
Ultimate Milk & Cookies

For those of you that are unable to find my beloved Max Protein the makers of Max SEI also make a brand called: Ultimate Protein which may be available in your local Max Muscle and/or Nutrishop. Just be sure to ask for SEI's Ultimate Protein. No monkey ass posers. If it's not SEI, run, run very far.

Here's my healthier version of "milk & cookies" a kick butt breakfast on-the-go full of protein and complex carbs to keep you powered all morning.

Shelly's Chocolate Covered Cherry Protein Shake

8 oz. Vanilla Soy Milk (or Milk/Water Combo)
1 scoop of Ultimate Chocolate Protein Powder
1/4 cup Cottage Cheese (I use storebought pineapple cottage cheese, small curd)
1/4 cup Frozen Cherries
1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Vanilla Torani Syrup
a couple of Ice Cubes
Optional topping: SF Land o Lakes Whipped Cream

Whiz in blender till smooth. Top with Sugar Free Land o Lakes Whipped Cream and a Drizzle of SF Chocolate Sauce, optional.

Other Eggface favorite protein shakes & smoothies

Shelly's Chocolate Mint Protein Cookie

1/2 cup Graham Flour (health food store, bulk bins, Whole Foods type stores or online)
1/2 cup Ultimate Chocolate Chip Mint Protein Powder
1/2 cup Oatmeal, dry
1/4 cup Sliced Almonds
1/4 cup Sugar Free Chocolate, chunked
1/4 cup Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil

Mix all ingredients together till combined. Scoop (a mini ice cream scoop works great for this) onto a baking sheet that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. Flatten each cookie scoop to ensure even cooking.

Bake at 350 for 11 minutes. Remove to wire cooling rack. Makes 12 cookies.

Almost a week into the New Year. How's 2010 treating you so far? Did you make any resolutions? Before weight loss surgery it seemed like I always made the same New Year's resolution to lose weight. It lasted about a month or two. I'd lose a few pounds, hit a stall, get depressed, and sometime in March I'd say "screw it" with a big bowl (or three) of pasta or a bag of Pepperidge Farm Sausalito cookies.

I should have just made the resolution to treat myself with the same kindness, care and love that I would any of the dearest people in my life. Instead all those years I was my own worst enemy.

Well... I'm working on it.

Making healthier food choices and moving my body everyday are a few steps I'm making to that end.

I'm no saint. If a poor food choice is made, I recognize it and try to figure out a way I can set myself up for success next time (bringing a healthy snack, finding a yummy healthy alternative for what I'm craving, etc.)

This is a lifetime war against obesity. Like any war you head into each battle hoping to win. Sometimes you do and sometimes the enemy gets the upper hand.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ~Winston S. Churchill

So I regroup, strategize and come back fighting the next day. No more guilt, beating myself up, one poor choice does not have to become a bad day, month, year, years.

I also try to include some sort of movement in my day. I started small. Parking across the lot from the store. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Walking a couple of blocks walk each night. Dancing 20 minutes each night. Hiking a few times a month. Find something you love to do. Build on it. If a day or two or three gets skipped for whatever reason. Don't beat yourself up or try and play catch-up. Just start moving again.

Most importantly I try and remember that with the sunrise of every new day (heck every minute) I have choices. I choose to be my own best friend. I resolve to love myself.