
Friday Five

A weekly round-up of tidbits, tips, products, ideas, news articles, random cool things from the weight, health, nutrition, food, fitness, weight loss surgery world...

1. New Product Alert! Celebrate Vitamins who makes some of my favorite bariatric vitamins is launching a protein powder line: Protein 20. It's 100% whey protein isolate, low in sugar, 20 grams of protein plus whatever milk you use mix it with, so perfect for post weight loss surgery patients and listen to these flavors: Caramel Vanilla Swirl, Peanut Butter Cookie, Cookies and Cream, Chocolate Mint, Iced Decaf Coffee, and Unflavored. I was able to taste test a few this week. They rock! I am obsessing on the Chocolate Mint. You know those little rectangle shaped Andes Chocolate Mints with the mint-green layer sandwiched between chocolate layers... liquefy those and you have Celebrate's Protein 20 Chocolate Mint. Seriously. Ahhh-mazing.

I know many of you have been looking for a Decaf Whey Protein Iced Coffee... the wait is over. You are going to love this protein. All of them are delicious and will be AVAILABLE VERY SOON. Celebrate will announce, I'll announce. Head over to Celebrate Vitamins Facebook Page and tell them Eggface told you to ask about the new Protein 20. What flavors are you most excited about?

Oh and as soon Protein 20 is released to the public I'll be giving some away so watch for that.

2. If you are headed to the Your Weight Matters National Convention #YWM2015 next month Celebrate Vitamins who always supports our community will be there and I'll bet they'll be sharing some samples of the new Protein 20 along with their other new products including a new Multi-Complete with iron in mango-peach flavor. For those attending... FYI leave room in your bag for all the swag you bring home because besides Celebrate Vitamins, Chike Nutrition, Premier Protein, Livliga, BiPro, Building Block Vitamins, BariLife, Bariatric Pal, and tons more are in the exhibit hall and they hook us up BIG TIME.

There's still time to join us, for more than 50 educational topics about health, weight, wellness, nutrition, science based information about available treatment options for weight loss, and so much more. Check out the Your Weight Matters National Convention website for more info and to register. Here's the 411 Guide to the Event and my Obesity Action Blog about #YWM2015 Hope to see you there!

3. A few articles that crossed my radar this week that are worth a read...

Weight-Based Bullying Is The Most Common Form of Bullying in Youth
Health is not a game! Great video interview with a former Biggest Loser contestant
Sleeping off the Pounds
A Cookbook for Obesity Care

and... I was honored and thankful for the opportunity to offer some patient perspective this week at the California Technology Assessment Forum CTAF Public Meeting in Los Angeles looking at current approaches to managing obesity. Here's the 100+ page report the committee used along with the expert panel testimony in voting. Some great data and info about weight loss surgery, current weight loss medications and new emerging technology.

Bottomline: we need more insurance covered options because we are not one treatment fits all, those options need to be a choice between us and our Dr., and pre-op AND POST-OP care & support needs to be a part of any program (continued emotional support, nutritional support, etc.) and maybe we'll change this: Study: Most People Affected by Obesity Will Never Reach Normal Weight

4. It's going to be super hot this week. If you are like me and hate heating up the kitchen here's some links that I hope will help...

Eggface Healthy Salads and Cold Eats Pinterest Page
Eggface Bento Box Lunch Pinterest Page

5. Always be on the lookout for Pop-Up Giveaways. They are sort of mini versions of my blog giveaways and can happen at anytime. Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook because you never know when one will begin.