

I was planning on staying in Mexico till Monday but the pain is not nearly as bad as last round - Lower Body Lift, Breast Lift & Augmentation and Brachioplasty all at once. I need to overnight it in a month for stitch removal and check-up so I figured I'd save a few bucks (2 days hotel = a little over $175 even with the medical rate my Dr. scores us.) I'm purple and swollen (I'm a big time sweller) but I can be purple and swollen at home too.

I crossed the border at 5 AM this morning (to avoid lines like these), caught the 7:05 train and was buying strawberries at my Farmer's Market by 8:45 AM. Sure beats my last post plastics trip.

I can't be without my fresh fruit and supermarket fruit just doesn't cut it ;) I hit my three favorite stalls bought some of those awesome strawberries, blueberries, red and yellow onions, leeks, and some baked goods for my Mum and then stopped off at the store to pick up a few essentials. My final stop was Starbuck's for a Soy Latte to wash down my happy pill which by then I was sooooo needing.

I'm hurting right now but yeah not anywhere like last round so I'm going to be thankful and suck it up. Thank you again to everyone for the good thoughts and prayers. I felt them and appreciate it more than I can say.

If you are considering plastic surgery out of the country or are interested in CosMed Clinic (where I go) feel free to shoot me an email or comment. I'd be happy to answer any questions I can.