
What's in my fridge?

You can tell a lot about a woman by what she carries in her purse. Is she ready for anything like MacGyver? Is she one giant jumbled mess of fuzzy candy and receipts from 2004? Is she a minimalist carrying only the bare essentials?

I believe the same holds true for your refrigerator.

The other day I posted this web site. People from all over the world send in pictures of the inside of their refrigerators. It's bizarrely fascinating...

Half eaten boxes of KFC and pizza boxes or tons of fresh veggies and fruit?
Is it packed to the gills or practically empty?
Which brands do they prefer?
Who needs 6 jars of mustard? and why?

I figured it would be a little too voyeuristic if I didn't share mine. The old "you show me yours. I'll show you mine" idea. So here's my fridge...

I have my Before (Size 28) and After picture on the side of the fridge as a reminder. It helps me to not snack (most days.) I first did this when I got to Size 18 and made a new one last month at size 6.

A few of my obsessions are pictured: Sweet Leaf Diet Original Ice Tea, Sugar Free Land o Lakes Whipped Cream, Justin's Almond Butter, Fage 2% Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese & Pineapple, Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Tortillas, Trader Joe's Bruschetta Sauce...

Strangest item: I have a giant jar of maraschino cherries (despite my traumatic 10th birthday experience)

Item I've had the longest: An unopened can of coconut juice I've been meaning to try. Does this expire?

Latest addition: I just bought the summer squash, zucchini and peaches today at the Farmer's Market.

Hi, my name is Eggface and I'm a cheese-o-holic. At any given time I have 10+ types of cheese in my fridge.

The current list: Asiago Pressato (current favorite), Myzithra, Parmesan Reggiano (the good stuff), Parmesan (the cheaper stuff for cooking), Smoked Mozzarella, Regular Mozzarella, Mascarpone, Cotija, Gouda, Edam, Pecorino Romano, Provolone, Tomato Basil Feta, Swirly Cheese Sticks, Cream Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Ricotta and a few bags of Shredded Stuff for cooking, oh and some Kraft American Singles for my kitty Rose (her favorite). I might have missed a few. It's a bizarre addiction.

This must say something about me...

I OCD on cheese.

I'm afraid there may be a cheese shortage and I'm making sure I have my supply.

I was sad as a child when hearing the lyrics "the cheese stands alone" in the "Farmer in the Dell" and vowed never to have MY cheese stand alone ;)

Who knows?

Well that's it. This concludes the Eggface Summer Fridge Tour.

I didn't do the freezer that's just too crowded and unorganized and full of Protein Ice Cream.