
My Bento Box Rocks - Bento Box Lunch Ideas

A new school year is starting for whippersnappers and it always makes me nostalgic. Who doesn't remember their first day of school? I remember hardly sleeping the night before in anticipation. I'd stare at all my newly sharpened pencils and new notebooks, I'd have my new outfit all laid out and I always had a new super cool lunch box to start the year.

Center Moriches Elementary School, Long Island New York

I think that's why I love my bento box so much... makes me feel like a kid again but without the math homework or ummm detention ;)

Here are some of my favorite bentos hope it gives you a few new ideas...

FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions about the Bento's:

Q: Do you eat it all?, Can I eat _____? A: Do you eat it all? Sometimes. Sometimes it's a meal & a snack if I'm going to be out for awhile. Sometimes it's shared. I usually bring extra protein muffins to give to someone when they say "what's that?" Also I stop when I feel almost full (when I recognize my soft cue: that post gastric bypass little message your body tells you when you have had enough - for some it's a sneeze, a runny nose, hiccup, sigh, yawn. If you recognize yours quickly you can avoid overeating and potentially losing what you just ate by not taking "just one more bite.") so I often bring a little home. Portion size should be determined by your medical posse. A: Can I eat _____? My blog is filled with oodles of weight loss surgery friendly food ideas and recipes that are OK on MY PLAN. I am honored my recipes and ideas are used by bariatric programs, nutritionists and dietitians all over the country (and a few overseas too), my blog is often referred by bariatric programs as a great post-op resource but my standard disclaimer is: "when in doubt, print it out" and ask your Dr before you try something you are unsure of.

Q: Where did you get your bento? A: Here's an online source:

(FYI: the blog scores a few cents for those purchased through the link/helps pay the domain bill.) I have several different boxes and inserts of different sizes too. They have bags. Fun stuff. Check them out.

Q: Do they leak, can you microwave them, how do you keep things cold? A: I've never had it happen but I don't put anything toooo saucy or soup in them. I have a thermos I use for soup. So far so good though. I have microwaved in them. I try not to because you know how things get distorted after you nuke them too much I don't want to risk it. I use these or these to keep things cold or place the whole box in the fridge.

Q: What are the benefits to putting food in a bento box? A: For me, it's a way to visually see my meal is balanced (high protein, low carb.) It's great for portion-control (just don't fill the box full of chocolate LOL.)

Bentos BentoBox Laptop Lunchbox Low Carb Weight Loss Surgery Friendly No Sugar Added Sugar Free

Q: Do you have a link to all the bentos you have made? A: Well not all yet but close... Here's my Pinterest Bento Page. Also if you click on the pictures in the slideshow above most of them are labeled with post links. Also a work in progress.