
Purse Snacks

Planning is key to not making poor choices when out and about. When I am away from home I always pack a few yummy post weight loss surgery friendly snacks so that when I'm hungry I don't grab for crap.

Here are some of my no refrigeration necessary go-to's:

* Just the Cheese Crunchy Cheese

My favorite flavor is the White Cheddar (Mini Rounds), the Jalapeno and Wisconsin Cheddar are yummy too. This is my salty chip fix. You can make them yourself at home with a silpat, pile of parmesan, oven. Ummm ok yeah?! even I don't mess like that.

* Oh Yeah Protein Wafers

My favorite flavor is the Vanilla Peanut Butter Creme (think Little Debbie Nutty Bars). Chocolate Mint is tasty too.

* Almonds

All Almonds but especially a few Blue Diamond Vanilla Bean Almonds. 12 Vanilla Bean Almonds is a 1/2 oz. and believe me 12 is all the chewing a person can handle in a sitting. (1/2 oz. = 80 cals). I've found them at Target, Albertson's and Vons. Choose raw almonds and you are doing even better.

* Peanuts

Two favorite Lime & Salt (Sabritas brand hard to find) and my latest favorite Pesto Parmesan and Sun Dried Tomato Ranch. Here's what I do with them.

* Beef Jerky

I'm not a huge Beef Jerky fan but I really like this one. The A1 Steak Sauce flavor is yummy. I've found it at Walmart and Target.

* Luna Bars

These are my sweet cookie replacements. The Strawberry & Creme, Lemon Zest, Iced Oatmeal Raisin, and Chocolate Peppermint Stick (this is a Girl Scout Thin Mint) are my favorites. Generally, I eat 1/2 a bar at a sitting. Trader Joe's sells them for 99 cents each (best price I've found) but they don't always have every flavor.

* Apple with a pouch of Almond Butter

Can't beat this one. If you can't do apple skins be sure to throw a pen knife in your purse and don't try and go through any metal detectors. My favorite are Galas or Pink Ladies smeared with a single serve packet of Justin's Maple Almond Butter. If you like regular peanut butter those little Jif to Go's are great.

* Soy Crisps

All time favorite are Trader Joe's Olive Oil Garlic Feta ones but a new favorite are the Newman's Own Organics Cinnamon Sugar flavor.

* Kay's Naturals Better Balance Honey Almond Protein Cereal

This stuff is great. Sweet and nutty, super crunchy. It looks sort of like Honey Nut Cheerios but tastes soooo much better. Don't be frightened off by the Protein Cereal name... you don't taste protein at all.

Well those are mine. I'll add to the list as I think of more.

Feel free to comment and leave your no refrigeration needed favorites.

Here's some other protein snack ideas (refrigeration required)