
Lights Out

We had a 3 hour power outage last night. It ruined a batch of Protein Ice Cream but it taught me some lessons.

Lessons learned during the power outage...

* Every flashlight I own sucks or was out of batteries.
* Burning six different scented candles (jasmine, lavender, sugar cookie, apple cinnamon, pumpkin pie and ocean breeze) at the same time makes you want to hurl.
* I could never be Amish.

Thankfully the lights went back on 7 minutes before Grey's Anatomy started because that would NOT have been pretty ;)

Here's last night's no-cook (or pre-cooked) mixed up super cool bento box dinner I took to the park to eat because the park had light.

Blue Box (top left): Mixed Green Salad w/ Grilled Chicken and Unsweetened Dried Cranberries
Orange Box (top right): Glenny's Soy Crisps
Pink Box and Mini Blue Box (bottom left): Celery with Almond Butter, Sweet Onion Dressing for salad
Green Box (bottom right): Pineapple Cottage Cheese (storebought Fresh & Easy brand)
Along side: Sugar Free Reese's Peanut Butter Cups