
Cheater Crème Anglaise

Shhh! Here's my secret to a fancy pants weight loss surgery friendly dessert in less than 5 minutes...

Shelly's Fruit Parfaits with Crème Anglaise (Vanilla Bean Sauce)

Fresh Strawberries, sliced
Fresh Blueberries
Banana, sliced
1 Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding Cup
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Vanilla Bean or French Vanilla Torani Syrup
contents of a 1/2 Vanilla Bean Pod, scraped

Place fruit into parfait dishes or stem glasses. Split and scrape the seeds from a half of a vanilla bean pod. You want the black smooshy stuff inside the pod.

Mix seeds, pudding cup and SF syrup in a small bowl till well combined. Spoon a dollop of pudding mixture over the top of the fruit. Makes sauce enough for 2 desserts.

If you want to make this a protein snack or breakfast versus a dessert use Fage Greek Yogurt instead of the pudding and top it with Kay's Protein Cereal or sliced almonds.

Highlights of the Day:

* Yesterday was fun. The work was even fun. Although I am country music'd out. Gail loves her twang. The weather didn't really cooperate for an outdoor beach picnic but I got a great parking spot with an ocean view and ate my bean salad and turkey roll-ups watching the waves crash. Perfect.

* These were fun reads thought I'd share...

This chart was hilarious (but if you get easily offended pass on it.) How many calories are burned while having sex. Very detailed and seriously gave me some new ideas... now I just need to find a person to "workout" with ;)

The other article was The 20 Worst Foods in America. As a pre-op I remember eating of few of these. Soooo scary. Thankfully I can't imagine touching one of them now.

* Cleaning out the junk drawer I scored. I found an unused $25 Barnes & Noble gift certificate from last year. So I'm gonna go treat myself to something. Then the lab is open. I'm experimenting with a Chinese dish to celebrate Chinese New Year (the Year of the Ox) Gung Hay Fat Choy! by the way. So if it's blogworthy I'll post it later for ya. If not, I won't. LOL.

Listening to: "Hangin' Around" Counting Crows