
Friday Five

A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, ideas, news articles, random cool things...

1. Looking for some weight loss surgery friendly St. Patrick's Day good eats? Here are a few of my favorites...

Shelly's Corned Beef & Cabbage Bites

Shelly's Shamrock Shake

Shelly's Pot o' Gold

Shelly's Irish Tortilla Pizza

Shelly's Rainbow Fruit Salad

For the recipes above and even more St. Patty's Day noms click here.

2. You know that makeover contest that Progresso Soup does each year. Well we have a fellow WLS-er in the running. Let's help Cassie E. win! You can vote once a day through March 25th. Oh and when you vote you get a chance to win soup for a year too so... win-win :) I would LOVE to see Cassie get the same VIP treatment I received when I was one of the grand prize winners of the first Souper You® Contest. This year they are headed to Los Angeles and get to go to the finale of "The Biggest Loser."

Video of my makeover day in NYC.
The Trip Details
Progresso Souper You Photos

I am forever grateful for my friends and family that voted and helped to give my Mum (my VIP) and I that AWESOME memory. Good Luck Cassie! I'll be voting.

3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:

Gain Together, Lose Together: The Weight-Loss 'Halo' Effect
Weight Loss: The Biggest Reinvention Of Them All - the article quotes some harsh regain stats.
Gastric Bypass Saved My Life - mine too ;)
Fat-Bashing: An Acceptable Prejudice?

and KUDOS to California for creating a positive and helpful childhood obesity campaign without relying on shaming and stigmatizing. (Georgia, you might want to take notes.)

4. Reminder: Still time to register for the FREE Obesity & Addiction Webinar, #2 in the 14-part webinar series being held on Mar 29, 2012 8 PM Eastern/5 PM Pacific. If you missed #1 (Intro to the series) click the link and scroll down to archived events.

5. Sunday is the last day to enter the Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway ♧ Click here to add your name in the hat for a chance to win this awesome prize pack...

I am LUCKY to have you guys in my life ♧ Thanks for being on the other end of my ramblings.

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