
Friday Five

A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, ideas, news articles, random cool things...

1. I stumbled on a one eyed version of these on a crafty blog the other day and you know I had to adapt them to make eggfaces. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper. Melt sugar free white chocolate in the microwave. Place a blob of white chocolate (the egg white) about the size of a quarter onto the wax paper. Place two yellow, sugar free chocolate covered peanuts into the blob (the egg yolks), add a half of a pecan (bacon.)

Place your eggfaces in the fridge to set about 20 minutes. Pop off wax paper. Nom. Store in airtight container. Look it's a family reunion...

2. Looking for a quick holiday gift idea? An Amazon Gift Cardpurchased through this "gift card" link scores a cool gift for your loved one and helps this blog continue doin' it's thang (a small % of commission) FYI Gift Cards are redeemable store-wide, they never expire and you can chose to send gift cards by e-mail, Facebook, print-at-home, or regular old mail with free one-day shipping. I love gift cards 'cause after all the dust of the holidays settle you can go shopping for that thing you hinted for but no one got you ;)

3. Some articles I read this week that were worth checking out:

Does skinny equal successful?
Obesity: Decision Or Disease? Billboards
Former Biggest Loser Contestant has Weight Loss Surgery
Fighting Obesity. Education, not state intervention, is the only solution
Taking obese child from mom is wrong
OAC's Statement on the Impact of Obesity as a Factor in Child Neglect

4. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... I cleaned and have pulled a few things out of the garage and closet so now it looks like a bit like a bomb went off but I managed to decorate the mantle.

My Mum made me a beautiful knitted tree garland. I loved the leaves and turkey so much. I told her she should open an Etsy store. She wasn't feeling it... but I mean come on are these bunnies not the cutest thing ever?!

5. Stop by Sunday when another AWESOME Eggface Giveaway begins!!! What will it be?! Hint: You use them everyday (or should.) Oh and be sure to add your name to the hat for the current giveaway! (ends Sunday)

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