 2 in 1 Bars in your carry-on and you will be ready for anything!

5. I wanted to share this resource. It had been so hot here (100-106°F for a couple of weeks straight) I wasn't able to do my regular walking. I hit the mall and walked that and tried to go very early a few mornings but this free resource saved me: Fitness Blender. A couple of these 10 minute videos was a fun way to get my exercise in and stay out of the dangerous heat. This one is a favorite of mine... well until about minute 7.

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