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Is it sacrilegious to post Tortilla Pizza Porn on a Sunday?

Dear God,

It's not "real porn" it's just "food porn" ;)

Love, Eggface

Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Fajita Size Tortilla topped with Marinara sauce, Provolone, Ricotta, Pepperoni, Italian Seasoning and a liberal snowfall of Parmesan.

Little bit o' trivia: Pepperoni is America's favorite topping (on 36% of all pizza orders)

Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Fajita Size Tortilla topped with Pesto Sauce, Cooked Chicken, Provolone, Italian Seasoning, and a liberal snowfall of Parmesan.

This is a great use for leftover Roast Chicken.

The 411 on Tortilla Pizzas: How I make them (time & temp)

Two other lower carb ways to get your post weight loss surgery pizza fix:

Shelly's Pizza Bites
Shelly's Baked Ricotta (pureed phase friendly)

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