
Sharing Obesity Action Coalition Resources

Last weekend I had the pleasure of representing the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) at the Loma Linda University Hospital Health Fair in Murrieta, California (slightly north of me) It was a great event. Huge. Lots of great health information, tons of free preventive health screenings, a mini farmer's market, lots of fun family activities all free... rock wall, petting zoo, the cars from Back to the Future, Batman, Jurassic Park, Knight Rider, a pretty great band I was enjoying. Loads of freebies, my Mum came with and she walked around while I was doing my thing at the OAC booth and everyone was handing her fun swag. So if you are local be sure to check it out next year.

I met a lot of great folks and shared some of the free educational resources the OAC publishes and chatted about our efforts on weight bias and access to care issues. Hopefully a few new OAC members are joining from this area. Almost all the materials I brought were distributed!

If you are interested in becoming an OAC member it's only $10 till the end of the year (for a full year membership) instead of the regular $20... since it's our 10 year anniversary.

Here's my booth set-up...

The wind can kick up in the valley in the afternoon and I was glad I decided to bring a bunch of pumpkins to act as festive paperweights or I would have been running after flying brochures. It worked out well and looked pretty too. They are back in place now as my dining room table centerpiece. I am trying to get into the Fall spirit despite it being high 90's most of the week. It's supposed to cool down this weekend and I am looking forward to making those casseroles and soups I've been wanting to make. I have a whole Pinterest page of Fall yummy recipes and Halloween treats to make. Come on sweater weather!

Oh and those of you in the LA, IE, OC, SD area. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 7th. The OAC is having a FREE Your Weight Matters Local 1/2 Day Event in Los Angeles during Obesity Week. Hope to see some of my local pals.

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